Chung Kai was a prisoner of war held at a camp. The document discusses his experience as a POW at the Changi camp, where he was detained. It provides a first-hand account of what life was like for prisoners of war at the Changi camp.
This document lists different varieties of sweet potato in Spanish, including camote rosado (pink sweet potato), camote amarillo (yellow sweet potato), and camote morado (purple sweet potato).
Singapore is a multi-racial society that manages ethnic diversity through various policies and institutions. These include establishing a national identity through practices promoting racial harmony, safeguarding minority interests via representation policies and self-help groups, and developing common spaces such as the education system and public housing that bring different races together. Key periods saw the introduction of policies like bilingualism, minority representation in parliament, and developing self-help groups and common institutions. The goal is for all races to co-exist and have a shared stake in Singapore's future.
The first paragraph describes cone shells, noting their patterned shells up to 23 cm long with a stubby appearance. It describes the animal's visible parts - foot, proboscis, and eye stalks.
The second paragraph describes male and female gharials, noting the male's large size up to 6.5 m and hundreds of kilograms while females are smaller. It describes their long, thin snout armed with teeth and heavy body with weak limbs and powerful tail.
The third paragraph describes the giant anteater's shaggy gray, white and black fur with a diagonal black stripe. It has a small head tapering to a long snout and powerful clawed front legs that allow it to
This document discusses teaching students about the concept of average. It provides examples to demonstrate how to calculate average using formulas and step-by-step work. The examples show students averaging numbers of counters distributed among groups and averaging weights of students. The document emphasizes that an average can be a decimal number, and distinguishes average from concepts like sharing. It aims to help students understand what average represents and how to properly apply the average formula.
The document discusses the Graduand Teacher Competencies Framework (GTCF) which outlines the key competencies teachers should develop. It includes 3 performance dimensions: 1) professional practice focusing on developing students' confidence, learning, contribution and citizenship, 2) leadership and management focusing on partnering with parents and teamwork, and 3) personal effectiveness focusing on self-awareness, integrity, respect for others, resilience and adaptability. Videos and quotes provide additional information on topics within each dimension.
This document discusses cultural competence in working with Asian and Pacific Islander populations. It begins by providing demographic information on the diversity within these groups. It then discusses the importance of cultural awareness, knowledge acquisition, and skill development for social workers. The document also outlines some of the discriminatory experiences that early Asian immigrants faced and the impact of oppression. It concludes by emphasizing the need for achieving social and economic justice and culturally competent practice for these client groups.
This document outlines a proposed social studies syllabus focusing on cultural diversity in Singapore. It includes quizzes, definitions of cultural diversity, perspectives from student teachers on the topic, and rationales for why cultural diversity should be taught. It then critiques chapters in sample P2 and P4 syllabi in terms of how well they teach about cultural diversity. Recommendations are provided such as incorporating more interactions between different communities and discussing diversity students can observe locally. The goal is for students to appreciate Singapore's diverse cultures while strengthening a shared national identity.
This document tells the story of Ishtar and Tammuz from ancient Babylonian mythology. It describes how Ishtar sent her son Tammuz to live on Earth, where his presence caused growth and prosperity. However, Ishtar grew jealous and had Tammuz killed. This caused all life on Earth to wither. Ishtar then traveled to the underworld to plead with her sister Allatu, the goddess there, to return Tammuz. Allatu agreed but said Tammuz must return to the underworld for six months each year, explaining the seasons.
The document discusses John, a student with ADHD and anger management issues. His current provisions in class include counseling from the teacher but no other differentiated treatment. Recommendations are made for increased collaboration between home and school, including providing John's parents with strategies to help change his behavior. Suggestions within the school include working with other teachers and professionals. External support organizations are also recommended.
The document outlines the mission and vision of the education service. The mission is to provide children with a well-rounded education to develop their full potential and nurture them into good citizens. The vision is to lead, care, and inspire. The document then discusses societal expectations of teachers and how teachers are expected to maintain professional boundaries and conduct themselves appropriately both in and out of school. It notes some of the challenges teachers face in maintaining work-life balance, sustaining their passion for teaching, and adapting to school culture.
The document discusses teaching students about volume. It explains that volume is the amount of space an object occupies and is measured in cubic units like cm3 or m3. It defines that the volume of a cuboid is calculated as length x breadth x height. Students are taught to calculate volumes of cubes and cuboids using this formula. They also learn that 1 liter is equal to 1000 cm3, so 1 ml equals 1 cm3. Hands-on practice with unit cubes helps develop spatial skills and understanding of these concepts.
This document outlines a multi-faceted theory of classroom management based on 4 key concepts: identifying mistaken goals of misbehavior, being democratic rather than autocratic teachers, using logical consequences rather than punishment, and understanding the difference between praise and encouragement. The theory promotes respect and communication between teachers and students, encourages students to take responsibility for their actions, and complements good teaching practices. However, it may be difficult to identify reasons for misbehavior and provide proper logical consequences in all cases.
This document outlines a proposed social studies syllabus focusing on cultural diversity in Singapore. It includes quizzes, definitions of cultural diversity, perspectives from student teachers on the topic, and rationales for why cultural diversity should be taught. It then critiques chapters in sample P2 and P4 syllabi in terms of how well they teach about cultural diversity. Recommendations are provided such as incorporating more interactions between different communities and discussing diversity students can observe locally. The goal is for students to appreciate Singapore's diverse cultures while strengthening a shared national identity.
This document tells the story of Ishtar and Tammuz from ancient Babylonian mythology. It describes how Ishtar sent her son Tammuz to live on Earth, where his presence caused growth and prosperity. However, Ishtar grew jealous and had Tammuz killed. This caused all life on Earth to wither. Ishtar then traveled to the underworld to plead with her sister Allatu, the goddess there, to return Tammuz. Allatu agreed but said Tammuz must return to the underworld for six months each year, explaining the seasons.
The document discusses John, a student with ADHD and anger management issues. His current provisions in class include counseling from the teacher but no other differentiated treatment. Recommendations are made for increased collaboration between home and school, including providing John's parents with strategies to help change his behavior. Suggestions within the school include working with other teachers and professionals. External support organizations are also recommended.
The document outlines the mission and vision of the education service. The mission is to provide children with a well-rounded education to develop their full potential and nurture them into good citizens. The vision is to lead, care, and inspire. The document then discusses societal expectations of teachers and how teachers are expected to maintain professional boundaries and conduct themselves appropriately both in and out of school. It notes some of the challenges teachers face in maintaining work-life balance, sustaining their passion for teaching, and adapting to school culture.
The document discusses teaching students about volume. It explains that volume is the amount of space an object occupies and is measured in cubic units like cm3 or m3. It defines that the volume of a cuboid is calculated as length x breadth x height. Students are taught to calculate volumes of cubes and cuboids using this formula. They also learn that 1 liter is equal to 1000 cm3, so 1 ml equals 1 cm3. Hands-on practice with unit cubes helps develop spatial skills and understanding of these concepts.
This document outlines a multi-faceted theory of classroom management based on 4 key concepts: identifying mistaken goals of misbehavior, being democratic rather than autocratic teachers, using logical consequences rather than punishment, and understanding the difference between praise and encouragement. The theory promotes respect and communication between teachers and students, encourages students to take responsibility for their actions, and complements good teaching practices. However, it may be difficult to identify reasons for misbehavior and provide proper logical consequences in all cases.