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A histomorghometric study of screw-
shaped and removal torque titanium
implants with three different surface

             ALI ALENEZI
The authors
 A. Wennerberg, T. Albrektsson, B. Andersson, J. J. Krol.

 Published by: Clinical Oral Implants Research

   Volume 6, Issue 1, pages 2430, March 1995
The aim of the study:

To investigate bone response in relation to well defined
surface over short time of follow-up.

                                      Blasted with TiO2
     Turned surface
                                      25袖m particles

                     Blasted with Al2O3
                     75袖m particles
Surface quality
    One of the six factors that influence the biological response to
    implant ( alberktsson et al. 1981)

The remaining 5 factors:
 Implant biocompatibility                Loading                          Implant
                                         conditions                          ility

   Implant design
 State of host bed                                   Osseointegration

 Surgical Technique                      Surgical                        Implant
                                         Technique                         design
 Loading conditions
                                                           State of
                                                           host bed
The concept of surface quality

It includes:
  All Surface properties
  (mechanical, physical, chemical, topographical).

  The influence of surface quality on implant integration
  investigated in many studies at that time (1980s &1990s).
Implant surface roughness
- better bone-forming capability around rough implant in
compared with smooth ones ( carlsson et al. 1988).

The suggested explanations:

1- more advantageous stress transfer.

2- better mechanical interlocking (kasemo 1983).
Materials and methods
 The implant have been characterized in to 3 different

 10 new Zealand rabbits.

 60 screw shaped commercially pure titanium.

 Implants length; 6mm, diameter: 3.75, pitch height: 0.6mm

Surface topography                                   Number of implants
Turned surface                                       30
Blasted with TiO2 particles, with a diameter 25袖m    20
Blasted with Al2O3 particles, with a diameter 75袖m   10
The blasting process

Basic due
(renfert, Germany)

After blasting process, all
the implants cleaned
ultrasonically in
trichloroethylene and 70%
Surface topography
Optical profilometer, topscan 3D .
  Non contact mode

  Visual images

  Numerical values for surface roughness.

  240x245 亮m measurement area
Surface roughness parameters
      In this paper, 7 different height parameters used
      to describe the roughness.

Ra          The arithmetic mean of departures of the roughness profile
            from the mean lines
Rq          the root mean square parameter corresponding to Ra

Rt          the maximum peak to valley height in the evaluation area

Rsk         The measures of the symmetry of the profile

Rku         The measures of the sharpness of the surface profile.

q          the root mean square slope of the surface

q          the root mean square measure of spacings between local
            peaks and valleys
Surgical technique
1 rabbit = 6 implants

                           RIGHT   LEFT

               FEMUR       Al2O3   turned

             PROXIMAL      TiO2    turned

            DISTAL TIBIA   TiO2    turned
Torque measurement and
histomorphometrical analysis
For torque measurement:
  40 implants (20 from femur and 20 from distal tibia).

  Slowly increasing torque was gradually applied until loosening of

For histomorphometrical analysis:
  20 implants ( proximal tibia)

  Cutting & grinding by (Exakt equipments)

  10 亮m section thickness.

   To measure:     1- % bone to metal contact.

                   2- The amount of bone area.
Turned screws :
  exhibited the smoothest surface

  Surface with clear direction of irregularities.

Screws blasted with TiO2:
  More homogenous surface.

  Increased roughness.

Screws blasted with Al2O3:
  the roughest surface.

  homogenous surface.
The blasting procedure was responsible for
decreasing the (outer &core) diameter of implants
  Removal torque values necessary to remove the
  screws after 12 weeks:

In femur:

Screw blasted with Al2O3   > turned.
In tibia:

Screw blasted with TiO2    >   turned.
Histomorphometric analysis:
- Bone metal contact % :
Higher for TiO2 25-袖m

implants compared

with turned implants.
  Histomorphometric analysis:

- Bone surface area:

Greater bone area for turned
implants when compared
 with TiO2-blasted implants
  The implants that been treated with blasting
  procedures show higher removal torque values and
  higher percentage of contact bone to the metal

On the other hand,,,

  Turned implants had more bone surface area after 12
In this study:
  The same surgical instrument were used for all implants,
  which not have the same exact diameter (the blasting
  process cause a minor reduction).
  But, the blasted implants showed better interfacial healing
  Furthermore, we have different surface irregularities
  between blasted and turned implants.
  Its short term results. Not to be generalized especially
  For clinical reality.
Thank you

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A histomorghometric study of screw-shaped and removal torque titanium implants with three different surface topographies

