This case study describes the quality initiatives and milestones achieved by Ruby Hall Clinic, a 555-bed multi-specialty tertiary care hospital in Pune, India. Some key points:
- The clinic was established in 1959 and has expanded significantly over the years by introducing many medical "firsts" in Pune and Maharashtra.
- Its vision is to provide high-end technology, medical expertise, and compassionate personalized care.
- The clinic began its quality assurance journey in 2008 and achieved various accreditations like NABL, NABH for laboratory and hospital.
- It integrates quality into its operations through processes like credentialing clinicians, preventative maintenance, safety measures,
This document discusses organizational structure and design. It defines organizational structure as the formal arrangement of jobs within an organization and organizational design as decisions about key elements like work specialization, departmentalization, chain of command, and formalization. The document describes different types of departmentalization including functional, geographic, product, process, and customer. It also discusses factors that influence organizational structure like strategy, size, technology, and the environment. Different traditional and contemporary organizational designs are presented like functional structures, divisional structures, matrix structures, and learning organizations.
Organization structure in international businessMandeep Raj
The document discusses different types of organizational structures used in international business. It describes vertical differentiation as determining centralization vs decentralization of decision-making. Centralization means decisions are made at headquarters level while decentralization means local subsidiaries make decisions. Horizontally, structures are designed based on functions, products, geographic regions, or a matrix. Functional structure groups by business functions. Divisional structures group by international business, products, or geographic regions. The matrix structure combines functional and divisional forms to balance global integration with local responsiveness.
The structure of the Corporate CommunicationThomas Barat
This document outlines the structure and key components of corporate communication. It discusses internal communication, external communication, public relations, human relations, and marketing communications. It also summarizes the tools used in corporate communication, including publications, audiovisual media, personal communication, events, and mass communication. Reputation management is also examined, including how a corporation's reputation depends on its actions, what others think of it, and what is said about it.
The document introduces key concepts in business management including the role of businesses, adding value, opportunity cost, division of labor, and business functions. It discusses the primary, secondary, tertiary, and quaternary sectors of the economy and how sectors change over time. The roles of entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship are covered. Considerations for starting a new business like costs, factors to evaluate, reasons for starting, and challenges are outlined. Elements of an effective business plan are also mentioned.
How to design a modern Marketing and Communications department in an agile ma...Paul Cowan
Marketing departments still remain in an old, hierarchical structure with a massive reliance on agencies and vendors to do much of the brand positioning and communications work. This model is inefficient, outdated and removes the IP from the ownership of the company. This document reveal the 3 key issues that are forcing change on how marketing organizations structure and deploy, with a recommended structure and people required in the modern marketing world.
The document discusses organizational structure and design. It covers key elements of organizational design including work specialization, departmentalization, chain of command, span of control, and centralization/decentralization. It also discusses traditional and contemporary organizational designs such as functional, divisional, team, matrix, and boundaryless structures. Additionally, it addresses challenges of designing organizations to keep employees connected, build a learning organization, and manage global structural issues.
Organization structure in international businessCitibank N.A.
The document discusses different types of organizational structures used in international business. It describes centralization versus decentralization and the tradeoffs of each. There are five main types of organizational structures covered: functional structure, international division structure, product division structure, geographic (area) division structure, and matrix division structure. Each structure has advantages and disadvantages for coordinating and responding to activities in different markets and geographies.