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Presentation on Android
2. Introduction
Network Connectivity
Development Requirements
Comparison with other OS
Versions Of ANDROID
3. Android is a Linux-based operating system
designed primarily for touchscreen mobile
devices such as smartphones and tablet
Developed by Google and later the Open
Handset Alliance (OHA)
The developers write managed code in a Java-
like language that utilizes Google-developed
Java libraries but it does not support programs in
native code.
4. Android was originated by a group of companies known as the
Open Handset Alliance, led by Google. Today, many companies --
both original members of the OHA and others -- have invested
heavily in Android, typically in the form of allocating significant
engineering resources to improve Android and bring Android
devices to Market
5. Android uses Linux for its device drivers, memory
management, process management, and networking.
The next level up contains the Android native libraries. They
are all written in C/C++ internally, but youll be calling them
through Java interfaces. In this layer you can find the
Surface Manager, 2D and 3D graphics, Media codecs, the
SQL database (SQLite), and a native web browser engine
Dalvik Virtual Machine. Dalvik runs dex files, which are
coverted at compile time from standard class and jar files.
6. Android is a multi-process system.
Most security between applications and the system
is enforced at the process level through standard
Linux facilities.
Additional finer-grained security features are
14. Android Beta
First Version of Android.
The focus of Android beta is
testing incorporating usability.
Android beta will generally have
many more problems on speed
and performance.
15. Android Astro 1.0
First full version of android.
Released on September 23, 2008.
Wi-Fi and Bluetooth support.
Quite slow in operating.
Copy and paste feature in the web
browser is not present.
16. Android Cupcake 1.5
Released on April 30, 2009.
Added auto-rotation option.
Copy and Paste feature added in the
web browser.
Increased speed and performance
but not upto required level.
17. Android Donut 1.6
Released on September 15, 2009.
Voice search and Search box were
Faster OS boot times and fast web
browsing experience.
Typing is quite slower.
18. Android Froyo 2.2
Released on May 20, 2010.
Support for Adobe Flash 10.1
Improved Application launcher
with better browser
No internet calling.
19. Android Gingerbread 2.3
Released on December 6, 2010.
Updated User Interface with
high efficiency and speed
Internet calling
One touch word selection and
New keyboard for faster word input.
More successful version of Android
than previous versions.
Not supports multi-core processors.
20. Android Honeycomb 3.0
Released on February 22, 2011.
Support for multi-core processors
Ability to encrypt all user data.
This version of android is only
available for tablets.
21. Android IceCreamSandwich(ICS) 4.0
Released on November 14, 2011.
Virtual button in the UI.
A new typeface family for the
UI, Roboto.
Ability to shut down apps that are
using data in the background.
22. Android JellyBean 4.1
Released on June 27, 2012.
Latest version of Android.
Smoother user interface.
23. Source code available to everyone
Uses more amount of battery
Continuously need to connected with the