Grimo BOZP s.r.o. is a company that provides occupational safety and health services in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. They have a staff of qualified experts in risk prevention and occupational safety coordinators. Their services include creating documentation, inspections, training, consulting, and coordinating occupational safety according to Czech and EU regulations. They have experience providing these services for over 15 years on construction projects across both countries for clients such as IKEA, Tesco, and Kaufland. Their goal is to ensure work is done safely, qualitatively, and deliberately.
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Prezentace Grimo BOZP s.r.o. EN
1. Services in the Occupational Safety and Health
Grimo BOZP s.r.o. ID: 27810003
Oldichovice 738, 739 61 Tinec Tax: CZ27810003
Company written in the Commercial Register at the Regional Court in Ostrava, Section C, Insert 41953,
Cell phone: +420 736 622 173 , email:
Services in the Occupational Safety and Health
2. Services in the Occupational Safety and Health
Grimo BOZP s.r.o. ID: 27810003
Oldichovice 738, 739 61 Tinec Tax: CZ27810003
Company written in the Commercial Register at the Regional Court in Ostrava, Section C, Insert 41953,
Cell phone: +420 736 622 173 , email:
Dear business partners,
Let us introduce a company Grimo BOZP s.r.o. Our company is engaged in providing
services related to the Occupational Safety and Health. Our staff consists of individuals
technically qualified in risk prevention and OSH coordinators at sites (pursuant to the Act
No. 309/2006 Coll.). We also provide necessary services in fire protection.
Our company specializes in the construction industry. Already at the time, when there
existed no legislative support (Act No. 309/2006 Coll. and Government Regulation 591/2006
Coll.) our company have been offering services of OSH coordinator in compliance with
requirements of the Council Directive 92/57/EHS of June 24, 1992.
Within the OSH services we cooperate with a number of prominent Czech and Slovak
experts in the field of Occupational Safety. Our employees participate in many international
conferences of Occupational Safety and Health, as well as Fire Protection.
Company Grimo BOZP s.r.o. has experiences in Occupational Safety and Health and
Fire Protection services not only in the Czech Republic, but as well in Slovakia.
We are one of the founding members of the association Spolen叩 vize (Common vision
-, which is another mean of providing occupational safety in
In case you express an interest in cooperation with our company, we commit to meet
all the needs in services of Occupational Safety and Health. Our main motto is:
Safely, qualitatively and with deliberation.
If you are interested in our services, please, use the contacts given below.
Best regards
Peter Gr端n辰rmel Managing Director tel.: +420 736 622 173
Jan Hrycek - Managing Director tel.: +420 737 256 037
Vlastimil 貼叩kovsk箪, Eng. - Business Department tel.: +420 604 543 045
3. Services in the Occupational Safety and Health
Grimo BOZP s.r.o. ID: 27810003
Oldichovice 738, 739 61 Tinec Tax: CZ27810003
Company written in the Commercial Register at the Regional Court in Ostrava, Section C, Insert 41953,
Cell phone: +420 736 622 173 , email:
Activities of a person qualified in risk prevention
According to the Labor Code for Occupational Safety and Health:
Elaboration of determined documentation, provision of its ongoing review and regular
Performing preventive safety inspections, writing up a report of recorded deficiencies
and a proposal for their remedy.
Performing of induction and periodic training.
Consulting and advisory services in Occupational Safety and Health.
Professional assistance in dealing with working injuries and occupational diseases and
their compensation.
Cooperation in case of an inspection by Regional Labor Inspectorate.
Work hygiene.
Health risks assessment, ergonomic measures.
Activities of a person qualified in fire protection
Elaboration of determined documentation.
Performing regular preventive fire inspections with a report and proposal for remedy
of detected defects.
Performing of induction and periodic training.
Elaboration of construction-related fire safety solutions within the project.
Consulting and advisory services in Fire Protection.
Assistance in emergencies (fire, emergency conditions ...).
Cooperation in case of an inspection by Fire-Rescue Department.
4. Services in the Occupational Safety and Health
Grimo BOZP s.r.o. ID: 27810003
Oldichovice 738, 739 61 Tinec Tax: CZ27810003
Company written in the Commercial Register at the Regional Court in Ostrava, Section C, Insert 41953,
Cell phone: +420 736 622 173 , email:
Services of Occupational Safety and Health coordinator
pursuant to the Act No. 309/2006 Coll.
Within the scope of coordinators activities we offer the following:
Coordinator during the preparatory work for the construction:
a) sufficiently in advance to the handover of the construction to the contractor we hand over
to the investor a summary of the legal regulations related to the construction, information
concerning the risks that might arise during the construction works, taking into account the
work and activities that might increase the risk to the life and heath of natural persons and
other documentation needed to ensure a safe and risk-free working environment and working
conditions, which must be taken into consideration for the nature of construction and its
b) we stimulate and suggest technical solutions for the planning of individual works,
especially those, that are being made at the same time, or in sequence; we make sure that
proposed solution is technically feasible and in compliance with legal and other regulations
for ensuring Occupational Safety and Health, and as well economically reasonable with
consideration of constructions purpose,
c) we provide professional consultancies and suggestions
d) we ensure that the plan contains, as appropriate for the nature and scope of the construction
and local site conditions, the data, information and procedures worked out in details necessary
to ensure safe and risk-free works, and that the plan is approved and signed by all contractors
known at the moment of its preparation,
e) we provide a list of requirements for Occupational Safety and Health at maintenance work.
