This 3 sentence document summary provides login credentials for the video sharing site DailyMotion and identifies a video titled "How mirrors in the house affect money and health status - vaastu tips". The video discusses Vaastu tips for using mirrors in the home to attract positive energies related to money and health.
El software educativo y plataformas Virtuales sanchez0395
En este presentacion se incluyen los siguientes topico:
Software Educativo
Definición de software educativo
CaracterÃsticas fundamentales del software educativo
CaracterÃsticas generales: Funcionalidad, Usabilidad, Eficiencia
Funciones: informativa, instructiva, motivadora, investigadora
El software educativo como medio de enseñanza.
Plataforma Educativa
Definición de plataforma Virtuales educativa
Clases de plataformas educativas
Inserción al medio educativo
Cambios en el entorno pedagógico
Ventajas y desventajas de las plataformas virtuales educativas
Menciona por lo menos 5 plataformas virtuales educativas, resaltando sus caracterÃsticas\
Laporan praktikum pemrograman komputer II yang berisi daftar nama asisten dan mahasiswa serta informasi tentang laboratorium dan universitas tempat praktikum dilaksanakan.
This document contains a list of abbreviations and acronyms used in construction, architecture, and related fields. There are over 100 entries listed, with 2-5 letter abbreviations followed by the full term they represent. The abbreviations cover a wide variety of topics from building materials and components to mechanical systems to room functions.
This document is an academic transcript for a student named Fidaus Josua with registration number 08-101172624/J46 in the D4 Information Systems program. It shows that the student completed 72 credits with a cumulative grade point average of 3.70 and graduated cum laude. Their final project was titled "Implementation of Project Scheduling PCR using Genetic Algorithm Method".