The document provides an overview of transformers, including their basic principles and components. It discusses how transformers are used to transfer electrical energy between AC circuits by inducing a voltage in the secondary winding through electromagnetic induction. Transformers allow the voltage to be stepped up for efficient transmission and then stepped down for domestic and industrial use. The key parts of a transformer are the primary and secondary windings and the magnetic core. Different types of transformers are discussed, along with their construction and applications such as stepping up/down voltages and power measurements.
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ï‚— The transformer is a static device which is used to
transfer electrical energy from one ac circuit to another
ac circuit.
ï‚— Input to a transformer and output from a transformer
both are alternating quantities (AC).
ï‚— Electrical energy is generated and transmitted at an
extremely high voltages. The voltage is to be then
reduced to a lower value for its domestic and industrial
ï‚— This is done by using a transformer.
4. ï‚— The power transmission system using transformers is
shown in figure.
ï‚— When the transformer changes the voltage level, it
changes the current level also.
5. Basic Principle
 The primary winding is connected to the single –
phase ac supply, an ac current starts flowing through
6. ï‚— The ac primary current produces an alternating flux
(Ф) in the core.
ï‚— Most of this changing flux gets linked with the
secondary winding through the core.
ï‚— The varying flux will induce voltage into the secondary
winding according to the faraday’s laws of
electromagnetic induction.
ï‚— Voltage level change but frequency i.e. time period
remains same.
ï‚— There is no electrical contact between the two
winding, an electrical energy gets transferred from
primary to the secondary.
7. ï‚— A simple transformer consists of two electrical
conductors called the primary winding and the
secondary winding.
ï‚— Energy is coupled between the windings by the time
varying magnetic flux that passes through( links) both
primary and secondary windings.
8. Can the transformer operate on
ï‚— Answer: NO
ï‚— The transformer action does not take place with a
direct current of constant magnitude.
ï‚— Because with a DC primary current, the flux produced
in the core is not alternating but it is of constant value.
ï‚— As there is no change in the flux linkage with the
secondary winding, the induced emf in the secondary
is zero.
9. ï‚— If DC is applied to the primary then there is a
possibility of transformer core saturation.
ï‚— If core saturates the primary will draw excessively large
current. Therefore application of DC should be
10. Transformer Types
ï‚— The transformer are of different types depending on
the arrangement of the core and the winding as
ï‚— Core Type
ï‚— Shell Type
ï‚— Berry Type
ï‚— The magnetic core is a stack of thin silicon-steel
laminations about 0.35 mm thick for 50 Hz
transformer. In order to reduce the eddy current losses,
these laminations are insulated from one another by
thin layers of varnish.
15. Sr.
Core Type Transformer Shell Type Transformer
1. The core has only one
The core has two windows.
2. Winding encircles the
Core encircles the windings.
3. Cylindrical windings are
Sandwich type windings are
4. Easy to repair. It is not so easy to repair.
5. Better cooling since
more surface is exposed
to the atmosphere.
Cooling is not very effective.
18. Construction of Transformer
ï‚— The Most important parts of a transformer are the
windings (coils) and the core.
ï‚— Some other parts such as suitable tank, conservator,
bushings, breather, explosion vent etc. are also used
along with the core and windings.
20. Applications
 Step – up and Step – down Voltage
ï‚— Measurement of current in single and three phase
ï‚— Measurement of voltage in single and three phase
ï‚— Measurement of power
ï‚— Measurement of Energy