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An Overview
      Jeeban Panthi
Opening Ceremony
Session Chair: Prof. Suresh R. Chalise, SEN
Welcome remarks-Mr. Dhiraj          Key points
Pradhananga, SEN
                                     expressed his sense of
                                       honor on being able to
                                       organize APGYFGE Youth
                                       forum 2012.
                                     emphasized that Youth are
                                       not only the future leaders
                                       but also they are the
                                       leaders of today
Context, objectives, structure and   Key points
expectations from the workshop-       shared his insight on how
Tek Jung Mahat, ICIMOD                 an individual youth can
                                       make a huge difference in
                                       the way we act or think.
                                      This YF is one of the series
                                       of activities organized by
                                       ICIMOD and along with
                                       other partners
Keynote: Rio+20 deliberations,   Key points
mountains and youth- David        emphasized upon the fact that
Molden, ICIMOD                     ICIMOD is very much
                                   committed to youth and work
                                   with youth.
                                  highlighted the key concerns of
                                   Rio +20
                                  Quoting Banki moon Youth is
                                   the largest ever known-vast
                                   number of individual in
                                   developing country- having
                                   huge potential to change.
Message from partners:              Key points
Consortium for Capacity Building-    expressed his happiness for
Mr. Gregory Pierce, CCB               the collaboration of CCB,
                                      SEN and ICIMOD in the
                                     concluded his short
                                      message by welcoming all
                                      participants in this multi
                                      cultural, multi generation
ICIMODs new strategy 2013-2017:         Key points
need for intergenerational partnership    Stated that muountains are
and mountain development- Dr.              already green; the challenge is
Eklabya Sharma, ICIMOD                     how to keep them green? And
                                           develop livelihoods and well
                                           being of mountain people &
                                           retain youths in the mountains.
                                          way must be find out to equip
                                           local youth with information,
                                           knowledge and capacity
                                           building so that they contribute
                                           for the development of
                                           mountain sustainably
Remarks from the Chair-Prof. Suresh   Key points
Raj Chalise, SEN                       congratulated the youth
                                        participants of Asia Pacific Forum
                                        for being selected to the program
                                        from among 1000 applicants
                                       we say green economy, we are
                                        talking about socially equitable
Vote of Thanks-Ms. Anja M淡ller
Rasmussen, ICIMOD                Key points
                                 suggested participants to broaden
                                 their networking by talking with
                                 someone whom one hasnt talked so
Day I: Green Economy: Basic Introduction

Chair: Associate Prof. Suresh Das Shrestha,
Tribhuvan University
Moderator: Dr. Sangam Shrestha, Asian Institute of
Green Economy: Challenges and         Key points
opportunities  Mountain Perspective-  Green economy can contribute in
Dr. Golam Rasul, ICIMOD                 fighting poverty
                                       Promote green entrepreneurship-
                                        green job
REDD+ and Forest Carbon: linking   Key points
Green Economy- Dr. Bhaskar Singh    REDD can be important strategy
Karky, ICIMOD                        and core principle to implement
                                     GE on the ground.
                                    Rational for REDD: unabated
                                     deforestation and degradation:
                                     deforestation rates are 1.6% per
                                     annum. Lot of emission taking
                                     place due to land use and land use
Application of GIS, Earth Observation Key points
in Climate Change Adaptation towards  Issues are spatial in nature and
a Green Economy-Dr. MSR Murthy,         require spatial tools and spatial
ICIMOD                                  thinking with time as another
                                       GIS on the web will provide many
                                        additional possibilities
Introductory session on UNFCCC COP Key points
18 processes at Doha and presentation  Youth should be included in
on the outcome document from the        decision making procedure
APGYF-Mr. Manjeet Dhakal and           Environmental right as
Dipesh Chapagain, CEN                   fundamental right, environmental
                                        issue as fundamental issue in
21 Emerging Environmental Issues for   Key points
the 21st Century- Prof Michael H        Policy makers are always making
Glantz, CCB                              decision without enough
                                        Identify lesson_ but all of them are
                                         not lesson learnt, they are only
                                         lesson identified
Social Media for Youth Advocacy-Mr.   Key points
Utsav Maden, ICIMOD                    Taught the participants the ways
                                        and means to use social media as a
                                        tool to contribute to green
                                       Believed that we can tweet,
                                        upload videos, blog- this way we
                                        can contribute and collaborate to
                                        green economy
Day II
State of Green Economy
Low Carbon Growth: State in Asia-       Key points
Pacific Region-Dr. Madan L. Shrestha,    a low emission development
APN                                       strategy is indispensible to
                                          sustainable development.
                                         emphasized on green growth
                                          which is a path to economic
                                          growth using natural resources in
                                          a sustainable manner.
Quantification of Water, Energy and   Key points
Carbon Nexus, Dr. Sangam Shrestha,     Energy and water has symbiotic
AIT                                     relationship; it is very important
                                        to understand nexus among
                                        water, energy and carbon
                                       fight for greener economy does
                                        not concentrate on individual
                                        countries alone, but must be a
                                        joint effort done by everyone,
                                        with common goal
Rural Energy Technology: A Concept of Key points
Green Economy- Prof Dr. Rhiddi B.      highlighted the traditional and
Singh, RECAST                           modern methods of green fuel
                                        production and consumption as
                                        well as provided suggestion on
                                        how to work towards a greener
Country report presentation on Green   Key points
Economy: Session Chair- Mr. Dhiraj
pradhananga, SEN, and Moderator-       14 countries
Michael H Glantz, CCB

