Reentry students are typically older than 25 and returning to college after a long absence. They have various characteristics and reasons for returning to school, such as being retirees, veterans, or seeking career changes or self-actualization. The number of reentry students is growing significantly as baby boomers retire. Reentry students seek out new training programs and lifelong learning opportunities. Colleges offer various resources to support reentry students, such as reentry centers, scholarships, orientation sessions, and peer mentoring. There are also many non-traditional educational programs and institutions available for reentry students, including online degrees, tele-courses, and universities specializing in non-traditional students.
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Community College Returning Adults Reentry Students
1. Joyce M. Holland, MA CSU Dominguez Hills Extended Education GED 548: Effective College Teaching Presentation #1 Roger McGinneess, Ed.D October 23, 2004 Fall 2004 REENTRY STUDENTS
2. Reentry Students Characteristics : Average age 25 or older Re-entry after long periods of college inactivity. NON-TRADITIONAL STUDENTS Retirees, divorcees, widowed, displaced workers, career changers, veterans, full-time employees, retraining, self-actualizers, etc.
3. Baby Boomers By 2011 at least 77 million are predicted to retire. Retraining opportunities available in coming decades Interested in Life-long learning Individualized Learning
4. Reentry Students in Record Numbers Reentry students seek out new training programs Life-long learning programs attract reentry students Numerous resources to assist Reentry students
6. Non Traditional Educational Programs E-Campus Degrees Program Online-Line Internet Classes Online-Line Internet Degree Programs Television Tele-Courses Correspondence School Programs Non-Traditional Institutions University of Phoenix, DeVry University, Cappella University, Etc
7. References National Non-Traditional Students Association. Retrieved 11.23.2004 from: Adult Student.Com. Retrieved 11.23.2004 from: Individualizing Instruction: Making Learning Personal, Empowering, and Successful. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1990. Retrieved 11.23.2004 from: