The document provides an agenda for a presentation on JIRA. It will discuss what JIRA is, key concepts like projects and issues, features such as reporting and notifications, reasons to use JIRA, and include a live demonstration and Q&A. JIRA is an issue tracking tool that allows users to prioritize, assign, track, and report on issues. It is customizable and aims to improve productivity and quality.
The Easter Triduum summarizes the ceremonies and events of Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter Sunday. On Holy Thursday, Jesus shares the Last Supper with his disciples and washes their feet. Good Friday commemorates Jesus' crucifixion, where he wore a crown of thorns and was nailed to the cross. On Easter Sunday, Mary Magdalene and others discover Jesus' empty tomb, as he had resurrected from the dead. The document provides details of the ceremonies that Catholics observe during these important days recalling Jesus' last days and resurrection.
This document discusses solving multi-step linear equations in 3 sentences or less:
The document provides examples and steps for solving multi-step linear equations, which may require using the distributive property, combining like terms, or having variables on both sides of the equation. It also discusses setting up and solving equations related to consecutive integers and word problems involving linear equations with more than one step.
1. The documents contains 40 multiple choice questions about software testing topics like stress testing, smoke testing, equivalence partitioning, test harnesses, integration testing, and more.
2. The questions cover definitions, techniques, and processes related to testing at the unit, integration, system, and non-functional levels.
3. The response options provide different examples, definitions, and scenarios to choose from for each question.
How to use words that are spelled the same in sentence. How to use words that sound the same but are spelled differently in sentences. Includes games and grammar errors for students to correct.
School Health Progam - www.planmyhealth.inPlan My Health
Plan My Health India Leading School Health Plan COmpany Deliver HGneral , Dental , Eye Check , Diet assessment , Psychological Counseling for entire family
This musical composition is made up of repeating phrases of notes and chords played over four pages. It utilizes the notes A, B, C, and Q throughout, along with symbols like question marks, numbers, and atypical musical notation. The piece cycles through blending and varying these elements in a non-traditional structure across its full text.
This document defines key terms related to relations and functions, including:
- A relation is a set of ordered pairs. The domain is the set of x-values and the range is the set of y-values.
- A relation is a function if each x-value is mapped to only one y-value. This can be determined using the vertical line test or by checking if x-values are repeated.
- Graphs where a vertical line crosses the relation more than once are not functions, while graphs where it only crosses once are functions.
1. We split testing into stages because each stage has a different purpose and it is easier to manage testing that way.
2. Regression testing benefits most from test capture and replay tools because it helps automate re-running tests after changes.
3. Achieving 100% statement coverage does not necessarily achieve 100% branch coverage.
4. The response time requirement of less than one second is testable.
This document is a standard glossary of terms used in software testing produced by the International Software Testing Qualifications Board. It defines over 300 software testing terms across multiple versions. The glossary was created by an international group of testing experts and is intended to standardize terminology in the field. It includes the history of changes between versions and details on copyright and contributors.
This document is a standard glossary of terms used in software testing produced by the International Software Testing Qualifications Board. It defines over 300 software testing terms across multiple versions. The glossary was created by an international group of testing experts and is intended to standardize terminology in the field. It includes the history of changes between versions and details on copyright and contributors.
AuroraDay provides a tour of Dawn Cottage, a custom built house in The Sims. The tour shows the floor plan layout, exterior of the house including fenced yard, and interior rooms. Key features summarized include the living area, bar and kitchen, small dining room, bathroom, two bedrooms (one for a child), and master bedroom with private bathroom. The goal is to showcase Dawn Cottage for others to enjoy playing within the game.
1) Rebecca Simself was banished from her town of Kimberton and sent to Desiderata Valley as punishment for a mistake.
2) She prays to the goddess Dawn to be allowed to return home, but Dawn tells her that her entire neighborhood was destroyed and her friends are dead.
3) Dawn tasks Rebecca with starting a new legacy in Desiderata Valley to fulfill an ancient prophecy. A screaming girl, Phoebe, then arrives seeking help after almost being killed.
