The mass will soon understand the current situation is not only unsustainable but unacceptable...
This is the 1st in a 3 part series on strategic CSR for the benefit of Consumer and Business in society, primarily dealing with the why (should we bother?)
Part 2 will explore specific directions and examples for companies to consider, converting cost to benefit, and possibly various other topics, depends on the material in my reach and time.
Part 3 i will present a strategic overview for the CSR landscape, and how consumers will drive the revolution, hopefully aided by business, supported by Government.
May the next revolution be led by paying not raging consumers. It is not impossible.
"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." by J.F.Kennedy
You are welcome to use, modify or build on my work, ideas and thinking presented here for your own purposes, commercial or non commercial, creative or otherwise. As you like. You can give me credit if it feels appropriate.
Ideas are never static and thinking does not work in milestones. So i may produce an update at any time subject to new learnings, experiences, as well as exposures to different views. Please contribute also!
We are the 100%.
Marco Monfils
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Welcome to the consume(r)evolution, the choice is ours. Implications for brands, strategy.
1. The role of CSR and the future of business
in humanity
Implications for branding in the social era
By Marco Monfils
For Cleaning Products Europe
27 March 2013
2. The basic premise
Every scenario is a possible future. If we
believe it, so it is.
3. Michael Porter
What we are doing now isn't working. We haven't
solved the problems of society, and it hasn't
benefitted us as businesses.
A successful business is not (only) about
delivering increased profit for investing
shareholders, rather it is aout satisfying multiple
stakeholders and doing so simultaneously.
Business has been part of the problem
21. Creating Shared Value
Its about driving the
business model so we
can simultaneously
achieve the societal
22. Creative Capitalism
Can we take some of the resources and innovation power of
the worlds largest corporations and focus more of that on the
needs of the poorest?
23. Humanitys report card
2 billion people starving
2 billon people labeled food-insecure
2 billion people pissed off
24. Humanitys report card
2 billion people starving
2 billon people labeled food-insecure
2 billion people pissed off
25. Is revolution inevitable?
Wall Street controls our financial lives; the media manipulates
our minds. These systems cannot be changed from within. There
is no alternative. Without a revolution, these institutions will
bankrupt the country, keep fighting failed wars, start new ones,
and hold us in perpetual intellectual subjugation.
26. We have to evolve
In the years to come, a company will be able to preserve its
freedoms only if it embraces a new and more enlightened
view of its responsibilities.
30. About the role of Government
We cannot wait for governments to do it all. Globalization
operates on Internet time. Governments tend to be slow by
nature, because they have to build political support for every
40. Implications for branding
WOM is back with a vengeance
Your employees, customers, partners and
diverse stakeholders are your most important
Everything/everyone communicates
41. Implications for strategy
Recognition of multiple stakeholders
Integrated communication/integrated CSR
CSR from cost to benefit
#4: The over-exploitation of natural resources (humanity included)is already straining the sustainability of the earths natural resources. 60% of earths main ecosystems are being degraded or used unsustainably [Gilles Mur]Yes, we are making progress,. No, we are not making enough progress [Mohamed Samir]
#9: Roland Shroeder: Population up, consumption up, life expectancy up, resources down (if human = resource, then resources Up)
#15: A cozy relationship between big business and government
#18: Yes men campaign against Chevron, after the BP oil incident, how good an oil company can be big mistake
#27: not one versus the other.
#35: To use the power of brands to mobilize consumers to adapting (and promote!) more sustainable behavior [Tom Damen][Mohamed Samir] do we wait for consumers to move or do we help them move?
#37: We are suffering from green saturation! [Ann Connor]
#39: [Mohamed Samir] Consumers are not readyConsumers are aware but does not translate into business benefitConsumers are aware business does not translate into societal benefit