  • 1. A histomorghometric study of screw- shaped and removal torque titanium implants with three different surface topographies ALI ALENEZI
  • 2. The authors A. Wennerberg, T. Albrektsson, B. Andersson, J. J. Krol. Published by: Clinical Oral Implants Research Volume 6, Issue 1, pages 2430, March 1995
  • 3. The aim of the study: To investigate bone response in relation to well defined surface over short time of follow-up. Blasted with TiO2 Turned surface 25袖m particles Blasted with Al2O3 75袖m particles
  • 4. Surface quality One of the six factors that influence the biological response to implant ( alberktsson et al. 1981) Surface quality The remaining 5 factors: Implant biocompatibility Loading Implant biocompatib conditions ility Implant design State of host bed Osseointegration Surgical Technique Surgical Implant Technique design Loading conditions State of host bed
  • 5. The concept of surface quality It includes: All Surface properties (mechanical, physical, chemical, topographical). The influence of surface quality on implant integration investigated in many studies at that time (1980s &1990s).
  • 6. Implant surface roughness - better bone-forming capability around rough implant in compared with smooth ones ( carlsson et al. 1988). The suggested explanations: 1- more advantageous stress transfer. 2- better mechanical interlocking (kasemo 1983).
  • 7. Materials and methods The implant have been characterized in to 3 different topographies. 10 new Zealand rabbits. 60 screw shaped commercially pure titanium. Implants length; 6mm, diameter: 3.75, pitch height: 0.6mm Surface topography Number of implants Turned surface 30 Blasted with TiO2 particles, with a diameter 25袖m 20 Blasted with Al2O3 particles, with a diameter 75袖m 10
  • 8. The blasting process Basic due (renfert, Germany) After blasting process, all the implants cleaned ultrasonically in trichloroethylene and 70% ethanol
  • 9. Surface topography examination Optical profilometer, topscan 3D . Non contact mode Visual images Numerical values for surface roughness. 240x245 亮m measurement area
  • 10. Surface roughness parameters In this paper, 7 different height parameters used to describe the roughness. Ra The arithmetic mean of departures of the roughness profile from the mean lines Rq the root mean square parameter corresponding to Ra Rt the maximum peak to valley height in the evaluation area Rsk The measures of the symmetry of the profile Rku The measures of the sharpness of the surface profile. q the root mean square slope of the surface q the root mean square measure of spacings between local peaks and valleys
  • 11. Surgical technique 1 rabbit = 6 implants RIGHT LEFT FEMUR Al2O3 turned PROXIMAL TiO2 turned TIBIA DISTAL TIBIA TiO2 turned
  • 12. Torque measurement and histomorphometrical analysis For torque measurement: 40 implants (20 from femur and 20 from distal tibia). Slowly increasing torque was gradually applied until loosening of implant. For histomorphometrical analysis: 20 implants ( proximal tibia) Cutting & grinding by (Exakt equipments) 10 亮m section thickness. To measure: 1- % bone to metal contact. 2- The amount of bone area.
  • 13. Results Turned screws : exhibited the smoothest surface Surface with clear direction of irregularities. Screws blasted with TiO2: More homogenous surface. Increased roughness. Screws blasted with Al2O3: the roughest surface. homogenous surface.
  • 14. Results The blasting procedure was responsible for decreasing the (outer &core) diameter of implants
  • 15. Results Removal torque values necessary to remove the screws after 12 weeks: In femur: Screw blasted with Al2O3 > turned. In tibia: Screw blasted with TiO2 > turned.
  • 16. Results Histomorphometric analysis: - Bone metal contact % : Higher for TiO2 25-袖m implants compared with turned implants.
  • 17. Results Histomorphometric analysis: - Bone surface area: Greater bone area for turned implants when compared with TiO2-blasted implants
  • 18. discussion The implants that been treated with blasting procedures show higher removal torque values and higher percentage of contact bone to the metal surface. On the other hand,,, Turned implants had more bone surface area after 12 weeks.
  • 19. In this study: The same surgical instrument were used for all implants, which not have the same exact diameter (the blasting process cause a minor reduction). But, the blasted implants showed better interfacial healing response. Furthermore, we have different surface irregularities between blasted and turned implants. Its short term results. Not to be generalized especially For clinical reality.

Editor's Notes

  • #3: ----- Meeting Notes (10/7/12 23:30) -----well known researchers in implant surface studies
  • #4: ----- Meeting Notes (10/7/12 23:30) -----this study was investigatiing by doing histomorphometric analysis of 3 defined surfaces.all the screws were----- Meeting Notes (10/8/12 08:47) -----short term follow up
  • #5: ----- Meeting Notes (10/7/12 23:40) -----osseoinegration: direct implant bone contact even in hitological level.not only implant stability and enchorag by bone.
  • #7: ----- Meeting Notes (10/7/12 23:40) -----some studies specify the degree of roughness to be a moderate roughness
  • #8: ----- Meeting Notes (10/7/12 23:40) -----the rabbits: same type,size, age with most of studies.also screw diameters. same other studies.
  • #9: ----- Meeting Notes (10/7/12 23:40) -----one of most common techniques:modification.----- Meeting Notes (10/7/12 23:44) -----TiO2), which stimulates osteointegration and prevents migration of metal ions and microsubstances into the body.----- Meeting Notes (10/7/12 23:46) -----Al2O3 will show also the same good biocompatibility
  • #10: ----- Meeting Notes (10/7/12 23:48) -----profilometer :measure a surface's profile, in order to quantify its roughness.
  • #11: ----- Meeting Notes (10/7/12 23:54) -----these 7 prameters are for numerical discription.the first 5 are for hight description.the last 2 for hight and space----- Meeting Notes (10/8/12 00:04) -----give numerical values and idea about the degree of surface roughness.
  • #12: ----- Meeting Notes (10/8/12 00:07) -----same location used.the average thickness of cortex bone used in rabbits is about 1-1.25 mm.with low speed rotary instruments, saline irrigation.
  • #17: ----- Meeting Notes (10/8/12 00:11) -----same as mentioned in other studies
  • #18: ----- Meeting Notes (10/8/12 00:11) -----they didnt expect that. its the oppsite direction of ther results like removal torque and BIC