4) Rebecca explains to Phoebe that she must start her own legacy on the empty plot of land next door to fulfill what Dawn has tasked Rebecca with. Though it seems like goodbye, Rebecca says
This document provides a quick review of various medical topics covered in the 1st semester, including:
1. The connective tissue sheaths surrounding peripheral nerves and the blood-nerve barrier.
2. Characteristics of myelin, multiple sclerosis, astrocytes, neurons, and various birth defects.
3. Descriptions of the thorax layers, embryology of blood vessels, and lung branching.
4. Overviews of genetic diseases like fragile X syndrome, osteogenesis imperfecta, and polycystic kidney disease.
This document provides an introduction and overview of a course on data structures and algorithms. It discusses the importance and fundamental nature of the topics covered in the course. The course will focus on commonly used data structures like lists, trees, and graphs, as well as related algorithms for tasks like searching, sorting, and graph operations. It will also cover reasoning about the correctness and efficiency of algorithms. The document provides recommendations for textbooks to reference and related courses that provide useful background knowledge.
This document outlines the Certified Tester Foundation Level Syllabus. It covers topics such as the fundamentals of testing, testing throughout the software life cycle, static techniques, and test design techniques. The syllabus is intended to define the learning objectives and knowledge level required to pass the Certified Tester Foundation Level examination. It provides the structure and content for Foundation Level test management training courses and materials.
Meteorologists use various data sources to predict the weather, but it is difficult to always be correct due to rapidly changing atmospheric conditions. Data comes from surface weather stations, weather balloons, satellites, radars, and computer models. Air masses and fronts influence weather by interacting and creating storms. Hurricanes form over warm ocean waters and require specific atmospheric ingredients. While high and low pressure systems impact weather, small changes in data can lead to different model predictions, making weather forecasting challenging.
Jak PR mo甜e skutecznie pom坦c sklepom internetowym? Skuteczne narzdzia w prowadzeniu PR dla sklep坦w internetowych na przykadzie 4 case studies.
Prezentacja zaktualizowana w styczniu 2017 r.
Akcja "Zdrowo i Sportowo" czyli aktywizacja ruchowa dzieci w przedszkolach i klasach 1-3 szk坦 podstawowych. Program bezpatny dla plac坦wek i samych dzieci. Zapraszamy, wszystkich kt坦rzy zechcieliby w takim przedsiwziciu wzi udzia i wesprze na r坦甜ne sposoby nasze starania w budowaniu zdrowych nawyk坦w oraz w walce z plag nadwagi i otyoci wr坦d dzieci.
How to use words that are spelled the same in sentence. How to use words that sound the same but are spelled differently in sentences. Includes games and grammar errors for students to correct.
School Health Progam - www.planmyhealth.inPlan My Health
Plan My Health India Leading School Health Plan COmpany Deliver HGneral , Dental , Eye Check , Diet assessment , Psychological Counseling for entire family
This musical composition is made up of repeating phrases of notes and chords played over four pages. It utilizes the notes A, B, C, and Q throughout, along with symbols like question marks, numbers, and atypical musical notation. The piece cycles through blending and varying these elements in a non-traditional structure across its full text.
This document defines key terms related to relations and functions, including:
- A relation is a set of ordered pairs. The domain is the set of x-values and the range is the set of y-values.
- A relation is a function if each x-value is mapped to only one y-value. This can be determined using the vertical line test or by checking if x-values are repeated.
- Graphs where a vertical line crosses the relation more than once are not functions, while graphs where it only crosses once are functions.
1. We split testing into stages because each stage has a different purpose and it is easier to manage testing that way.
2. Regression testing benefits most from test capture and replay tools because it helps automate re-running tests after changes.
3. Achieving 100% statement coverage does not necessarily achieve 100% branch coverage.
4. The response time requirement of less than one second is testable.
This document is a standard glossary of terms used in software testing produced by the International Software Testing Qualifications Board. It defines over 300 software testing terms across multiple versions. The glossary was created by an international group of testing experts and is intended to standardize terminology in the field. It includes the history of changes between versions and details on copyright and contributors.
This document is a standard glossary of terms used in software testing produced by the International Software Testing Qualifications Board. It defines over 300 software testing terms across multiple versions. The glossary was created by an international group of testing experts and is intended to standardize terminology in the field. It includes the history of changes between versions and details on copyright and contributors.
