This person is 21 years old and single, living in Yopal, Colombia. They have a grandmother and young daughter as family members. Their phone number is 310-3766-112 and they work selling prepaid phone plans. They enjoy skating and their favorite singer is Juan Luis Guerra for his spiritual music. In their free time, they like to spend time with their young daughter, taking her to the garden, park, and going for walks while also making time to study.
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Presentation english
1. Place of living Live Yopal
Age I have 21 years
Marital status I 'm single
Telephone number my phone number is three
tens three seven six six
one twelve
Family members members of my family
are my grandmother and
my daughter
Ocupation I am selling postpaid
plans tigo
Faborite sport my sport is skating
Faborite singer My favorite singer is juan
luis guerra for his music
that speaks of God
2. Giving personal information
I have a beautiful daughter two years I love
very much
I am from Bogota but i live Yopal
My Best friend is Denis Perez and I love
very much
3. Describing habits and routines
in the morning I enroll my daughter
and took her to the garden
when I get home I am studying
and I 'm going to work
4. Giving details about profession,
family life, hobbies and pastimes
My free time is dedicated
to my daughter to study
with her out for a walk
and go to the park