This document provides an overview of various tools and features in Photoshop including adjustment layers, sharpening focus, cropping images, text effects, preferences, keyboard shortcuts, zooming, resolution, navigating, selections, Dodge and Burn tools, cloning, healing, textures and patterns, blend modes, and compositing. It describes how to use tools like the crop tool, measure tool, variations, hue/saturation, red eye removal, dodge and burn tools, smudge tool, clone stamp tool, and selection tools. It also discusses saving workspaces and formats.
29. Using the Magic Wand Tool
Exploring Magic Wand Options
Magic Wand Tool
Magic Wand Tool is an
Auto command cutting tool,
Instant command tools
30. Selecting with the Polygonal Lasso Tool
Polygonal Lasso Tool
Image cutting tools
Lasso Tool
Magnetic Lasso Tool
31. Selecting with the Marquee Tool
with the Marquee Tool
Selecting the picture
Or the area you need
to cut or to insert
32. Saving & Loading a Selection Outline
Saving the finished creative job step taking
Click on file menu
Click on save as
The dialogue box
will appear show the
where to save the job,
file name and format
36. Darkening with the Multiply Blend Mode
Right click on the picture
at layer dialogue box and
click blending option the dialogue
box will appear for blend