Private cloud computing in organizzazioni complesseLuca Garlaschelli
Private Cloud Computing nell¡¯ambito di Organizzazioni complesse: il caso dell¡¯Universit¨¤ di Bologna nel Software as a Service a supporto dell¡¯attivit¨¤ didattica e dei servizi agli studenti.
The Dinner Party by Judy Chicago was an iconic feminist art installation first exhibited in 1979 that honored important women throughout history through place settings arranged on a triangular table. Each of the 39 place settings represented a famous woman from myth, the Bible, or history and was individually designed and crafted to symbolize her achievements. The installation brought attention to the exclusion and obscurity of women's historical contributions and helped establish feminist art as a genre.
PoliMI - Delfanti - Il sistema elettrico nazionale verso le smart gridsANIE Energia
Il cambio di paradigma della generazione elettrica impone un ripensamento integrale del modello operativo del mercato e del sistema elettrico (inter)nazionale: nuove tecnologie, nuovi modelli organizzativi, nuovi servizi e nuovi operatori. L¡¯obiettivo del convegno ¨¨ quello di analizzare e dibattere con gli operatori tutti quegli aspetti che partecipano a diversi livelli al cambio di paradigma: generazione distribuita, smart grid, sistemi di accumulo, smart cities e smart buildings.
El documento contiene una colecci¨®n de citas de diferentes autores sobre temas como la vida, el amor, los sue?os y el tiempo. Todas las citas comparten el enlace al final.
This document discusses horizontal and vertical lines. Vertical lines are lines that run up and down in a perpendicular fashion. Horizontal lines are lines that run side to side in a straight parallel fashion. The document focuses on describing different types of lines.
Its your first time hear HOBLAA name? Its okay, so HOBLAA is a name of interactive elearning for kids. That build with dream and Hope. Its start with seventeen years old student that try to make something. We try to digitalizing encyclopedia and make it become fun place for kids to learn online. We stil develop it so stay curious and stay in tune!
Some people say " If you have a dream, write your dream and publish it. It can open the opportunity if the other people have the same dream with you." so here we are what we do. We try to make you know what is the Hoblaa purpose and Hoblaa dream. If you have the same dream and purpose, maybe we can do some collaboration to reach that dream together? Feel free to contact us on twitter @hoblaa or like our facebook fanspage on 'rumah-belajar'.
Este documento describe un campamento de verano para j¨®venes entre 10 y 16 a?os que se llevar¨¢ a cabo en Santander, Cantabria del 23 al 31 de agosto de 2010. El campamento incluir¨¢ talleres para ense?ar habilidades empresariales y herramientas de la Web 2.0, as¨ª como actividades deportivas acu¨¢ticas. Los participantes crear¨¢n un proyecto colaborativo sobre Santander usando estas herramientas.
O documento ¨¦ um requerimento de um vereador pedindo ao prefeito que realize a recupera??o ou manuten??o de uma ponte danificada sobre o Rio Arraial. A ponte liga dois bairros da cidade e ¨¦ essencial para o transporte da popula??o, mas est¨¢ em m¨¢ estado e oferecendo riscos. O vereador argumenta que, embora seja patrim?nio do estado, cabe ao munic¨ªpio realizar a manuten??o por estar dentro do per¨ªmetro urbano e afetar diretamente os moradores locais.
I circular de orienta??es gerais erecs sul 2014Erecssul
O documento descreve o XXVI Encontro Regional dos Estudantes de Ci¨ºncias Sociais (ERECS Sul 2014) que ocorrer¨¢ de 19 a 22 de junho na cidade de Foz do Igua?u. O evento ser¨¢ recepcionado pela Universidade Federal da Integra??o Latino-Americana (UNILA) e contar¨¢ com atividades como sa¨ªdas de campo, grupos de trabalho, apresenta??es orais e p?steres, al¨¦m de plen¨¢rias e culturais. O documento fornece detalhes sobre o local, programa??o, inscri??es e contatos para o
Christopher De Leon is a Filipino actor and politician. He has had a long and successful career as an actor in film and television spanning over 50 years. The website provides biographical information about De Leon and his accomplishments as both an entertainer and public servant.
El documento contiene una colecci¨®n de citas de diferentes autores sobre temas como la vida, el amor, los sue?os y el tiempo. Todas las citas comparten el enlace al final.
This document discusses horizontal and vertical lines. Vertical lines are lines that run up and down in a perpendicular fashion. Horizontal lines are lines that run side to side in a straight parallel fashion. The document focuses on describing different types of lines.
Its your first time hear HOBLAA name? Its okay, so HOBLAA is a name of interactive elearning for kids. That build with dream and Hope. Its start with seventeen years old student that try to make something. We try to digitalizing encyclopedia and make it become fun place for kids to learn online. We stil develop it so stay curious and stay in tune!
Some people say " If you have a dream, write your dream and publish it. It can open the opportunity if the other people have the same dream with you." so here we are what we do. We try to make you know what is the Hoblaa purpose and Hoblaa dream. If you have the same dream and purpose, maybe we can do some collaboration to reach that dream together? Feel free to contact us on twitter @hoblaa or like our facebook fanspage on 'rumah-belajar'.
Este documento describe un campamento de verano para j¨®venes entre 10 y 16 a?os que se llevar¨¢ a cabo en Santander, Cantabria del 23 al 31 de agosto de 2010. El campamento incluir¨¢ talleres para ense?ar habilidades empresariales y herramientas de la Web 2.0, as¨ª como actividades deportivas acu¨¢ticas. Los participantes crear¨¢n un proyecto colaborativo sobre Santander usando estas herramientas.
O documento ¨¦ um requerimento de um vereador pedindo ao prefeito que realize a recupera??o ou manuten??o de uma ponte danificada sobre o Rio Arraial. A ponte liga dois bairros da cidade e ¨¦ essencial para o transporte da popula??o, mas est¨¢ em m¨¢ estado e oferecendo riscos. O vereador argumenta que, embora seja patrim?nio do estado, cabe ao munic¨ªpio realizar a manuten??o por estar dentro do per¨ªmetro urbano e afetar diretamente os moradores locais.
I circular de orienta??es gerais erecs sul 2014Erecssul
O documento descreve o XXVI Encontro Regional dos Estudantes de Ci¨ºncias Sociais (ERECS Sul 2014) que ocorrer¨¢ de 19 a 22 de junho na cidade de Foz do Igua?u. O evento ser¨¢ recepcionado pela Universidade Federal da Integra??o Latino-Americana (UNILA) e contar¨¢ com atividades como sa¨ªdas de campo, grupos de trabalho, apresenta??es orais e p?steres, al¨¦m de plen¨¢rias e culturais. O documento fornece detalhes sobre o local, programa??o, inscri??es e contatos para o
Christopher De Leon is a Filipino actor and politician. He has had a long and successful career as an actor in film and television spanning over 50 years. The website provides biographical information about De Leon and his accomplishments as both an entertainer and public servant.
Mark Zuckerberg reflects on life events using an acronym with the letters of his name. M is for milestone, referring to significant life events. A is for ancestor, relating to honoring those who came before. R is for return, suggesting coming back to important things. K is for keeper, implying preserving what matters.
The document is a presentation about Sto. Ni?o de Novaliches School, Inc. located in Novaliches, Philippines. It includes the school name and location, as well as the school values of Success, Tolerance, Obedience, Need, Intellectual, and Operation. Contact information is provided through the school's blogspot and Facebook pages.
Este documento lista o nome "PilarCristinaRoxas Amador" repetidamente e inclui letras mai¨²sculas isoladas que podem ser iniciais de um nome, idade ou outro detalhe pessoal.
This document provides an alphabetical listing of words beginning with each letter of Madonna's name, along with the corresponding number code for each letter in brackets. It includes the words Masterpiece, Time Box, Veronica, Louise, Nature, Novel, and Animal for the letters M, M, A, D, O, N, N, and A respectively.
The document is a letter from Ma.Clariza C. Espela to Sto Nino De Novaliches school requesting cooperation to continue her son JochenKarl Colinayo Espela's education for the 2012-2013 school year. It provides her son's name, address, and requests moving his curriculum academics and records from 2003-2004 to develop his full potential at the school. It is signed and dated on March 12, 2012.
The document discusses the history and traditions of the Chinese Lunar Calendar. It provides details on how the calendar is based on lunar cycles and used to determine holidays and festivals. The calendar repeats every 60 years in a cycle of 12 animal signs that include the Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, and Pig. Each sign influences the personality of those born in its year. The Chinese New Year celebration marks the beginning of a new year in the calendar and involves traditions like giving red envelopes with money and cleaning houses to remove bad luck.
The document shares inspirational messages about never regretting days in one's life, as both good and bad days provide important experiences. It also discusses the meaning of the name "Mariaclariza" as representing a true fighter who is brave and accepts all risks. Biographical information is provided for Mariaclariza Colinayo Espela, born on September 26, 1974 and a Libran.