AuroraDay provides a tour of Dawn Cottage, a custom built house in The Sims. The tour shows the floor plan layout, exterior of the house including fenced yard, and interior rooms. Key features summarized include the living area, bar and kitchen, small dining room, bathroom, two bedrooms (one for a child), and master bedroom with private bathroom. The goal is to showcase Dawn Cottage for others to enjoy playing within the game.
1) Rebecca Simself was banished from her town of Kimberton and sent to Desiderata Valley as punishment for a mistake.
2) She prays to the goddess Dawn to be allowed to return home, but Dawn tells her that her entire neighborhood was destroyed and her friends are dead.
3) Dawn tasks Rebecca with starting a new legacy in Desiderata Valley to fulfill an ancient prophecy. A screaming girl, Phoebe, then arrives seeking help after almost being killed.
4) Rebecca explains to Phoebe that she must start her own legacy on the empty plot of land next door to fulfill what Dawn has tasked Rebecca with. Though it seems like goodbye, Rebecca says
This document provides a quick review of various medical topics covered in the 1st semester, including:
1. The connective tissue sheaths surrounding peripheral nerves and the blood-nerve barrier.
2. Characteristics of myelin, multiple sclerosis, astrocytes, neurons, and various birth defects.
3. Descriptions of the thorax layers, embryology of blood vessels, and lung branching.
4. Overviews of genetic diseases like fragile X syndrome, osteogenesis imperfecta, and polycystic kidney disease.
This document provides an introduction and overview of a course on data structures and algorithms. It discusses the importance and fundamental nature of the topics covered in the course. The course will focus on commonly used data structures like lists, trees, and graphs, as well as related algorithms for tasks like searching, sorting, and graph operations. It will also cover reasoning about the correctness and efficiency of algorithms. The document provides recommendations for textbooks to reference and related courses that provide useful background knowledge.
This document outlines the Certified Tester Foundation Level Syllabus. It covers topics such as the fundamentals of testing, testing throughout the software life cycle, static techniques, and test design techniques. The syllabus is intended to define the learning objectives and knowledge level required to pass the Certified Tester Foundation Level examination. It provides the structure and content for Foundation Level test management training courses and materials.
Meteorologists use various data sources to predict the weather, but it is difficult to always be correct due to rapidly changing atmospheric conditions. Data comes from surface weather stations, weather balloons, satellites, radars, and computer models. Air masses and fronts influence weather by interacting and creating storms. Hurricanes form over warm ocean waters and require specific atmospheric ingredients. While high and low pressure systems impact weather, small changes in data can lead to different model predictions, making weather forecasting challenging.
Jak PR mo甜e skutecznie pom坦c sklepom internetowym? Skuteczne narzdzia w prowadzeniu PR dla sklep坦w internetowych na przykadzie 4 case studies.
Prezentacja zaktualizowana w styczniu 2017 r.
Akcja "Zdrowo i Sportowo" czyli aktywizacja ruchowa dzieci w przedszkolach i klasach 1-3 szk坦 podstawowych. Program bezpatny dla plac坦wek i samych dzieci. Zapraszamy, wszystkich kt坦rzy zechcieliby w takim przedsiwziciu wzi udzia i wesprze na r坦甜ne sposoby nasze starania w budowaniu zdrowych nawyk坦w oraz w walce z plag nadwagi i otyoci wr坦d dzieci.
Zapraszamy do udziau w roli sponsorwa w Og坦lnopolskim Programie Edukacji Zdrowotnej kierowanym do 300 tys. dzieci z szk坦 podstawowych i 600 000 rodzic坦w.
Poznaj wybrane kampanie, kt坦re realizowalimy dla naszych klient坦w w Agencji AQQ w cigu minionych 5 lat.
Podobaj ci si nasze prace? Daj zna. Porozmawiajmy o tym, co mo甜emy zrobi razem. Zapraszam do kontaktu. Piotr Gajda;; tel. 507525995
projekt skierowany do m甜czyzn, kt坦rzy zostaj sami z dziemi po mierci swoich 甜on. Projekt ma na celu pokazanie jak sobie radzi w takiej sytuacji, jakie wyzwania i bolczki stoj przed rodzin, jak im mo甜na pom坦c, jakie formy spdzania wsp坦lnie czasu mo甜na im zaproponowa, jak pom坦c wr坦ci do 甜ycia po stracie 甜ony i matki;
PLAYDO to og坦lnopolski program badawczy, kt坦ry pozwala spojrze na wiat oczami dzieci i modzie甜y. Poznajemy opini modych respondent坦w i testujemy adresowane do nich produkty, by budowa przyjazny rynek wsp坦tworzony przez dzieci.
