This document outlines a structured debriefing workshop for specialty registrars and educational supervisors on the best use of technology. It introduces structured debriefing methodology and provides an overview of the workshop agenda. The workshop aims to consider availability and use of information technology in the public health training program. A mind map shows various technologies discussed, such as hardware, software, internet and networking tools. Prompt questions guide sharing of experiences and ideas for improving IT provisions. The workshop concludes with a summary of key themes and next steps.
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Presentation for workshop on the best use of technology
1. Workshop: Best use of technologyStructured debriefing for Specialty Registrars and Educational SupervisorsDominic MellonSpecialty Registrar – Public Health
2. What is structured debriefing? Methodology used to debrief groups followingincidents, events, projects and programmes Three phases: Opening (objectives and review) Middle (sharing and discussion) Closing (summary and next steps) Will it work for this workshop?
3. Introduction Debrief objectives: To consider the availability and use of informationtechnology by specialty registrars and educationalsupervisors over the course of the public healthtraining programme; To reflect on individual experiences and highlightpossible areas where availability and use ofinformation technology could be improved.
4. Review Training programme policy “At the beginning of their training, all trainees will beprovided with a laptop computer. The laptop willremain the property of the Training Programme andshould be returned at the end of the trainee’straining. Throughout its use, trainees must follow allrules of information governance.” IT support from host organisation Initial purchase Installation and support Local email accounts and intranets
5. Signposted national and regional IT support Training programme website NHS Evidence Athens accounts Local NHS library Athens accounts NHSmail
9. Internet Websites E-Journals Databases Search Engines SW Training Programme E-Portfolio Cloud Google Docs Dropbox Evernote NHS CFH eSpace ݺߣShare Social (Professional?)Networking Facebook LinkedIn Google Groups Yahoo Groups Email Local Email Services NHSmail Personal Email Accounts Mailing Lists RSS Newsfeeds (via reader)
10. First prompt questions Identify: …two examples of where you have been able toapply information technology solutions which havehad a positive impact on your professionalpractice/training. …two examples of where the application oftechnology (or the lack of an appropriate solution)has adversely impacted on your professionalpractice/training.1 21 2
11. Sharing and discussionInformationTechnologyInternetWebsitesE-JournalsDatabasesSearch EnginesSW Training ProgrammeE-PortfolioCloudGoogle DocsDropboxEvernoteNHS CFH eSpaceݺߣShareEmailLocal Email ServicesNHSmailPersonal Email AccountsMailing ListsSocial (Professional?) NetworkingFacebookLinkedInGoogle GroupsYahoo GroupsRSS NewsfeedsHardware/EquipmentTelephonyMobile phonesSmartphones IP PhonesSkypeComputersLaptopsDesktopsSoftware/ApplicationsStatisticsSPSSSTATAStatsDirectEpi-InfoEpiDataStatsPlusGoogle AppsReference ManagementEndnoteEndNote WebReference ManagerMendeleyOffice Applications*ExcelWordVisioOutlookSharePointPowerpointMS ProjectMS Access
12. Second prompt questions Personal learning The most important thing that I have learned fromthis debriefing process is… I will use this in my professional practice/training inthe future by… Ideas for the future Three suggestions I would make to the trainingprogramme about improving informationtechnology provisions would be…1)2)1)2)3)
14. Closing Summary of debriefing session Key positive themes Key themes for improvement Personal learning Ideas for the future Next steps Debrief report to be drafted and circulated Put forward for consideration by training committee
15. More information Further information about structured debriefing isavailable from the Centre for Structured Debriefingonline at: