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Theodore Roosevelt He was a man of many contrasts
He was born in Manhattan and his parents were very rich.
When T.R was young he was sickly but as a adult he was very strong.
T.R.sasthma made him leave the house and ultimately become an outdoorsman.
As the president he loved the environment and helped protect land for national parks.
T.R was a hero at war and also a hero at peace.
T.R also got lucky because his family had enough money so he could do many activities outside. T.R was starting to have fun.
When T.R. was 12 his dad said to him son you have the mind but not the body and if you want your mind to reach its full potential you need a body.
So T.R. started to work out. At age 12 he had a 25 pound medicine ball that he passed around with his friends to get stronger.=+
T.R was starting to change from a weak child to a strong adult.
T.R. then attended Harvard, which was his first school ever. When he was little he was home schooled.
When T.R. becomes president in 1901 he had already become the youngest president in history. More importantly he had already learned how to speak French, German, and Italian, which helped him in office.
T.R. really cared about the army and environment. He also helped the US to prepare for war, and save parks like the Grand Canyon. The hardest time for him was when the coal minor strike took place because then people would be very cold if the problem was not resolved.
So T.R. gave in, although still a coal minor was not an ideal job. His parents taught him that being fair was the most important thing so he tried to be fair with the coal minors.
After a couple of more years T.R. left the presidents office. He was happy because he made a difference and his vice president won. Thats when thingswent from great to worse.油
T.R. leaved the USA. He finds out that the president has not carried out all he things he wanted him to do and gets mad. Next while traveling one of his favorite advisers told him Taft fired me and wants to change are wilderness plan.   T.R. gets so mad he decides to run against his own vice president in the next election.
When T.R. runs against Taft he kills him in the primaries, wins 他 of the electoral votes, but in those days the primaries were not so important. The conventionwas important, and because T.R. did not do so well in the convention, he was not elected as the candidate. By now T.R is steaming and feels like the election has been stolen from him.
So T.R. runs in the third party in an attempt to steal back the election. T.R. beat Taft but because they split the Republican votes, the Democrat Wilson wins.
T.R. tells Wilson to get ready for war, but Wilson says no. When war comes, T.R.sson enters it to serve his duty for his country. His son dies and T.R. never really recovers from that loss. T.R. later got shot. But still made his speech a couple hours later. What was in his pocket saved his life. When making the speech, he had a bullet in his chest and through his paper. T.R. died a couple of years later.
You can conclude from the story about T.R., that even with great adversity and bad luck you still have hope no matter what the circumstances. Now lets talk about exactly how interesting T.R. was and we will decide his greatest accomplishments ever. We just finished March madness so what better way to create a champion then have a bracket. As the selection committee I have choose 8 teams to battle out. Although some bubbles got busted like, beating theRepublicans as an independent, I think the selection show was quite fair. Here we go.

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  • 1. Theodore Roosevelt He was a man of many contrasts
  • 2. He was born in Manhattan and his parents were very rich.
  • 3. When T.R was young he was sickly but as a adult he was very strong.
  • 4. T.R.sasthma made him leave the house and ultimately become an outdoorsman.
  • 5. As the president he loved the environment and helped protect land for national parks.
  • 6. T.R was a hero at war and also a hero at peace.
  • 7. T.R also got lucky because his family had enough money so he could do many activities outside. T.R was starting to have fun.
  • 8. When T.R. was 12 his dad said to him son you have the mind but not the body and if you want your mind to reach its full potential you need a body.
  • 9. So T.R. started to work out. At age 12 he had a 25 pound medicine ball that he passed around with his friends to get stronger.=+
  • 10. T.R was starting to change from a weak child to a strong adult.
  • 11. T.R. then attended Harvard, which was his first school ever. When he was little he was home schooled.
  • 12. When T.R. becomes president in 1901 he had already become the youngest president in history. More importantly he had already learned how to speak French, German, and Italian, which helped him in office.
  • 13. T.R. really cared about the army and environment. He also helped the US to prepare for war, and save parks like the Grand Canyon. The hardest time for him was when the coal minor strike took place because then people would be very cold if the problem was not resolved.
  • 14. So T.R. gave in, although still a coal minor was not an ideal job. His parents taught him that being fair was the most important thing so he tried to be fair with the coal minors.
  • 15. After a couple of more years T.R. left the presidents office. He was happy because he made a difference and his vice president won. Thats when thingswent from great to worse.油
  • 16. T.R. leaved the USA. He finds out that the president has not carried out all he things he wanted him to do and gets mad. Next while traveling one of his favorite advisers told him Taft fired me and wants to change are wilderness plan. T.R. gets so mad he decides to run against his own vice president in the next election.
  • 17. When T.R. runs against Taft he kills him in the primaries, wins 他 of the electoral votes, but in those days the primaries were not so important. The conventionwas important, and because T.R. did not do so well in the convention, he was not elected as the candidate. By now T.R is steaming and feels like the election has been stolen from him.
  • 18. So T.R. runs in the third party in an attempt to steal back the election. T.R. beat Taft but because they split the Republican votes, the Democrat Wilson wins.
  • 19. T.R. tells Wilson to get ready for war, but Wilson says no. When war comes, T.R.sson enters it to serve his duty for his country. His son dies and T.R. never really recovers from that loss. T.R. later got shot. But still made his speech a couple hours later. What was in his pocket saved his life. When making the speech, he had a bullet in his chest and through his paper. T.R. died a couple of years later.
  • 20. You can conclude from the story about T.R., that even with great adversity and bad luck you still have hope no matter what the circumstances. Now lets talk about exactly how interesting T.R. was and we will decide his greatest accomplishments ever. We just finished March madness so what better way to create a champion then have a bracket. As the selection committee I have choose 8 teams to battle out. Although some bubbles got busted like, beating theRepublicans as an independent, I think the selection show was quite fair. Here we go.