Profeina obsugiwaa Stewiarni od pocztku jej dziaalnoci w 2014 r. Prezentacja przedstawia, jak Profeina prowadzia komunikacj marki w trakcie rozwoju firmy i stojcych przed ni wyzwa.
2. Spis treci badania slajd 3-5 informacje o nas slajd 6-20 formy reklamowe slajd 21-30 wsp坦lne dziaania slajd 31-36 nasi niekt坦rzy Klienci slajd 37 kontakt slajd 39
7. d ziaamy od 1999 roku i jestemy pierwszym serwisem parentingowym w Polsce. Mamy najdu甜sz tradycj i najbardziej lojalnych u甜ytkownik坦w. s i babyboom jest spoeczno skupiona wok坦 wortalu. Serwis jest wsp坦tworzony przez u甜ytkownik坦w, ale to my odpowiadamy za jako treci publikowanych na stronach redakcyjnych. serwis zawiera l iczne dziay i sekcje tematyczne. k a甜da z ponad 1.200 stron redakcyjnych bya pisana na zam坦wienie serwisu. Tre jest wysokiej jakoci, weryfikowana przez naszych specjalist坦w. d ziki integracji z forum mamy bogat baz mailingow, weryfikowan przy okazji ka甜dej wysyki newslettera.
8. O pr坦cz stron redakcyjnych - jedno z najbardziej aktywnych for w Polsce. Okoo 1000 os坦b on-line w godzinach szczytu. Galerie, blogi, grupy spoeczne wbudowane w forum. - darmowe suwaczki ci甜owe do wstawienia na forach internetowych (nie wymagaj rejestracji, mo甜liwo dodawania wasnych zdj). - spis adres坦w przydatnych dla rodzin. Dodawanie prostych wpis坦w jest darmowe. Dobra wyszukiwarka, lokalizacja na mapach.
11. Dzia Ci甜a bardzo popularny Kalendarz Ci甜y - w dw坦ch wariantach: og坦lnodostpnym i spersonalizowanym, sekcja dla ojc坦w, porady dotyczce zdrowia fizycznego i psychicznego ci甜arnych, wiczenia dla kobiet w ci甜y, poradnik laktacyjny, wszystko o porodzie i poogu. UU: 157.132; PV: 406.586
12. Kalendarz Ci甜y Najpopularniejsza wsr坦d przyszych mam cz portalu BB. Informacje dotyczce ci甜y rozpisane w tygodniowych blokach. Opisy dziel si na dotyczce zdrowia mamy, rozwoju dziecka i zmian w psychice kobiety w ci甜y. Dodatkowo mn坦stwo link坦w do artyku坦w powizanych z t tematyk
13. Kalendarz Ci甜y osobisty kalendarz ci甜y, informacje o przebiegu ci甜y, analiza wynik坦w bada, mini-blog, przypominanie termin坦w bada.
14. D zia n iemowlta artykuy dotyczce: rozwoju, pielgnacji i zdrowia dzieci w 1. roku 甜ycia, specjalne sekcje o noworodkach i wczeniakach, kalendarz pierwszego roku 甜ycia dziecka z informacjami dotyczcymi rozwoju i zabaw stymulujcych niemowlta. UU: 59.553; PV: 136.172
15. D zia dzieci 1-2 artykuy dotyczce rozwoju, zdrowia i wychowania dzieci w pierwszych 2 latach 甜ycia, dzia z zabawami, kalendarz drugiego roku 甜ycia dziecka z informacjami dotyczcymi rozwoju i propozycjami aktywnoci stymulujcych rozw坦j maego dziecka.
16. D zia dzieci 3-5 artykuy dotyczce rozwoju, i zdrowia dzieci w wieku przedszkolnym, rozbudowany dzia dotyczcy wychowania ukierunkowany na wspieranie dzieci w rozwoju, wydzielona sekcja dotyczca wychowania przedszkolnego.
