This document contains various short passages on a range of topics including education, vision, success stories, focus, and excuses. It discusses examining what you can do after education, imagining what you want in life and writing it down, the story of Pooja Chopra who became Miss India, the power of the human mind to understand misspelled words, asking if it's possible to focus and develop focus, the Gujarati success story in Africa and traits like risk-taking, flexibility and thinking big that contribute to their success, the importance of starting early and having more time and chances, maintaining the habit of accounts and investments, planning for retirement, and questioning excuses for not pursuing dreams or goals.
Abandoned by Her Father,
Mother thought of committing suicide when
she was pregnant
Brought up in a chawl with barely 2 meals per
Was Under-weight for most of her childhood
Yet she dreamt of becoming a Miss India
She is
i cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd
waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of
the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at
Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dsenot mtaetr in waht
oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny
iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be
in the rghi t pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses
and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs
is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey
lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig
huh? This is the Power of Human Mind
17. The Gujarati Success Story -
Ability to Take Risks
No Home Sickness
Ability To Relocate
Ability to Change / Flexibility
The Vision to Think Big
18. Starting Early
Age Though Not a Fixed Criteria But Having
More time Means More Chances
#3: A Video on People who didnt solely depend on education to reach their goals. Bill Gates. Dhirubhai. Warren Buffet. Sachin Tendulkar. Albert Einstein. Richard Branson. This doesnt mean that they didnt believe in education. They all have invested billions of dollars just for educating others. Their own kids are highly educated. Why ? Because education is the only means towards achievement of the goals.
#4: Mukesh is a Stanford graduate. ( Though he dropped out in the 1 st year to assist his father in setting up a petroleum plant). Anil is a Wharton Graduate.
#5: Ask the students.. What are the reasons to have a degree
#9: The Answer can be I want all of these Or I want more and more. Whatever may be the dream.. There has to be a path to it. And There has to be a goal as to where to reach.
#10: Let them write it on a piece of paper whatever they wish to be in life or whatever they want to do in life. Random thoughts. Hear them out.
#12: Goal Setting exercise:- Take out a piece of paper. Draw a picture of what you life looks like ten year later. Use Your Imagination and visualize your future. If you can't draw well, don't worry about it. Draw the picture as clear as possible. For example, if you want a car, paint the color you want and the model you like. When you have finished drawing, have the guts to show it.
#16: A person can never lose sight of his goal if hes focused enough. The above sentence shows the power of human mind.
#19: Age Will always be an advantage because the person can recover from his losses early Give an exercise of writing full name backwards to one side for 15 seconds and other for only 5 seconds Accounting Give exercise of preparing a budget for Koshish
#20: One must learn to keep accounts . No one has ever succeeded without managing money. Also start investing. Ask the class to invest in a small business there and then. Give 100 Rs. Each and what can one do with 100/- there and then so that they can make it 200/- as soon as possible How can they make it? Borrow from Banks, financial institutions, friends (Apple, Microsoft) Pool
#21: 1. Must plan and look ahead to a peaceful life.
#22: Colonel Sanders Received 1009 Nos before the final Yes