Craig Faubel is an executive coach currently working with 20 LCMS pastors to focus on personal leadership development, improve time and energy management, and enhance leadership development of staff and congregations. He is pursuing Blackaby Ministries Spiritual Leadership Coaching Certification expected by December 2012. When asking pastors what prevents them from taking their ministry to the next step, common responses included fear, lack of focus, self-confidence, and accountability.
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1. Craig Faubel Executive Coach
Currently working with twenty LCMS pastors to:
Focus on personal leadership development
Improve time and energy management
Enhance leadership development of staff and congregation
Blackaby Ministries Spiritual Leadership Coaching Certification
(Expected in by 12/2012)
2. What is the one thing.. the main thing..that is
preventing me from taking the next step in my ministry?
After presenting this question to the 2011 & 2012 PLI classes at the 2012
PLI National Convention in Fort Collins, Colorado, the responses are quoted
along with a coaching question which has been added to stimulate thought
and conversation.
Where is Satan working and what does God want me to do about it?
≒My next step
Where is God leading me?
≒Sheer volume of stuff
What can I say NO to in order to say YES to something more
important for Gods will.
3. ≒仰M霞壊艶鉛韓
What is the REAL issue that is preventing me to do Gods will?
≒Lacking in my devotional life
What action steps must I do in order to have a deeper love
relationship with God?
What am I doing to enhance the leadership development of my leaders?
≒Lack of self-confidence
What does God want me to do in order to be a better leader?
≒Time management issues
What does my daily/weekly/monthly agenda look like?
≒Lack of accountability
Who has God placed into my life that provides me a trusting &
collaborative relationship whereby I am being held accountable
for my God inspired goals and action plans?
4. Lack of encouragement
Who has God placed into my life to provide constant encouragement?
≒Lack of focus
How is the "tyranny of the urgent' disrupting my focus to do God's will?
It gets hot in the kitchen
How is God helping me to remain calm in the face of adversity?
Apathy of the quiet majority
What opportunities and challenges do my staff and I have leading the
majority into a deeper love relationship with God?
The Alligators
Who are the alligators and how can God utilize me to help them to
further God's kingdom?