Visual acuity is a measure of the eye's ability to distinguish between two separate points. It is measured using charts with letters, pictures, or other symbols where the eye must identify individual items. Visual acuity tests are used to assess visual function, refractive error, and fitness for tasks like driving. Infants can be tested using optokinetic nystagmus tests with moving stripes or preferential looking tests. Older children may use cards with pictures, letters, or broken shapes. Adults are typically tested using Snellen or LogMAR charts with letters of decreasing size. LogMAR charts provide a more accurate logarithmic scale for measuring visual acuity. Near vision can be tested using Jaeger or Snellen near vision charts.
2. ? Visual acuity
¡ö Visual acuity is the measure of spatial resolution Of the eye
or,in other words an estimation of its ability to
discriminate between two separate points.
3. Principle
¡ö The two distinct points is only be recognized as separate
When they subtend an angle of 1minute of arc At nodal
point of the eye
9. Why needed
¡ö To test visual function
¡ö Refractive status of the eye
¡ö Criteria for
¡ö Person fitness to drive
¡ö Elligiblity for entrance in profession
21. OKN (optokinetic Nystagmus test )
¡ö Commonly used test on neonates
¡ö Test object moves in one direction.
¡ö Based on observation of perpendicular eye
¡ö In this test nystagmus is elicted By passing
A succession of black n white stripes of okn drum
33. Broken wheel test
¡ö Cards are presented With picture of cars, very familiar to the
¡ö Two cards are held before the child,he simply has to
recognize which one is broken.
¡ö It consist of 8 pairs of test cards and a sample pair of card
42. Logmar chart
¡ö It is logarithm of minimum angle of resolution.
¡ö It consist og 5 letters in each line
¡ö Based of minimum angle of resolution
¡ö Have regular progression in the size
and spacing Of letter from one line to next
43. Continue
¡ö Each letter has score value of 0.02 log units
¡ö Since there are 5 letters Per line The total score For a line
On the Logmar chart represents a change of 0.1 log units .
¡ö LogmarVA =0.1 +value Of best line read ¨C 0.02 ¡Á(number of
optotypes read)