 Green Entrepreneurship and tools for planning
Green Entrepreneurship-Mr. Vivek D.   Key points
                                      Nature based
Green Economy at the Scale of 1:1    Key points
The Shape of Spatial Moments at a
Rounded Market within a Town           Sustainability doesnt exist
Square- G. Pierce, CCB                  in the world. Its a notion.
                                       The world developed by
                                        science isnt reality
Sustainability session- Michael H
Glantz, CCB
                                    Key points
                                     Nature is teaching us
                                      everything but we are the
                                      ones who do not
                                      understand it.
                                     We need nature but
                                      nature doesnt need us.
                                     Technological fixes often
                                      produces unanticipated
                                      adverse impact on nature
ICT and Climate Change: Quo Vadis?-
Dr. Bhanu Neupane, UNESCO
                                      Key points
                                       people are conservative
                                        and dont want to switch
                                        to modern technology and
                                        abandon the prior ones.
                                       healthy steps to be taken
                                        are increased use of
                                        renewable energy,
                                        recycling and reducing
                                        CO2 level
Presentation jeeban
Green Excursion- Mr. Madan Rai

                                 Key points
                                  Organic farming is a tool
                                   to green economy
                                  We can recycle, reuse the
                                   organic matter e.g. We
                                   can use fieces and urine
                                   as fertilizer and this
                                   fertilizer is useful for
                                   plants to have good
Day IV
 Green Economy-Knowledge Management
ICIMOD;s Godavari Knowledge park
and Its activities- Mr. Samden Sherpa,
ICIMOD                                   Key points
                                         KP and Demonstration site
                                         for sharing information to
                                         community people
Guided tour Mr. Samden Sherpa,
Knowledge sharing session facilitated
                                        Key points
                                        World Caf辿
                                        Identified key concerns like
                                        media, CCA, etc.
Day V
Green Economy-Outputs and activities
GE-Intergenerational Justice, Chair:
S.R Chalise
GE and CCA-Sharing of experiences-
Prof. Dr. Kedar L. Shrestha, IDI
Straw-bale Construction in Nepal: Lessons and Future Plans
Ms. Laura Seraydarian, CCB
Exercise on APGYD for COP-18- Mr. Manjeet Dhakal, CEN
GE-Take Home Key messages- Mr. Dhiraj Pradhananga, SEN and Mr.
Gregory Pierce, CCB
Presentation jeeban

