This document provides instructions for searching the Price It! database to research pricing histories of antiques and collectibles. It explains how to perform a search for Mickey Mouse watches, including selecting keywords, data channels, categories, price range, date range, and requiring images in results. The search returns 177 matches on average priced at $431.20, which can then be narrowed down and sorted based on additional criteria. Individual item details are available to closely examine relevant results.
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Price it
1. Welcome to Price It!
The database to identify, research and price antiques & collectibles.
Price It! is an excellent tool to evaluate pricing history of antiques and collectibles.
2. The purpose of this presentation is to instruct how to search the Price It! database.
I will be searching for Mickey Mouse watches in my examples.
3. Here is a screen shot of the request.
The following slides will explain each component of the search.
4. At least one Keyword is required to generate a request.
I am searching for a Mickey Mouse watch. All the keywords in my request will
be searched for and must be found in order for an item to be included in the
If you want your search to look for your keyword(s) in the item’s title and
description, check the Search Description box. I have chosen this
option, because it will yield greater results. However, this option might return
items that are not a good match for your search.
5. You can select the Data Channels of your choice, or a combination thereof.
Price It! compiles data from Online Retail, Online Auction, and Auction Houses.
I am selecting all channels because I am interested in seeing sales/prices from
all sources.
6. There are over 120 Categories to choose from.
You can choose as many or as few categories as you want.
Scroll down and press the [Control] key to select more than one.
I am choosing all categories for my search.
7. You can select a Price Range.
I am looking for Mickey Mouse watches that sold for more than $200, and less
than $99999.99.
Choose a Date Range if you are interested in items sold during a particular time
period, especially since prices can fluctuate over time. I want to see recent sales of
Mickey Mouse watches, so I chose January, 2009 – January 2013.
8. Do you want your results to have Images? Having a visual representation of the item
helps with identification and clarity. I want to be certain about what I am researching –
so I checked the Images box to ensure that my query only return results that have
When you selected all your search options, click the [Search] button.
9. Need help with your query? Click on the [Help?] icon at the upper left corner of the search screen
for enhanced assistance.
Here you will find helpful search instructions, can ask questions, or search the Knowledgebase.
10. My choices for the query have been selected.
Are you ready to view my results?
I’ll click on the [Search] button and let’s see what information is returned.
11. Here are the results of my search. There are 177 matches, with the average price of
$431.20. The highest price was $3,346.00 From this screen, I can further drill down
12. I am narrowing my results by selecting categories (on the left of the side of the screen).
I’m choosing Disneyana, and Jewelry, since they seem to have the most search
relevance. By clicking the [Narrow Search] button on the lower left of the screen, a
sub-query will be executed.
13. Here are the results of the narrowed search. There are fewer matches, and the
average price has decreased. The next step is to sort the results (found on the
upper right of the screen).
14. You can sort your results by:
• Best Match
• Price: High to Low
• Price: Low to High
• Sale Date: Newest First
• Sale Date: Oldest First
I chose to view my results in order of highest priced item.
15. My results are now in order of highest to lowest price. The second and third items
resemble my Mickey Mouse watch, so it’s time to take a closer look at them. By
clicking on View Item Detail under each item’s description, I can learn more about the
16. This Mickey Mouse watch was sold for $2999.99 via eBay on April 3, 2011. After
reviewing the details, I can click on the [Return To Search Results] button to go back to
my results to review and gather more information about the other items and prices they
sold for.
17. When you have completed your search, you’ll want to conduct more queries! With over
60 million images in its database, the search possibilities are with Price It! are endless.
Price It! also has other useful features. Click on Info Center and Collecting Clubs
(located on the upper right side of the screen) to learn more.
18. The Info Center has helpful articles about antiques and collectibles.
19. The Collecting Club Directory is a great way enhance your knowledge, and expand your
networking, by connecting with others that share your collecting interests.
20. Hopefully, this overview has provided you with an understanding of how to
navigate the Price It! database and that you have learned some of the benefits
it has to offer.
Have fun.
Price It! Antiques and Collectibles. Gale Cengage Learning, n.d. Web 16 Mar. 2013.