Crisis management involves dealing with unpredictable major events that threaten risk. It differs from risk management which aims to deal with risks before they occur. Characteristics of crisis management include unpredictable circumstances, lack of information, and involving many people. Strategies include prevention to reduce risk, putting resources together, and ensuring cooperation, though reducing risk to zero is impossible. The document then describes a simulation game about flood management on islands where players must decide how much to invest in dikes to protect their island from rising water levels each round.
2. What is crisis management Dealing with a major unpredictable event that is threatening Risk management: dealing with risks before they occur Crisis mangement: dealing with the events when they are happening
3. Characteristics of crisis management Unpredictable circumstances Lack/ bias of information Often: many people involved
4. Strategies risk and crisis management Prevention (!) However: reducing risk to zero is impossible Putting resources together Ensure effective cooperation Negotiate Make some offers at 1 place in order to guarantee safety at another place
5. Simulation game: flood and dikes Suppose you are an island state, surrounded by water.... How much should you invest in dike-building?
6. Simulation game: flood and dikes Dikes: walls that can protect a country or land area against the water Drawing/photo of a dike
7. Rules of the game There are two island states, each one has 4 sides At each side there are max. 4 people
8. Each round Do three things Water rising? Dikes damaged? Chance¡. Building dikes Gaing money
9. Erratum Each round: Build dikes After this gain money If dikes are equal to water heigth, you lose half of your credits
10. Crisi problems Cooperation Lack of resources at the wrong time Divided opinions Assess risks Prioritise things w r o n g t i m e D i v i d ed o pi n i o n s As s e ss r i s k s P r i o r it i s e things