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Presentation jeeban

  • 1. An Overview Jeeban Panthi jeeban@smallearth.org.np
  • 2. Opening Ceremony Session Chair: Prof. Suresh R. Chalise, SEN Welcome remarks-Mr. Dhiraj Key points Pradhananga, SEN expressed his sense of honor on being able to organize APGYFGE Youth forum 2012. emphasized that Youth are not only the future leaders but also they are the leaders of today
  • 3. Context, objectives, structure and Key points expectations from the workshop- shared his insight on how Tek Jung Mahat, ICIMOD an individual youth can make a huge difference in the way we act or think. This YF is one of the series of activities organized by ICIMOD and along with other partners
  • 4. Keynote: Rio+20 deliberations, Key points mountains and youth- David emphasized upon the fact that Molden, ICIMOD ICIMOD is very much committed to youth and work with youth. highlighted the key concerns of Rio +20 Quoting Banki moon Youth is the largest ever known-vast number of individual in developing country- having huge potential to change.
  • 5. Message from partners: Key points Consortium for Capacity Building- expressed his happiness for Mr. Gregory Pierce, CCB the collaboration of CCB, SEN and ICIMOD in the APGYFGE. concluded his short message by welcoming all participants in this multi cultural, multi generation gathering.
  • 6. ICIMODs new strategy 2013-2017: Key points need for intergenerational partnership Stated that muountains are and mountain development- Dr. already green; the challenge is Eklabya Sharma, ICIMOD how to keep them green? And develop livelihoods and well being of mountain people & retain youths in the mountains. way must be find out to equip local youth with information, knowledge and capacity building so that they contribute for the development of mountain sustainably
  • 7. Remarks from the Chair-Prof. Suresh Key points Raj Chalise, SEN congratulated the youth participants of Asia Pacific Forum for being selected to the program from among 1000 applicants we say green economy, we are talking about socially equitable decision
  • 8. Vote of Thanks-Ms. Anja M淡ller Rasmussen, ICIMOD Key points suggested participants to broaden their networking by talking with someone whom one hasnt talked so far
  • 9. Day I: Green Economy: Basic Introduction Chair: Associate Prof. Suresh Das Shrestha, Tribhuvan University Moderator: Dr. Sangam Shrestha, Asian Institute of Technology
  • 10. Green Economy: Challenges and Key points opportunities Mountain Perspective- Green economy can contribute in Dr. Golam Rasul, ICIMOD fighting poverty Promote green entrepreneurship- green job
  • 11. REDD+ and Forest Carbon: linking Key points Green Economy- Dr. Bhaskar Singh REDD can be important strategy Karky, ICIMOD and core principle to implement GE on the ground. Rational for REDD: unabated deforestation and degradation: deforestation rates are 1.6% per annum. Lot of emission taking place due to land use and land use changes
  • 12. Application of GIS, Earth Observation Key points in Climate Change Adaptation towards Issues are spatial in nature and a Green Economy-Dr. MSR Murthy, require spatial tools and spatial ICIMOD thinking with time as another dimension GIS on the web will provide many additional possibilities
  • 13. Introductory session on UNFCCC COP Key points 18 processes at Doha and presentation Youth should be included in on the outcome document from the decision making procedure APGYF-Mr. Manjeet Dhakal and Environmental right as Dipesh Chapagain, CEN fundamental right, environmental issue as fundamental issue in constitution
  • 14. 21 Emerging Environmental Issues for Key points the 21st Century- Prof Michael H Policy makers are always making Glantz, CCB decision without enough knowledge Identify lesson_ but all of them are not lesson learnt, they are only lesson identified
  • 15. Social Media for Youth Advocacy-Mr. Key points Utsav Maden, ICIMOD Taught the participants the ways and means to use social media as a tool to contribute to green economy Believed that we can tweet, upload videos, blog- this way we can contribute and collaborate to green economy
  • 16. Day II State of Green Economy
  • 17. Low Carbon Growth: State in Asia- Key points Pacific Region-Dr. Madan L. Shrestha, a low emission development APN strategy is indispensible to sustainable development. emphasized on green growth which is a path to economic growth using natural resources in a sustainable manner.
  • 18. Quantification of Water, Energy and Key points Carbon Nexus, Dr. Sangam Shrestha, Energy and water has symbiotic AIT relationship; it is very important to understand nexus among water, energy and carbon fight for greener economy does not concentrate on individual countries alone, but must be a joint effort done by everyone, with common goal
  • 19. Rural Energy Technology: A Concept of Key points Green Economy- Prof Dr. Rhiddi B. highlighted the traditional and Singh, RECAST modern methods of green fuel production and consumption as well as provided suggestion on how to work towards a greener Nepal
  • 20. Country report presentation on Green Key points Economy: Session Chair- Mr. Dhiraj pradhananga, SEN, and Moderator- 14 countries Michael H Glantz, CCB
  • 21. Day III Green Entrepreneurship and tools for planning
  • 22. Green Entrepreneurship-Mr. Vivek D. Key points Sharma, UNDP/GEF/SGP Nature based entrepreneurship opportunities
  • 23. Green Economy at the Scale of 1:1 Key points The Shape of Spatial Moments at a Rounded Market within a Town Sustainability doesnt exist Square- G. Pierce, CCB in the world. Its a notion. The world developed by science isnt reality
  • 24. Sustainability session- Michael H Glantz, CCB Key points Nature is teaching us everything but we are the ones who do not understand it. We need nature but nature doesnt need us. Technological fixes often produces unanticipated adverse impact on nature
  • 25. ICT and Climate Change: Quo Vadis?- Dr. Bhanu Neupane, UNESCO Key points people are conservative and dont want to switch to modern technology and abandon the prior ones. healthy steps to be taken are increased use of renewable energy, recycling and reducing CO2 level
  • 27. Green Excursion- Mr. Madan Rai Key points Organic farming is a tool to green economy We can recycle, reuse the organic matter e.g. We can use fieces and urine as fertilizer and this fertilizer is useful for plants to have good production
  • 28. Day IV Green Economy-Knowledge Management
  • 29. ICIMOD;s Godavari Knowledge park and Its activities- Mr. Samden Sherpa, ICIMOD Key points KP and Demonstration site for sharing information to community people
  • 30. Guided tour Mr. Samden Sherpa, ICIMOD
  • 31. Knowledge sharing session facilitated by ICIMOD KM team, ICIMOD Key points World Caf辿 Identified key concerns like media, CCA, etc.
  • 32. Day V Green Economy-Outputs and activities
  • 34. GE and CCA-Sharing of experiences- Prof. Dr. Kedar L. Shrestha, IDI
  • 35. Straw-bale Construction in Nepal: Lessons and Future Plans Ms. Laura Seraydarian, CCB
  • 36. Exercise on APGYD for COP-18- Mr. Manjeet Dhakal, CEN GE-Take Home Key messages- Mr. Dhiraj Pradhananga, SEN and Mr. Gregory Pierce, CCB