This document discusses moving education from a teacher-centered approach to a learner-centered one using 21st century skills in multilingual settings. It introduces Ron Barendsen and Roelien Wierda as lecturers who founded MySchoolsNetwork to bring about this educational paradigm shift. MySchoolsNetwork is described as a safe, moderated social network for students ages 8 and older that uses positive psychology and blends informal and formal learning. It allows for intercultural communication in English and other languages through authentic language production, online mentoring, creative and productive learning, social community building, and online collaboration.
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2. Introductions:
Ron Barendsen & Roelien Wierda
lecturers NHL University of Applied
Founders MySchoolsNetwork..
To bring about paradigmshift in education
From teacher-oriented to learner-oriented
UDL-based (see leaflet)
3. Teacher oriented education
One size fits all
Using yesterdays
methods ..
.. To prepare
tomorrows employees
for todays jobs
Ken Robinson
4. Learner oriented approach
Instilling universal key
competences to prepare
for tomorrows jobs and
Learning by doing
Using modern technology
International perspective
5. School In Istanbul, Turkey (2011)
School in Thai Nguyen, Vietnam (2009)
Science class in the Netherlands (2012)
Education around 1900
Safe educational social network (from appr. 8 years
and older)
Moderated and mentored by student teachers
Positive psychology
Mix of informal learning and formal learning.
Multilingual setting :
- English as lingua franca
- minority languages
- other languages (e.g. French, German, Spanish)
21. Welcome to the global learning community of
Questions, suggestions and comments?
Contact me via my MySN profile or
The world is so empty if one thinks only of mountains, rivers & cities;
but to know someone who thinks & feels with us, & who, though distant,
is close to us in spirit, this makes the earth for us an inhabited garden.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe)
Editor's Notes
#6: - Vietnam 2008
- Vietnamese kids no access to rest of the world
- No water to practice swimming
- No opportunity to practice their English
- Dutch kids not a lot better
- Social media banned in school all over the world
Foundation of MySchoolsNetwork
#7: - Vietnam 2008
- Vietnamese kids no access to rest of the world
- No water to practice swimming
- No opportunity to practice their English
- Dutch kids not a lot better
- Social media banned in school all over the world
Foundation of MySchoolsNetwork
#8: 14 participating countries
4500 users
45 schools
7 universities
Collaboration with UMUC since 2010 promote global awareness among student teachers
Provide them with an online professional development environment
To establish an online Community of Practice of (future) teachers
To learn from each other, share and be inspired