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ELEMENTS OF SUCCESS OF THE HALAL FOOD BUSINESS Dr. Ahmad Al-Absy Halal Transactions Omaha, Nebraska, USA
INTRODUCTION 悋惆悋   悋惡惠愃 悋 悋惠悋 悋 悋惆悋惘 悋悋悽惘 悋 惠愕 惶惡   and seek with what God has bestowed upon you the here after,  but do not forget your share of this life  惺  惺悋 惠   when one of you performs a work, he/she should perfect it   惘悋惺  愕悗 惺 惘惺惠  All of you are guardians and each one of you is responsible  for what he guards  悋悋悽悵 惡悋悋愕惡悋惡 the importance of using the right means for success,
Elements of Success: Acceptable Species 忰惘惠 惺 悋惠悸  悋惆  忰 悋悽慍惘  Forbidden on you the dead carrion, flowing blood, and the flesh of swine Halal : must be derived from acceptable species of animals, plants and chemicals that are approved by Muslim scholars.  Haram  (or un-acceptable elements include):  filth and impurity such as pigs, spilt blood and dead carrion;  poisonous species such as snakes;  and intoxicants such as alcohol and narcotics.
2. Lawful Acquisition  悖忰 悋 悋惡惺  忰惘 悋惘惡悋  God has made trade permissible, but forbidden usury The funds and financing used to run the business:  purchasing, raising of animals, equipments, resources  and paying for labor should be obtained and financed through Halal No interest  Riba  should be involved in the Halal business.   Money does not give birth to money but work does.  Money invested in business should not come from sources  such as gambling, etc.  Bribery, fraud, embezzlement and other unlawful means are Haram
3. Accounts Receivable 悋惺 惠    Tie your camel and have faith Processors should make sure that they will get paid for the  products they sell.  Checking  the credit legibility of the buyers are key issues in  collecting the prices of goods.  Many small businesses close their doors and go bankrupt  because of their inability to collect from customers.  Risk management approach within the company.  Some customers may avoid paying the processors for the  products they purchase, which counteracts their  purpose of consuming Halal goods.
Out of Business
4. Accounts Payable 悛惠 悋悋悴惘 悖悴惘 惡 悋 悴 惺惘  pay the laborer their wages before their sweat dries up. The owner  of the business should be fair to the laborers and pay their wages on time.  The owner should pay his/her dept, otherwise they will be using Haram money.  Should not try to circumvent or cheat others, and should adhere to any signed agreement with others.
5.  Market Access 悋愀惡悋 悋惘慍 惺惆 惠慍悋忰 悋悋惆悋  seek your trade or sustenance at places with most crowded legs (most customers). Knowledge of conducting business and seeking the right market (where Muslim consumers have a demand for the products), are essential to the survivor and competitiveness of the business.  This will include big cities which have major Muslim populations.  Reaching the market with proper means of transportation and distribution of goods are crucial in getting the products to the stores or homes of the consumers.  Allying the business with a major distribution firms may solve the problem of reaching a fragmented market.
6.  Fair Trade Practices 悋 惠愕悧悋 悋 惠惠惡 惶愃惘悋 悖 惡惘悋 悋 悋悴  Do not disdain to reduce your contract in writing, for future period, whether it be small or big   惘忰 悋悋愕  惘忰  Whoever does not have mercy on people  God will not have mercy on him.
The prices of Halal food should not be inflated just because the food is Halal.  The processor has the right to make reasonable profit without taking advantage of the customers needs. Muslims customers should not be punished because they strive to consume Halal food.  Merchants should not hold merchandises in time of scarcity and wait for prices to go up to sell it to make outrageous profits. The authorities have a rule to play in securing the sources of goods for Muslim consumption (food security). Authorities should ensure fair market access to all people through fair competition and lawful means.  Traders and certifiers of Halal products should not try to cheat Muslim consumers on the Halal issue.
In The Freezer
7. Quality Assurance 悖悋 悋 悋慍悋 惡悋愕愀  Give just measure and weight, Dont withhold from the people the things that are their due  愃愆 愕 悋  Who ever cheats (any one) he does not belong to us (Muslims)
Packaging and Labeling
Processing of meat should be done in clean and sanitized areas following strict hygiene and safety standards. There should be assurance that the meat produced is clean and not contaminated with filth, impurities, toxic or poisonous ingredients.  Recalls and law suits could arise if contaminated food cause illness to the consumers.  The quantities and qualities of the delivered goods should be as stated in the contracts or advertisements.  Purity, integrity and traceability should be the guidelines in product development and quality assurance systems.  Health critical control points should be observed throughout the whole production and supply chains.
