This document appears to be a pre-test for general cleaning staff. It asks for basic contact information like name, date, phone number and address. It then has questions to match colors and numbers, identify a recycling bin, match words to pictures of cleaning tools, and name three items found in a bathroom. The test covers basic cleaning tasks and tools over multiple choice and short answer questions.
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1. IRC General Cleaning Pre-Test
Name: (10 points) ___________________________________________________
Date: (5 points) _____________________________________________________
Phone Number: (5 points) _________________________________________
Address: (10 points) _________________________________________________
Write the correct number below the correct color item. (15 points)
1. Red
2. Blue
3. Green
____________ _____________ ______________
Circle the recycling bin: (5 points)
2. Match the following words to the right picture: (40 points)
Name three things you can find in a bathroom. (10 points)
Example: Sink
1. ___________________
2. ___________________
3. ___________________