Generative learning refers to actively generating meaning from learning experiences by drawing inferences and creating personal explanations that are connected to existing knowledge. It emphasizes what can be done with information rather than just accessing it. Constructivism involves learners building their own understanding through learning activities and environments, with the role of learning being to help individuals adapt to their personal world. Key principles are that learning consists of what individuals can actively assemble themselves rather than passively receive, and education aims to acquire practical personal knowledge rather than abstract truths.
2. Active Learners who attend to
learning events and generate
meaning from this experience and
draw different inferences thereby
creating a personal model or
explanation to the new
experience in the context of
existing knowledge.
3. It is also viewed as
different from the
simple process of
storing information.
7. Learners builds a
personal understanding
through appropriate
learning activities and a
good learning
8. The most accepted principles
constructivism are:
-Learning consists in what a person can
actively assemble for himself and not
what he can receive passively.
-The role of learning is to help the
individuals live/adapt to his personal
9. These two principles in
turn lead to three
practical implication:
1. The learner is directly responsible for learning. He
creates personal understanding and transforms
information to knowledge. The teacher plays an
indirect role by modeling effective
learning, assisting, facilitating, and encouraging
10. 2. The context of meaningful learning
consists in the learner connecting his school
actively to real life.
3. The purpose of education is the acquisition
of practical and personal knowledge not
abstract or universal truth.
11. Common themes to these four learning
---are active, purposeful learners.
---set personal goals and strategies to achieve these goals.
---make their learning experience meaningful and relevant to
their lives.
---seek to build an understanding of their personal worlds so
they can work/live productively.
---build on what they already know in order to interpret and
respond to new experience.
12. The real secret of happiness is not what you
have or receive..
Its what you share and give