3. Third Place: Pablosky
Retailer: Jesus Martin
Location: Iper Montebello, Spain
Center owner/manager: n/a
Entry submitted by: Ar. Keith Gibson, Grottini Retail Environments
Visual merchandiser: n/a
All elements in the Pablosky store serve a functional and visual purpose, starting with the BMX
bike pedal shoe mounts, which instantly put the merchandise in a visual real life context. Wall
fixtures are anchored by fasteners resembling shoestring rivets, bordered by opaque Plexiglas
panels backlit in one of the retailers signature brand colors. Whimsical, kid-friendly touches
throughout the store include a series of super-ball tubes on the walls, with every buyer given a
token to receive a Pablosky super-ball as a fun way to close out the sale and keep the advertising
going post-sale. Vicki Leiknes summed up this winning store as eye catching and unique .
SRRs12thAnnual Visual Victories Award Winners
廡廨廬Best Store Design 廩
廡廣廬 廬 廣 廩.