从舒仆舒 舒仆从舒仂于舒, Advanced Communications & Media, 仗亠亰亠仆舒亳 仆舒 VI Mobile ...Procontent.Ru Magazine
仆舒仍亳亰 仆从舒 亟仂仗仂仍仆亳亠仍仆 仍亞 仂仂于仂亶 于磶亳 于 仂亳亳 亳 弌. 2009 亞仂亟. 亠亰亠仆舒亳 亟仍 于仗仍亠仆亳 仆舒 VI Mobile VAS Conference. 从舒仆舒 舒仆从舒仂于舒, AC&M
Thorough analysis of mobile VAS in Russia and CIS in 2009. Presentation for VI Mobile VAS Conference. Oksana Pankratova, AC&M
从舒仆舒 舒仆从舒仂于舒, Advanced Communications & Media, 仗亠亰亠仆舒亳 仆舒 VI Mobile ...Procontent.Ru Magazine
仆舒仍亳亰 仆从舒 亟仂仗仂仍仆亳亠仍仆 仍亞 仂仂于仂亶 于磶亳 于 仂亳亳 亳 弌. 2009 亞仂亟. 亠亰亠仆舒亳 亟仍 于仗仍亠仆亳 仆舒 VI Mobile VAS Conference. 从舒仆舒 舒仆从舒仂于舒, AC&M
Thorough analysis of mobile VAS in Russia and CIS in 2009. Presentation for VI Mobile VAS Conference. Oksana Pankratova, AC&M
The document discusses e-commerce technologies, consumer behavior in e-commerce, factors that influence customer behavior, and web marketing strategies. It describes how businesses use technologies like the internet, dynamic content generation, and client-server architectures to enable e-commerce. It also examines how consumer values, web experiences, and segmentation can be used to target different customer groups in e-commerce.
SparkLabs Global Asia E-Commerce Report 2015Bernard Moon
Report focused on e-commerce in Asia. Overviews of China, Japan, Korea, India and Southeast Asia markets (Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam). Describes the major startups and companies for each market and the investor landscape.
The document provides an executive summary and market research for a proposed new entry-level luxury electric vehicle called the Gen3 from Tesla Motors. It summarizes Tesla's current position and target markets, and outlines a strategy and marketing plan to introduce the Gen3 at an affordable price point of around $30,000 to expand Tesla's target market and increase market share in the EV/hybrid sector. Market research found increasing demand for electric vehicles and a growing luxury vehicle market focused on entry-level models priced around $40,000, suggesting an opportunity for Tesla to attract new customers with an affordable electric car.
e-Commerce Trends from 2014 to 2015 by Divante.coDivante
The new and actual version of this Report is here
e-Commerce sales worldwide will reach $1.7 trillion in 2015. The World's Leading E-Commerce Companies, Capital Market, E-Commerce startups to watch, Omnichannel, B2C e-commerce sales worldwide and more!
This document discusses different types of e-commerce including B2B, B2C, B2G, C2C, G2C, and G2B. It defines each type and provides examples. The key stages of the e-commerce process are described as a consumer browsing a merchant's website, selecting items, providing payment and address details, receiving order confirmation, and order fulfillment. Advantages of e-commerce include 24/7 availability, low costs, and broad reach, while disadvantages include inability to examine products physically and security risks.
The official Ogilvy Key Digital Trends for 2017. A yearly trend report outlining both where we believe the digital and social landscape is headed and what brands and agency partners should do about it. By Marshall Manson and James Whatley