The document discusses several primary school building projects that Watson Batty has experience with. It describes projects in Leeds, Chester, the North East, and Yorkshire that involved extensions, new schools, and refurbishments. The projects ranged from 贈2-64 million and included one to four classroom extensions, new schools accommodating 210-480 students, and works completed in occupied school environments.
2. Primary
School Projects
Leeds City Council Basic Need Programme, Leeds
贈3.2m Extension and refurbishment work across 3 primary schools
Projects to support increase in pupil numbers and change in demography
2, four classroom extension projects at Rufford Park and East Ardsley schools
Bulge works at Kippax, Rufford Park and East Ardsley
All projects undertaken in a live school environment
Bulge works now complete, Rufford Park due on site January 2014
3. Primary
School Projects
Saighton Camp Primary School, Chester
贈2.4m new 1 fe primary school
Part of a wider regeneration scheme
210 pupils plus a 30 place nursery
Single storey with access to external learning from each teaching bases
Modular component design in line with EFA guidelines
Planning application submitted March 2013
4. Primary
School Projects
Priority Schools Building Programme North East Batch
贈64m total programme contract value
9 schools as part of the programme
Watson Batty to deliver 4 new primary schools concurrently by 2015
Range of 1 and 2 form entry buildings
Single and two storey design solutions
Each school includes wrap around nursery provision
Contract award due by the end of January 2013
5. Primary
School Projects
Leeds 10 Primary Schools PFI
贈35m total contract value
10 new primary schools delivered concurrently
Range of 1 and 2 form entry buildings
Single and two storey design solutions
Each school includes wrap around nursery provision
All schools completed on time and on budget
One school brought forward as a sample school
6. Primary
School Projects
The Grammar School at Leeds, Prep School
贈7.5m total contract value
4 form entry junior school over 2 floors
480 students
Integrated into the senior school environment
Shared facilities
Work on a live school site
Successfully delivered on time and on budget
7. Primary
School Projects
Our Lady Queens of Martyrs RC Primary School, York
贈4.5m total contract value
2 form entry primary school over 2 floors
420 primary students with a 26 place nursery
Allows for future flexibility with integrated design approach
Detailed phasing to eliminate temporary accommodation
Over came significant issues regarding flood storage and highways
8. Primary
School Projects
North Yorkshire Schools Framework
贈20m total contract value over 6 years
120 different primary school projects
Most projects involved significant extension and refurbishment
All projects delivered in a live school environment
Contracts delivered under a traditional procurement route
Working very closely with the Senior Management Team at each school
Detailed understanding of learning environments and school management
9. Primary
School Projects
Bradford Girls Grammar School, Bradford
贈2.8m total contract value
New 1 form entry prep school as part of the grammar school
2 storey extension to the existing grammar school
Learning space for 200 students together with a 26 place nursery
The project was delivered in a live school environment
Traditionally procured and delivered on time and on budget
10. Primary
School Projects
Bronte House Prep School, Bradford
The Prep School for Woodhouse Grove School in Bradford
贈6m total contract value since 1995
6 separate projects involving a variety of new build and refurbishment
All schemes were delivered in a live school environment
Traditionally procured and delivered on time and on budget
11. Primary
School Projects
Bradford Schools Reorganisation, Bradford
Appointment from RIBA Stage A D including planning applications
Included 9 primary school projects
Detailed plans to review current capacity and propose alterations and extensions
We worked closely with the existing Senior Management team at all the schools
12. Primary
School Projects
Diocese Projects
Includes; Middlesbrough, Leeds, Bradford and Ripon and Leeds, and York Diocese
贈9.5m total contract value since 2000
25 separate projects involving a variety of new build and refurbishment
All schemes were delivered in a live school environment
Traditionally procured and delivered on time and on budget
13. Primary
School Projects
Ashville College Junior School, Harrogate
贈1m total contract value
Complete refresh and refurbishment of the existing junior school building
Creative use of space to support the delivery of the curriculum
The project was delivered in a live school environment
Traditionally procured and delivered on time and on budget
14. Primary
School Projects
Individual Staff Experience
(former company)
Mark Sidding - Leeds 7 pfi schools design and delivery of 5, 1 and 2 form entry primary
Lisa Nutton Design and delivery of 2 new 2 form entry primary schools for York CC
Steve Powell Design and delivery of 2 primary school projects in Menwith Hill