5. Services in the Occupational Safety and Health
Grimo BOZP s.r.o. ID: 27810003
Oldichovice 738, 739 61 Tinec Tax: CZ27810003
Company written in the Commercial Register at the Regional Court in Ostrava, Section C, Insert 41953,
Cell phone: +420 736 622 173 , email:
Coordinator during the construction work:
a) without unnecessary delay, we
- inform all relevant contractors of safety and health risks that have arisen on the construction
site during the work,
- warn contractors of any deficiencies that were discovered in the workplace, request that
improvements be put in place; along with that we also suggest suitable measures,
- inform the construction investor the abovementioned deficiencies, if the contractor did not
take appropriate measures to implement remedies without undue delay,
b) we coordinate the cooperation of contractors, or authorized individuals, with consideration
to the nature of the construction and general principles of risk prevention, with the aim to
protect health of natural persons, avoid work injuries and prevent the occurrence of
occupational diseases,
d) we cooperate in determining the time schedule needed to safe realization of individual
works or activities,
f) we control security at the construction site perimeter, including the entrance and entry to
the site in order to prevent entrance of unauthorized individuals,
g) we cooperate with staff representatives for Occupational Safety and Health and with the
person in the role of investors engineering supervision,
h) we participate in inspections of the site, based on an invitation by building authority,
ch) we propose terms of control of OSH plan observance with the presence of contractors or
their commissioned persons,
i) we monitor if contractors follow instructions given in the OSH plan for the construction,
j) we make reports on found faults at the site, we direct contractors attention to them.
Afterwards we make reports on whether and how were they eliminated.
6. Services in the Occupational Safety and Health
Grimo BOZP s.r.o. ID: 27810003
Oldichovice 738, 739 61 Tinec Tax: CZ27810003
Company written in the Commercial Register at the Regional Court in Ostrava, Section C, Insert 41953,
Cell phone: +420 736 622 173 , email:
Consulting or complex services in Occupational Safety and Heath and Fire Protection in
the Czech Republic:
B旦gl a Kr箪sl, k.s.- since 1. 7. 2009
Moravostav Brno
Rotto, spol. s.r.o.
Miroslav Ra邸ka - vodovody a kanalizace s.r.o.
Tevos Treid
Skanska Servis a.s.
Kovoprojekta Brno, a.s., building of the plant Hills Pet Nutrition
IMOS Brno a. s. branch in Ostrava
Demontstav s. r. o.
Euro service group s. r. o.
Morava Stavby s. r. o.
Profo Monolity s. r. o.
Supervision at the site (OSH coordinator) in accordance with the Council Directive
92/57/EEC of 24 June, 1992 service provided since 2004 to 2006
SKANSKA CZ, divize Pozemn鱈 stavitelstv鱈 Morava, Bovis Lend Lease, a.s.
Construction: CENTRUM PRAHA CHODOV, 06/2004 11/2005
Reference: Radom鱈r Bystro, Eng., tel.:: 737 256 006,
cost of the Works: approx 2 700 000 000 CZK
SKANSKA CZ, divize Pozemn鱈 stavitelstv鱈 Morava
Construction: SPU Brno, 02/2006 03/2007
Reference: Radom鱈r Bystro, Eng., tel.:: 737 256 006,
cost of the Works: approx 1 100 000 000 CZK
Work of coordinator in accordance with the Act No. 309/2006 Coll., and Government
Decree No. 591/2006 Coll. in the Czech Republic:
esk叩 spoitelna, a.s.
Reconstruction of company branch in Vala邸sk辿 Mezi鱈鱈
Relocation of company branch in Brunt叩l, Rusk叩 10
IKEA Czech Republic
Annex of IKEA in Ostrava 2007 - 2009
Reconstruction and extension of IKEA in Brno 2007 - 2009
7. Services in the Occupational Safety and Health
Grimo BOZP s.r.o. ID: 27810003
Oldichovice 738, 739 61 Tinec Tax: CZ27810003
Company written in the Commercial Register at the Regional Court in Ostrava, Section C, Insert 41953,
Cell phone: +420 736 622 173 , email:
Multi Development Czech Republic, a.s.
New Karolina, phase I
Tebodin Czech Republic
Construction of the new plant Foxconn Kutn叩 Hora, 2008
Industrial zone Mo邸nov
Annex of production hall Olympus Perov
CTP Invest spol.s.r.o.
Construction of industrial halls and high-rise buildings Office Centre in
Ostrava, Brno, Hranice. Total of 10 constructions, total cost of the Works
approx. 3 000 000 000 CZK, general contract till 2010
Bovis Lend Lease a.s.
