PIO RAOUL BORJA URSUAPio Raoul UrsuaThis document contains a summary of Raoul Borja Ursua's resume. It outlines his educational background which includes a Bachelor of Laws degree from the University of Nueva Caceres-Naga City in the Philippines. It also lists his work experience which includes his current role as an Administrator for Astrea Group Trading and Contracting in Doha, Qatar since July 2015. The document provides details of his roles, responsibilities, and qualifications.
International MarketingBackShelarInternational marketing involves the buying and selling of goods and services across national borders. It entails larger scale operations than domestic marketing due to factors like intense global competition, the dominance of multinational corporations in world trade, and the need to consider cultural and economic differences between countries. There are both push factors that compel companies to expand internationally like market saturation at home as well as pull factors like opportunities for growth and lower costs abroad that attract companies to foreign markets. However, international marketing also presents challenges such as political and legal differences between countries, trade restrictions, and high costs associated with distance.
PIO RAOUL BORJA URSUAPio Raoul UrsuaThis document contains a summary of Raoul Borja Ursua's resume. It outlines his educational background which includes a Bachelor of Laws degree from the University of Nueva Caceres-Naga City in the Philippines. It also lists his work experience which includes his current role as an Administrator for Astrea Group Trading and Contracting in Doha, Qatar since July 2015. The document provides details of his roles, responsibilities, and qualifications.
International MarketingBackShelarInternational marketing involves the buying and selling of goods and services across national borders. It entails larger scale operations than domestic marketing due to factors like intense global competition, the dominance of multinational corporations in world trade, and the need to consider cultural and economic differences between countries. There are both push factors that compel companies to expand internationally like market saturation at home as well as pull factors like opportunities for growth and lower costs abroad that attract companies to foreign markets. However, international marketing also presents challenges such as political and legal differences between countries, trade restrictions, and high costs associated with distance.
sample brochure all jobsQuest Builders Group .IncThe document provides information about Quest Builders Group Inc., a construction management and general contracting firm. It includes sections on their introduction, services, leadership, client list, and selected projects. Some key details are that they have been established since 2001, provide construction management, general contracting, and other services, and have completed projects for various technology, real estate, retail, and other clients. Their leadership has over 18 years of experience and they oversee all projects.
Congenital heart diseasesSANDEEP KUMAR MANDAPALLICongenital heart diseases are structural abnormalities present at birth that affect the normal formation and function of the heart. The most common types are ventricular septal defect (VSD), atrial septal defect (ASD), patent ductus arteriosus (PDA), tetralogy of Fallot, pulmonary stenosis, coarctation of the aorta, and transposition of the great arteries (TGA). Symptoms range from none to signs of heart failure. Treatment options include medical management, catheter-based procedures such as angioplasty or device closure, and open heart surgery to repair or palliate the defects. Prognosis depends on the specific type of congenital heart disease and whether complete repair is possible.
2. Polecana miejscowość - BOLESŁAW
Bolesław – gmina wiejska w województwie
małopolskim, w powiecie olkuskim. W latach
1975-1998 gmina położona była w województwie
katowickim. Siedziba gminy to Bolesław. Według
danych z 30 czerwca 2004 r. gminę zamieszkiwały
7842 osoby
Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu w Dąbrowie Górniczej, 2015
4. Jak dojechać z Dąbrowy Górniczej?
Najprostszym środkiem transportu z Dąbrowy Górniczej do Bolesławia
jest linia busów KAYATRANS. Busy te kursują na trasie Olkusz Dworzec
PKS <-> Dąbrowa Górnicza Centrum. Kolejne busy odjeżdżają co 30
minut. Rozkład dostępny jest na stronie:
Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu w Dąbrowie Górniczej, 2015
5. Ciekawe miejsca, zabytki
• Kościół rzymskokatolicki: Parafia Macierzyństwa Najświętszej
Maryi Panny i św. Michała Archanioła w Bolesławiu
• Kościół Polskokatolicki: Parafia Bożego Ciała w Bolesławiu
• Pomnik generała Francesco Nullo, nieopodal Bolesławia w
• Dworek w Bolesławiu
• Remiza Ochotniczej Straży Pożarnej w Bolesławiu
Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu w Dąbrowie Górniczej, 2015
7. Gmina Bolesław liczy blisko 8 tys. mieszkańców. Położona
jest na Wyżynie Krakowsko-Częstochowskiej, w pobliżu
Pustyni Błędowskiej, na granicy dwóch najważniejszych
województw Polski południowej, w połowie drogi
pomiędzy Krakowem i Katowicami, przy drodze krajowej
94. Zajmuje obszar o powierzchni 41,34 km2, średnia
gęstość zaludnienia wynosi 188 osób na km2.
Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu w Dąbrowie Górniczej, 2015
8. Znaczna część powierzchni gminy to tereny
Krajobrazowego Parku Jurajskiego. Gmina Bolesław
obejmuje 12 sołectw: Bolesław, Hutki, Krążek, Krzykawę,
Krzykawkę, Krze, Laski, Małobądz, Międzygórze, Podlipie,
Ujków Nowy, Ujków Nowy Kolonię. Ze względu na
występujące w tym rejonie bogactwa naturalne jest
jednym z najstarszych ośrodków górnictwa i hutnictwa
rud cynku i ołowiu w naszym kraju.
Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu w Dąbrowie Górniczej, 2015
9. Czy podobała Ci się ta prezentacja?
Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu w Dąbrowie Górniczej, 2015