Where is the Health Inspection?
Refrigerated Truck
Open Transportation !?
8. Zakatul Maal  悽悵  悋悋 惶惆悸 惠愀惘  惠慍 惡悋  Of their goods take alms, so that thou mightest purify and sanctify them Paying the Zakat is an obligation ( Farrd ) on every tangible asset at the end of each calendar year ,  Zakat is 2.5% of the accumulated wealth.  Zakat and charity purify the money and property and put blessing ( barakah ) in them.
9. Halal Standards. 悒悋 忰惘 惺 悋惠悸 悋惆 忰 悋悽慍惘 悋 悖 愃惘 悋 惡 ,   悋惷愀惘 愃惘 惡悋愃 悋 惺悋惆 悒 悋 愃惘 惘忰 He has forbidden you dead meat, and blood, and the flesh of swine, and any food over which the name of other than Allah has been invoked. But if one is forced by necessity, without willful disobedience, nor transgressing due limits-then Allah is oft-forgiving, most merciful  悴惺悋 悋惠悋 愕愀悋  We made you a moderate nation
There is a need for developing a set of global Halal standards so Muslim communities can apply the standards in harmonious way.  The standards should address the local needs and requirements of norms and necessities.  Should not impose extreme measures beyond the basic Islamic requirements on producing and certifying the Halal food so as not to scare processors to abandon the Halal business.  We should follow the Sunnah of moderation of the Prophet and follow the middle path without being too loose or un-necessarily too strict.  The original norm in the Islamic Shariah is permissibility, unless there is a clear evidence of prohibition in the Quran and Sunna. Examples of Halal Standards
10. Halalan Tayyiban 悋 悋 惘慍悋 忰悋悋 愀惡悋   And eat from what we bestowed upon you Halal and wholesome Producers, Halal certifiers and Muslim consumers should strive to produce and seek to consume not just Halal but also  Tayyib  food: safe, healthy and wholesome.  Conditions for Tayyib are not stipulated in the Sharia, so as not to inflict extra hardship on the producers and consumers.  Even though Tayyib is not a necessity ( Wajib ) the same way as the method of slaughter is, however, Tayyib is highly favored ( Mustahab ) and abandoning the conditions of Tayyib is disliked ( Makrouuh ).
Production of Halal food is an integrated process involving several interconnected stages from farm to fork: farming, processing, packaging and labeling, warehousing, transportation, delivery, and consumption.  The Halalness of the end product depends on the integrity of each phase of the production chain.  The Halal condition of the meat is satisfied by the proper slaughtering of the animal.  For the meat to be also wholesome Tayyib, a whole set of other conditions should be observed, as shown in the following diagram:
Main Requirements for Halal Slaughter Of the Right Animal: 1.Tsmiah by a Muslim    well trained, sane Muslim saying the prayer of  Bismillah Allahu Akbar 2. Using a Sharp Instrument    such as a single edged and sharp knife 3.Thorough Bleed Out    which results in maximum draining of blood out of the carcass
The Halal Box
Operating the Machine
悋 惠惺悋
Alabsy Model of Halal Tayyiban   忰悋悋 愀惡悋
Summary In conducting any type of business, most particularly the Halal business, knowledge, honesty and integrity should be the guiding underlines. The guidelines should be based on good business practices in light of the main steam Islamic Shariah, which provides tools for success in all aspects of life, since Shariah is a way of life.
Halal Standards should be based on informed Islamic Fiqh armed with sound science and market dynamics
All parties involved in the chain process of Halal business:  farmers, processors, Halal certifiers,  traders and consumers should perform their jobs with knowledge and good intentions. The integrity of the end product depends on the integrity of each link in the food chain. All factors involved contribute to the success of the business and the satisfaction of the consumers.
The rewards for producing Halal & Tayyib food and the pleasure of consuming it have multiple rewards: success in this world and plenty of rewards in the here after.
忰悋悋 愀惡悋

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  • 1. ELEMENTS OF SUCCESS OF THE HALAL FOOD BUSINESS Dr. Ahmad Al-Absy Halal Transactions Omaha, Nebraska, USA
  • 2. INTRODUCTION 悋惆悋 悋惡惠愃 悋 悋惠悋 悋 悋惆悋惘 悋悋悽惘 悋 惠愕 惶惡 and seek with what God has bestowed upon you the here after, but do not forget your share of this life 惺 惺悋 惠 when one of you performs a work, he/she should perfect it 惘悋惺 愕悗 惺 惘惺惠 All of you are guardians and each one of you is responsible for what he guards 悋悋悽悵 惡悋悋愕惡悋惡 the importance of using the right means for success,
  • 3.
  • 4.
  • 5. Elements of Success: Acceptable Species 忰惘惠 惺 悋惠悸 悋惆 忰 悋悽慍惘 Forbidden on you the dead carrion, flowing blood, and the flesh of swine Halal : must be derived from acceptable species of animals, plants and chemicals that are approved by Muslim scholars. Haram (or un-acceptable elements include): filth and impurity such as pigs, spilt blood and dead carrion; poisonous species such as snakes; and intoxicants such as alcohol and narcotics.
  • 6. 2. Lawful Acquisition 悖忰 悋 悋惡惺 忰惘 悋惘惡悋 God has made trade permissible, but forbidden usury The funds and financing used to run the business: purchasing, raising of animals, equipments, resources and paying for labor should be obtained and financed through Halal No interest Riba should be involved in the Halal business. Money does not give birth to money but work does. Money invested in business should not come from sources such as gambling, etc. Bribery, fraud, embezzlement and other unlawful means are Haram
  • 7. 3. Accounts Receivable 悋惺 惠 Tie your camel and have faith Processors should make sure that they will get paid for the products they sell. Checking the credit legibility of the buyers are key issues in collecting the prices of goods. Many small businesses close their doors and go bankrupt because of their inability to collect from customers. Risk management approach within the company. Some customers may avoid paying the processors for the products they purchase, which counteracts their purpose of consuming Halal goods.
  • 9. 4. Accounts Payable 悛惠 悋悋悴惘 悖悴惘 惡 悋 悴 惺惘 pay the laborer their wages before their sweat dries up. The owner of the business should be fair to the laborers and pay their wages on time. The owner should pay his/her dept, otherwise they will be using Haram money. Should not try to circumvent or cheat others, and should adhere to any signed agreement with others.
  • 10. 5. Market Access 悋愀惡悋 悋惘慍 惺惆 惠慍悋忰 悋悋惆悋 seek your trade or sustenance at places with most crowded legs (most customers). Knowledge of conducting business and seeking the right market (where Muslim consumers have a demand for the products), are essential to the survivor and competitiveness of the business. This will include big cities which have major Muslim populations. Reaching the market with proper means of transportation and distribution of goods are crucial in getting the products to the stores or homes of the consumers. Allying the business with a major distribution firms may solve the problem of reaching a fragmented market.
  • 11. 6. Fair Trade Practices 悋 惠愕悧悋 悋 惠惠惡 惶愃惘悋 悖 惡惘悋 悋 悋悴 Do not disdain to reduce your contract in writing, for future period, whether it be small or big 惘忰 悋悋愕 惘忰 Whoever does not have mercy on people God will not have mercy on him.
  • 12. The prices of Halal food should not be inflated just because the food is Halal. The processor has the right to make reasonable profit without taking advantage of the customers needs. Muslims customers should not be punished because they strive to consume Halal food. Merchants should not hold merchandises in time of scarcity and wait for prices to go up to sell it to make outrageous profits. The authorities have a rule to play in securing the sources of goods for Muslim consumption (food security). Authorities should ensure fair market access to all people through fair competition and lawful means. Traders and certifiers of Halal products should not try to cheat Muslim consumers on the Halal issue.
  • 13.
  • 15. 7. Quality Assurance 悖悋 悋 悋慍悋 惡悋愕愀 Give just measure and weight, Dont withhold from the people the things that are their due 愃愆 愕 悋 Who ever cheats (any one) he does not belong to us (Muslims)
  • 17. Processing of meat should be done in clean and sanitized areas following strict hygiene and safety standards. There should be assurance that the meat produced is clean and not contaminated with filth, impurities, toxic or poisonous ingredients. Recalls and law suits could arise if contaminated food cause illness to the consumers. The quantities and qualities of the delivered goods should be as stated in the contracts or advertisements. Purity, integrity and traceability should be the guidelines in product development and quality assurance systems. Health critical control points should be observed throughout the whole production and supply chains.
  • 18. Where is the Health Inspection?
  • 21. 8. Zakatul Maal 悽悵 悋悋 惶惆悸 惠愀惘 惠慍 惡悋 Of their goods take alms, so that thou mightest purify and sanctify them Paying the Zakat is an obligation ( Farrd ) on every tangible asset at the end of each calendar year , Zakat is 2.5% of the accumulated wealth. Zakat and charity purify the money and property and put blessing ( barakah ) in them.
  • 22. 9. Halal Standards. 悒悋 忰惘 惺 悋惠悸 悋惆 忰 悋悽慍惘 悋 悖 愃惘 悋 惡 , 悋惷愀惘 愃惘 惡悋愃 悋 惺悋惆 悒 悋 愃惘 惘忰 He has forbidden you dead meat, and blood, and the flesh of swine, and any food over which the name of other than Allah has been invoked. But if one is forced by necessity, without willful disobedience, nor transgressing due limits-then Allah is oft-forgiving, most merciful 悴惺悋 悋惠悋 愕愀悋 We made you a moderate nation
  • 23. There is a need for developing a set of global Halal standards so Muslim communities can apply the standards in harmonious way. The standards should address the local needs and requirements of norms and necessities. Should not impose extreme measures beyond the basic Islamic requirements on producing and certifying the Halal food so as not to scare processors to abandon the Halal business. We should follow the Sunnah of moderation of the Prophet and follow the middle path without being too loose or un-necessarily too strict. The original norm in the Islamic Shariah is permissibility, unless there is a clear evidence of prohibition in the Quran and Sunna. Examples of Halal Standards
  • 25. 10. Halalan Tayyiban 悋 悋 惘慍悋 忰悋悋 愀惡悋 And eat from what we bestowed upon you Halal and wholesome Producers, Halal certifiers and Muslim consumers should strive to produce and seek to consume not just Halal but also Tayyib food: safe, healthy and wholesome. Conditions for Tayyib are not stipulated in the Sharia, so as not to inflict extra hardship on the producers and consumers. Even though Tayyib is not a necessity ( Wajib ) the same way as the method of slaughter is, however, Tayyib is highly favored ( Mustahab ) and abandoning the conditions of Tayyib is disliked ( Makrouuh ).
  • 26. Production of Halal food is an integrated process involving several interconnected stages from farm to fork: farming, processing, packaging and labeling, warehousing, transportation, delivery, and consumption. The Halalness of the end product depends on the integrity of each phase of the production chain. The Halal condition of the meat is satisfied by the proper slaughtering of the animal. For the meat to be also wholesome Tayyib, a whole set of other conditions should be observed, as shown in the following diagram:
  • 27. Main Requirements for Halal Slaughter Of the Right Animal: 1.Tsmiah by a Muslim well trained, sane Muslim saying the prayer of Bismillah Allahu Akbar 2. Using a Sharp Instrument such as a single edged and sharp knife 3.Thorough Bleed Out which results in maximum draining of blood out of the carcass
  • 30.
  • 32. Alabsy Model of Halal Tayyiban 忰悋悋 愀惡悋
  • 33. Summary In conducting any type of business, most particularly the Halal business, knowledge, honesty and integrity should be the guiding underlines. The guidelines should be based on good business practices in light of the main steam Islamic Shariah, which provides tools for success in all aspects of life, since Shariah is a way of life.
  • 34. Halal Standards should be based on informed Islamic Fiqh armed with sound science and market dynamics
  • 35. All parties involved in the chain process of Halal business: farmers, processors, Halal certifiers, traders and consumers should perform their jobs with knowledge and good intentions. The integrity of the end product depends on the integrity of each link in the food chain. All factors involved contribute to the success of the business and the satisfaction of the consumers.
  • 36. The rewards for producing Halal & Tayyib food and the pleasure of consuming it have multiple rewards: success in this world and plenty of rewards in the here after.