The document provides an overview of the PYP Exhibition for parents. It explains that the Exhibition is the culmination of learning in the PYP, focusing on a transdisciplinary theme of "How we express ourselves." Students will select an area of interest from a previous unit of inquiry to investigate further. They will go through an inquiry process with the guidance of teachers. The document outlines the key steps and dates for parents and emphasizes that the Exhibition should celebrate student learning.
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Presentation for parents (1)
1. The Exhibition and You!
A presentation for parents
CDNIS PYP Exhibition 2014
Presenter: Tom Woods, PYP Coordinator
4. What is the Exhibition?
Culmination of all
learning in the PYP
Synthesis of the 5
Essential Elements
A collaborative inquiry
and investigation
5. Whats the big idea?
Authentic process for
assessing student
Opportunity for independence
and responsibility
An acknowledgement of the
transition between PYP and
6. Transdisciplinary theme
How we express ourselves
An inquiry into the ways in which
we discover and express ideas,
feelings, nature, culture, beliefs
and values; the ways in which we
reflect on, extend and enjoy our
creativity; our appreciation of the
7. What it should look like...
select an element from a previous unit of
inquiry that piqued their interest
inquire into a form of expression to show
their understanding of this area
How is more of a focus than what
9. The steps...
Unpack TDT
Develop Central Ideas and
Lines of Inquiry
Select Key and Related
Develop BIQs and SQs
Follow an inquiry/design
Primary and secondary
11. Dos...
Help set smart goals (specific,
measurable, attainable, realistic, timely)
Ask questions
Suggest resources
Ensure your child is on track
Be supportive and encouraging - celebrate
Seek assistance from PYP coordinators
and homeroom teachers
12. Donts
Do the work for the students
Tell the students what
direction to take
Be overly critical or point out
what the group is doing wrong