This document discusses the categorization and management of pressure ulcers in adults. It defines the four stages of pressure ulcers from non-blanchable erythema (Stage 1) to full thickness tissue loss with exposed bone, tendon or muscle (Stage 4). It then reviews the use of different dressings for pressure ulcers, including hydrocolloid dressings for non-infected Stage 1-3 ulcers, alginate dressings for exudating ulcers, and silver-impregnated dressings for infected or heavily colonized ulcers. It stresses the importance of being aware that all patients are at risk of developing pressure ulcers.
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Pressure ulcers
1. Raquel Muñoz. Primary Care nurse
CS Son Serra-La Vileta. Palma de Mallorca
June 2015
Staging and
management in adults
5. Category/Stage 1
O Intact skin with non-blanchable erythema
of a localized area usually over a bony
6. Category/Stage 2
O Partial thickness skin loss or blister.
O Partial thickness loss of dermis presenting
as a shallow open ulcer with a red or pink
wound bed
7. Category/Stage 3
O Full thickness skin loss (fat visible)
O Subcutaneous fat may be visible but
bone, tendon or muscle are not exposed.
8. Category/Stage 4
O Full thickness tissue loss with exposed
bone, tendon or muscle.
O Often include undermining and tunnelling
10. Hydrocolloid Dressings
O On non-infected pressure ulcers. (Strength of
Evidence = B)
O On shallow Stage III pressure ulcers. (B)
O To protect body areas at risk of friction injury . (C)
O On non-exudating ulcers (B)
11. Alginate Dressings
O For the treatment of moderately and
heavily exudating ulcers. (B)
O In infected pressure ulcers when there is
proper concurrent treatment of infection.
12. Foam Dressings
O On exudative Category/Stage II and
shallow Category/Stage III pressure ulcers.
O On painful pressure ulcers. (C)
O On body areas and pressure ulcers at risk
of shear injury. (B)
13. Silver-Impregnated Dressings
O For pressure ulcers that are infected or
heavily colonized. (B)
O For ulcers at high risk of infection (B)
14. OBe aware that all patients
are potentially at risk of
developing a pressure
15. Literature review
O NICE. Prevention and management of pressure ulcers.
2014. Available in:
O European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel and National
Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel. 2009
O Guideline of Prevention and management of pressure
ulcers. 2007. Servicio de Salud de las Islas Baleares.
O Grupo Nacional para el Estudio y Asesoramiento en
Ulceras por Presión y Heridas Crónicas (GNEAUPP).
Directrices Generales sobre Tratamiento de las Úlceras
por Presión. Logroño. CURRENTLY IN UPDATE
O Pancorbo-Hidalgo Pedro L., García-Fernández
Francisco P., Torra i Bou Joan-Enric, Verdú Soriano
José, Soldevilla-Agreda J. Javier. Epidemiología de las
úlceras por presión en España en 2013: 4.º Estudio
Nacional de Prevalencia. Gerokomos . 2014 ; 25(4):