This document discusses the prevention of alcoholism for a healthy society. It notes that alcoholism is a medical illness caused by a variety of social, psychological, and genetic factors. Preventing alcoholism requires addressing its social and psychological contributors, combating myths about alcoholism, understanding the health effects and stages of alcohol dependence, developing a treatment plan, and providing community support for those struggling with addiction and their families. The overall message is that a collaborative effort is needed to promote healthy lifestyles and prevent the personal and societal harms of alcoholism.
2. Alcohol is a drug
Alcoholism is a
recognized medical
illness acquired by
those susceptible to
it, who begin drinking
for many reasons.
3. Usually, a variety of factors contribute to the
development of a problem with alcohol.
Social factors such as the influence of family,
peers and society, and the availability of alcohol.
Psychological factors such as elevated levels of
stress, inadequate coping mechanisms, and
reinforcement of alcohol use from other drinkers
can contribute to alcoholism.
Also, the factors contributing to initial alcohol
use may vary from those maintaining it, once
the disease develops.
4. Repeatedly neglecting your Using alcohol in situations where
responsibilities at home, work, or its physically dangerous, such as
school because of your drinking. For drinking and driving, operating
example, performing poorly at machinery while intoxicated, or
work, flunking classes, neglecting mixing alcohol with prescription
your kids or skipping out on medication against doctors orders.
commitments because youre hung
over. Drinking as a way to relax or de-
Physical dependence on alcohol. stress. Many drinking problems
If you rely on alcohol to function or start when people use alcohol to
feel physically compelled to drink, self-soothe and relieve stress.
youre an alcoholic.
Experiencing repeated legal Continuing to drink even though
problem on account of your your alcohol use is causing
drinking. problems in your relationships.
It takes the liver about one Myth #1: I can stop drinking
hour to break down one drink anytime I want to.
of alcohol Myth #2: My drinking
10-15% alcohol users develop is my problem. Im the one who
alcohol dependence . hurts, so no one has the right to
62.5 million Alcohol users are tell me to stop.
estimated in India. Myth #3: I dont drink every day,
so I cant be an alcoholic OR I
Third largest market for only drink wine or beer, so I cant
alcoholic beverages in India, be an alcoholic.
attracts the attention of multi Myth #4: Im not an alcoholic
national liquor companies all because I have a job and Im
over the place doing okay.
Taxes generated from alcohol Myth #5: Drinking is not a real
production & sale is the major addiction like drug abuse.
source of revenue.
7. heart damage brain damage with
high blood pressure mood and personality
liver disease changes
cancers of the concentration and
digestive system memory problems
other digestive system nutrition-related
disorders (eg stomach problems
ulcers) risks to unborn babies.
sexual impotence and Impacts on
reduced fertility relationships, finances,
risk of breast cancer work and legal
sleeping difficulties problems.
Feeling of well-being Up to .05 g% Talkative
More confident
Some raised risk 0.05-.08 g% Over confidence
Judgment and
movement impaired
Moderately raised 0.15-.30 g% walking difficulty
state Apathetic sleepy
breathing problems
Memory loss
Loss f bladder control
Possible loss of
Death Over .30 g% Coma
10. George Best Peter Cook
(Football player) (Actor)
11. Yootha Joyce Oliver Reed
(Singer and actress) (Actor)
13. Acc to Barker Prevention is-
Actions taken by social
workers and others to
minimize or eliminate those
social, psychological, or
other conditions known to
contribute to physical or
emotional illnesses.
Prevention includes
establishing those
conditions in society that
enhance the opportunities
for individuals, families and
communities to achieve
positive fulfillment.
14. Step 1 - Commit to stop drinking
Evaluate the costs and benefits of Drinking.
Step 2- Set goals and prepare for change
Get rid of temptations.
Be upfront about your new limits.
Avoid bad influences.
Learn from the past
Step 3- Get sober safely
One should start slowly.
Step 4- Find new meaning in life
Take care of yourself.
Develop new interests and activities.
15. Step 5- Plan for triggers and cravings
Practice saying no to alcohol in social situations.
Distract yourself until the urge passes.
Remind yourself of your reasons for not drinking.
Step 6- Get support
Step 7- Getting started on treatment
Theres no magic bullet or single treatment that works for
everyone. Everyones needs are different, so its important
that you find a program that feels right to you.
16. Some people can stop drinking
The symptoms of alcohol
on their own, while others need
withdrawal range from mild to
medical supervision in order to
severe, and include:
withdraw from alcohol safely
and comfortably. Which option
is best for you depends on how
Nausea or vomiting
much youve been drinking, how
Anxiety and restlessness
long youve had a problem, and
Stomach cramps and diarrhea
other health issues you may
Trouble sleeping or
Elevated heart rate and blood
When you drink heavily and
frequently, your body becomes
Call 911 or go to the emergency
physically dependent on alcohol
room if you experience any of
and goes through withdrawal if
the following withdrawal
you suddenly stop drinking.
17. Alcohol addiction is a curse not only to the
individual, but also to his/her family, society
and nation .
Hence, we should provide mental & social
support to care-givers, families of severely
alcoholic dependent people.
And should create strong awareness towards
healthy styles of living.
21. Designed and Created By-