17. D zieci 6-9 artykuy dotyczce rozwoju, wychowania, zdrowia dzieci w wieku szkolnym, wydzielona sekcja dotyczca nauczania wczesnoszkolnego z informacjami dla rodzic坦w, jak przygotowa dzieci do radzenia sobie z trudnymi sytuacjami 甜yciowymi, problemami w nauce i radzenia sobie w kontaktach z innymi lud添mi.
18. D zia rodzina artykuy dotyczce komunikacji w rodzinie, poradnik gospodyni i przepisy kulinarne, opowieci rodzin spoza Polski, specjalne sekcje witeczne, recenzje ksi甜ek, dzia konkursowy.
19. Suwaczki pod adresem otworzylimy serwis, w kt坦rym u甜ytkownicy mog stworzy suwaczki upamitniajce lub przypominajce o wa甜nych wydarzeniach - urodzinach, narodzinach, rocznicy lubu etc. serwis okaza si sukcesem, w cigu pierwszych trzech dni pobrano ponad 3 tys. grafik a suwaczki z logo babyboom pojawiaj si na r坦甜nych serwisach w Internecie. UU: 15.323; PV: 104.893
20. Forum najbardziej aktywne forum parentingowe w Polsce! tematyka od poczcia poprzez wychowanie dzieci, rozw坦j, zdrowie, hobby mam, prawie 40 for regionalnych, grupy spoeczne UU: 666.656; PV: 5.225.196
26. Formy reklamy obecno na Forum BabyBoom w postaci for eksperckich. fora eksperckie mog by brandowane (w du甜ym stopniu). specjalnie utworzone konto ma prawo moderacji. wszelkie szczeg坦y do ustalenia.
27. Formy reklamy konkursy: sekcja zajawiona na stronie g坦wnej i na wszystkich stronach portalu oraz za pomoc linku na Forum strony konkursowe obrendowane nastpujacymi formami reklamy: staa ramka reklamowa, zdjcia produkt坦w, link do strony Klienta informacja w newsletterze (45254 adresat坦w), maa forma na str. g坦wnej
28. Formy reklamy artyku sponsorowany: zajawki na wszystkich stronach serwisu, wcznie z forum oraz zajawki w newsletterze. zaawansowane mo甜liwoci formatowania. mo甜liwo wstawienia dynamicznego contentu w dowolnym formacie (video, flash, JavaScript etc).
30. Formy reklamy filmy: realizacja film坦w zawierajcych reklam (plansze, billboard etc.), wsp坦praca przy tworzeniu film坦w (r坦wnie甜 z mo甜liwoci product placement), zamieszczenie gotowych film坦w Klienta.
32. W sp坦lne dziaania jestemy partnerem medialnym ksi甜ki Balsam dla duszy do czytania z dzieckiem Jack Canfield wydawnictwa Rebis.
33. W sp坦lne dziaania od 2006r jestemy patronami medialnymi oraz wsp坦organizatorami kampanii R坦wni Rodzice - Tata i ja, wsp坦lnie z Fundacj Komunikacji Spoecznej.
34. W sp坦lne dziaania jako patron medialny bralimy udzia w kampanii spoecznej Klub Pancernika, kt坦rej celem byo zainteresowanie dzieci zasadami bezpieczestwa na drodze i przypomnienie rodzicom o przewo甜eniu dzieci w specjalnych fotelikach.
35. W sp坦lne dziaania w roku 2008/09 naszym partnerem bya Bella Happy, specjalnie dla niej stworzylimy sekcj dotyczc pielgnacji niemowlt.
36. W sp坦lne dziaania Akcja patronacka z margaryn Kasia Zao甜enia: pokazanie brandu jako marki przyjaznej rodzinie pieczenie z Kasi to przyjemno dla caej rodziny Przebieg akcji: Konkurs pod hasem "Kasia- malec w krainie wypiek坦w". U甜ytkowniczki miay przesa zdjcia wypiek坦w, przygotowanych wraz z dzieckiem. Zdjcia pokazywane byy na serwisie oraz stronie produktowej Klienta- Dodatkowo: kampania wspierajca konkurs na Na serwisie produktowym zamieszczony zosta logotyp babyboom jako serwisu partnerskiego na czas trwania akcji.