The CIA conducted illegal mind control experiments through its MKUltra program from the early 1950s to 1973. Sidney Gottlieb and other top CIA officials administered LSD and other drugs to unwitting US and Canadian citizens to test reactions and try to develop truth serums and sleeper agents. The experiments broke down into 149 subprojects testing methods like electroshock therapy and harassment. While most documents were destroyed, it is known people died and thousands were exposed to dangerous substances without consent during the unethical 20-year program.
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1. Who were the primary researchers?
? Sidney Gottlieb Head researcher in 1953
? Allen Welsh Dulles Director of CIA 1953
? Richard Helms Director of CIA 1973
2. What was the time period in which the research took place?
The program began in the early 1950s, was officially started
in 1953, was decreased in scope in 1964, and officially
stopped in 1973.
3. Who were the participants?
Innocent U.S and Canadian citizens without their
4. Methods
LSD would be administered to subjects, sometimes without their knowing and most
of the time without consent, to test the subjects reactions. LSD would allow the mind
to wonder without control. The CIA would ask the ¡°unaware¡± subjects questions and
give orders. The idea was to see if the subjects would answer truthfully or carry out
orders while ¡°aware¡± that they were given while being under the influence of LSD.
Their overall goal was create a perfect truth serum and to make secret agents that
didn¡¯t realize they were agents. They were trying to create what is known as a
sleeper agent.
MK ultra was a large experiment that broke down into at least 149 subprojects. In
each subproject different methods were administered including various other drugs,
electroshock therapy, gas aerosols, hypnosis, sleep treatments, and harassment
(including sexual harassment). The idea was to ¡°break¡± a subject and strip them
down to just an empty conscious that the researchers could ¡°upload¡± whatever
information into the subject as possible.
5. Results
Unfortunately, almost all of the MK ultra documents destroyed in
1973. However, Senator Ted Kennedy revealed to the U.S that
the CIA have tested experiments on unwitting people involved
LSD, and there have been some known deaths from the
experiment. Moreover, thousands of people were exposed to
dangerous substances.