OSH coordinator for Prague and Brno areas - long term cooperation
Stavebn鱈 bytov辿 dru転stvo Perov
Reconstruction of panel apartment houses
Stavebn鱈 bytov辿 dru転stvo T邸鱈an
Reconstruction of panel apartment houses
Infram a.s.
Interconnection of roads I/11 and I/56, link road S1 in Opava
I/56 M鱈steck叩 I. and II. construction
Highway D47, constr. no. 47092 Bohum鱈n - state boarder CZ/Poland
Highway D47, constr. no. 4705 Blot鱈n Hladk辿 貼ivotice
Diversion of road I/57, Hladk辿 貼ivotice orbital
Ostravsk辿 komunikace a.s.
Bridge reconstruction at Ciheln鱈 street in Ostrava, over the railroad
IVAX Pharmaceuticals s.r.o.
Production hall in Opava
Dalkia esk叩 republika a.s.
Project SO CVS a CZCH New Karolina
EZ Distribuce a.s.
Relays of cables in New Karolina
Lidl esk叩 republika V.O.S.
Retail store Lidl, roundabout II/437, Lipn鱈k nad Bevou
PRAHA WEST Investment
Hypermarket Globus Ostrava Poruba
P.V.N. Praha, spol.s.r.o.
Project Baumax Kladno retail store extension, extension of supply yard
Project Obchodn鱈 centrum PVN Olomouc
Project Baumax esk辿 Budjovice Baumax store
Project Baumax Shopping Center Chomutov Baumax store extension,
tenant units for lease, roads within the premises
V鱈tkovice Revmont a.s.
Production hall - designed for production of diaphragm walls
V鱈tkovice, a.s.
Demolition of telephone center
8. Services in the Occupational Safety and Health
Grimo BOZP s.r.o. ID: 27810003
Oldichovice 738, 739 61 Tinec Tax: CZ27810003
Company written in the Commercial Register at the Regional Court in Ostrava, Section C, Insert 41953,
Cell phone: +420 736 622 173 , email:
Ostravsk叩 univerzita
Construction work at Ostrava University
Railroad bridge Ostrava Kunice
SAREZA Ostrava
Reconstruction of cooling, noise barrier
EM obchodn鱈 spolenost, k. s.
Annex of storage hall M旦belix Ostrava
OSTROJ, a.s.
Construction of production hall tool factory
Povod鱈 Odry, s. p. Ostrava
Flood dam on Odra River, Ostrava-Anto邸ovice, km 9,200-12,000
TESCO Stores
Retail store Stud辿nka - TESCO
Work of coordinator in accordance with the Act No. 309/2006 Coll., and Government
Decree No. 591/2006 Coll. in the Czech Republic, current projects:
IKEA esk叩 Republika s. r. o.
Avion Shopping park Ostrava extension SOUTH
Multi Development Czech Republic, a.s.
New Karolina, II. stage
City of 貼d叩r canalization 1. and 2. stage
Consulting or complex services in Occupational Safety and Heath and Fire Protection in
Slovak Republic:
Kaufland Senica
Tesco Martin Preikopa
Shopping Center Laugr叩cio Tren鱈n
Kaufland Star叩 Lubova
Multi-functional building Liptovsk箪 Mikul叩邸 I. stage
Kaufland Martin
Kaufland Puchov
OSH Coordinator in Slovak Republic:
Annex of Shopping Center Avion Schopping park Bratislava
Tesco Puchov
Shopping and tenant units - annex of Tesco 貼ilina
Kaufland Malacky
Kaufland Sere
Tesco Rev炭ca
Contacts for references may be provided upon request.
9. Services in the Occupational Safety and Health
Grimo BOZP s.r.o. ID: 27810003
Oldichovice 738, 739 61 Tinec Tax: CZ27810003
Company written in the Commercial Register at the Regional Court in Ostrava, Section C, Insert 41953,
Cell phone: +420 736 622 173 , email:
We also provide activities in risk prevention (documentation, safety inspections, initial
and periodic training, hygiene of work, etc), activities in fire protection (documentation,
initial and periodic training, advisory and consultation services, etc.).
We will be honored if your company expresses interest in or services. Shall that be the
case we oblige ourselves to duly and scrupulously perform all our duties and will be fully
helpful to you at implementation of your projects.
Do not hesitate to contact us anytime for further information in regards to the price
and individual services.
Peter Gr端n辰rmel Managing Director tel.: +420 736 622 173
Jan Hrycek - Managing Director tel.: +420 737 256 037
10. Services in the Occupational Safety and Health
Grimo BOZP s.r.o. ID: 27810003
Oldichovice 738, 739 61 Tinec Tax: CZ27810003
Company written in the Commercial Register at the Regional Court in Ostrava, Section C, Insert 41953,
Cell phone: +420 736 622 173 , email:
11. Services in the Occupational Safety and Health
Grimo BOZP s.r.o. ID: 27810003
Oldichovice 738, 739 61 Tinec Tax: CZ27810003
Company written in the Commercial Register at the Regional Court in Ostrava, Section C, Insert 41953,
Cell phone: +420 736 622 173 , email: