SyNet Media is a local print and marketing company that offers various services like marketing collateral, internal company projects, and variable-data marketing campaigns across multiple media channels. They can personalize direct mail, email, and landing pages for each recipient on a customized mailing list using variable data. SyNet Media is located in Milwaukee, WI and offers free marketing consultations and can discuss print needs.
2. Dedi ate to keeping your downtown business
local, SyNet Media is a one-stop solution for all
your print n sds, from marketing collateral to
internal company projects. We can also partner
with you to develop a vartable-data marketing
campaign that ties together various media
channels. Using variable data allows you to
personalize direct mail, e-mall and landing
pages to each recipient on a customized mailing
Ust ....a truly creative approach for capturing
attention and intr~asing ROt
Call 414-727-512Sto set up a free marketing
consultation or to discuss your print needs.
1319 Martin Luther King Drive
Suite 300
Milwaukee, WI 53212