Food, clothes, and home are the three most essential human requirements. Man has been working to improve his standard of living for a long time.
The engineer must consider municipal conditions, building codes, financial capability, and other factors.
Our goal is to provide a home that is both affordable and efficient. It provides a sense of security and displays a person's social status.
2. Introduction
Food, clothes, and home are the three most
essential human requirements. Man has been
working to improve his standard of living for
a long time.
The engineer must consider municipal
conditions, building codes, financial
capability, and other factors.
Our goal is to provide a home that is both
affordable and efficient. It provides a sense of
security and displays a person's social status.
3. What Is Building Planning?
The systematic arrangement of numerous components or units of a
building to construct a comprehensible and standard structure to achieve
its specific function is known as building planning.
Building planning is a graphical illustration of how a structure will seem
after it is constructed.
Builders and contractors utilize it to build a unique structures.
Building planning is also beneficial when it is useful to determine the cost
of a project and to set project budgets.
The floor plan is also essential.
4. Points of Consideration in
Privacy can be facilitated in architecture and design by:
Considering grouping,
The position of doors and windows,
The method of door hanging,
The location of entrances
Pathways, roads, and
Other features such as lobbies, stairways, and
5. Factors Affecting Building
Factors Affecting Building Planning
Residential, industrial, public, commercial, and many other applications of
The plot's shape and size
Weather conditions
Building regulations, for example.
6. Principles of Building Planning
Basic principles of building planning
1. Aspect
2. Prospect
3. Furniture Requirements
4. Roominess
5. Grouping
6. Circulation
8. Essential Elements of Planning of
Residential Building
1. Integrated Design
2. Performance Measures and Functional Objectives
3. Environmental Sensitivity
4. Urban Context