At the early days, Rails community accepted few principles unconditionally because they sound like axioms.
People use principles and acronyms to compress meanings. By doing so, there's a risk for them to be misunderstood. And I think this is exactly what's happened to with some people in Rails community.
So let's try to decompress them, and see what might be wrong with our understanding.
4. DRY - "Do not repeat yourself"
KISS - "Keep it simple, stupid"
Convention over configuration
Fat model, skinny controller
Rails is not your application
YAGNI - "You aren't gonna need it"
Prefer composition over inheritance
17. input data coercion
setting default values
input data validations
interaction with the database
handling nested structures
callbacks(before_save, etc...)
19. Polymorphic STI model which belongs to another
polymorphic model through another model, which also
has some valuable JSON data stored in Postgres using
reorganize your associations & app
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