Moving to a service-oriented architecture solves problems like fate sharing, coupling, and scaling. It also brings the complexity of a partially up/partially down system, with nodes regularly getting sick or otherwise partitioned.
Learn what the Prisoners Dilemma teaches us about building a partition tolerant system. Hear how the CAP theorem (consistency, availability, and partition tolerance) helps the architect make intelligent trade-offs. See real examples from Google, Amazon, and others of building highly available distributed systems.
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Prisoner's Dilemma and Service-oriented Architectures
10. I cant remember if that getter function takes 100ns or 100ms.
- no one ever
Should I try to abstract away this service request as a
remote procedure call?
6 orders of magnitude difference!
11. My front-side bus only fails for 1 second every 17 minutes!
- no one ever
99.9% availability
12. Our internet only supports .NET.
- no one ever
Do your clients rely on an SDK?
23. GET /profiles/123
GET /users/123
Calculate something
GET /users/123/permissions
If user cant view profile
send 403
POST /eventFeed {new profile view}
GET /users/123/friends
GET /bookmarks?userId=123
GET /catalog/books?ids=1,3,10
Calculate something else
GET /bookmarks/trending
29. "A distributed system is at best a
necessary evil, evil because of the extra
or perhaps better put, a sensible
engineering decision given the trade-offs
-David Cheriton, Distributed Systems Lecture Notes, ch. 1
32. The CAP Theorem1
Safety nothing bad ever happens
Liveness good things happen
Unreliability network dis-connectivity,
crash failures, message loss, Byzantine
failures, slowdown, etc.
Consistency every response sent to a
client is correct
Availability every request gets a
Partition tolerance operating in the
face of arbitrary failures
36. GET /profiles/123
GET /users/123
Calculate something
GET /users/123/permissions
If user cant view profile
send 403
POST /eventFeed {new profile view}
GET /users/123/friends
GET /bookmarks?userId=123
GET /catalog/books?ids=1,3,10
Calculate something else
GET /bookmarks/trending
Send response
37. ResponseHandler<User> handler = new ResponseHandler<User>()
public User handleResponse(
final HttpResponse response) {
int status = response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode();
if (status >= 200 && status < 300) {
HttpEntity entity = response.getEntity();
return entity != null ? Parser.parse(entity) : null;
} else {
HttpGet userGet = new HttpGet("");
User user = httpclient.execute(userGet, handler);
Works great to calculate a user!
57. Max I/O wait time = # of threads * (CONNECT_TIMEOUT +
9 front end servers received 1900 requests in 60 seconds and 300
for Flickr resources (16%).
35 requests per server per minute
Max 100 threads, => 6,000 thread seconds in one minute
Goal: ensure < 10% of thread seconds spent blocked on Flickr I/O
600 < 35 requests * (CONNECT_TIMEOUT + READ_TIMEOUT)
TCP Connect
Request Block on socket read Read response
65. References
1. Perspectives on the CAP Theorem
2. Bacon Ipsum
3. Brewers Conjecture and the Feasibility of Consistent, Available, Partition-Tolerant
4. The Google File System
5. Big Table
6. Amazon Architecture References
7. Apache HttpComponents
8. Apache HttpClient Cache
9. Ehcache
Editor's Notes
#2: Effective SOA: Lessons from Amazon, Google, and Lucidchart
It has been observed that "A distributed system is at best a necessary evil, evil because of the extra complexity." Multiple nodes computing on inconsistent state with regular communication failures present entirely different challenges than those computer science students face in the classroom writing DFS algorithms. The past 30 years have seen some interesting theories and architectures to deal with these complexities in what we now call "cloud computing". Some researchers worked on "distributed memory" and others built "remote procedure calls". More commercially successful architectures of late have popularized ideas like the CAP theorem, distributed caches, and REST.
Using examples from companies like Amazon and Google this presentation walks through some practical tips to evolve your service-oriented architecture. Google's Chubby service demonstrates how you can take advantage of CAP's "best effort availability" options and Amazon's "best effort consistency" services show the other end of the spectrum. Practical lessons learned from Lucidchart's forays into SOA share insight through quantitative analyses on how to make your system highly available.
Derrick Isaacson is the Director of Engineering for Lucid Software Inc ( He has a BS in EE from BYU and an MS in CS from Stanford. He's developed big services at Amazon, web platforms for Microsoft, and graphical apps at Lucidchart. Derrick has two patent applications at Microsoft and Domo. For fun he cycles, backpacks, and takes his son out in their truck.
#11: Multiple nodes computing on inconsistent state with regular communication failures present entirely different challenges than those computer science students face in the classroom writing DFS algorithms.
#12: Multiple nodes computing on inconsistent state with regular communication failures present entirely different challenges than those computer science students face in the classroom writing DFS algorithms.
#13: Multiple nodes computing on inconsistent state with regular communication failures present entirely different challenges than those computer science students face in the classroom writing DFS algorithms.
#16: Idea:
Nothings more familiar to programmers than reading from and writing to memory? We access variables all day long. Why not make distributed state access look like simple memory access? We can use modern operating systems support for virtual memory to swap in memory that is located on another machine.
How often do you go to access a variable and cant because a section of memory is down?
How do you provide a mutex to parallel threads of execution?
How can the distributed memory layer be efficient when it has no knowledge of the application?
#17: Idea: Next to memory access, nothings more familiar to programmers than functional calls. Can we make distributed state transfer look like a simple procedure call? SOAP!
How often do you retry a method call because the JVM failed to invoke it the first time?
Why does incrementing a value take 100 milliseconds?
Why does your internet only support .NET and PHP (stub compiler/SDK)?
#18: Idea:
Easy network file sharing.
Works great for files.
#19: Idea:
Easy network file sharing.
Works great for files.
#20: Idea:
How could you steal bandwidth from universities and avoid infringement lawsuits at the same time?
Mooching resources is a great business model but a terrible architecture if thats not what youre going for.
#21: Idea:
I have so much state I dont want to transfer it all in a single response.
#26: Whats the availability of the overall system if a single response for service A is calculated by making 4 total requests to services B, C, and D?
If the average availabilities of those 3 components are as given, and the random values are modeled as IID, what is the maximum percentage of requests is service A able to calculate correctly?
.995 * .998 * .998 * .996 = 0.987
IID is a bad assumption for nearly any distributed system, but it illustrates the effective of naively distributing computation.
When crash failures originating at service A are included, the total availability is < 98.7%!
Thats an average of 19 minutes of downtime per day!
#31: Conjecture made by UC Berkely computer scientist, Eric Brewer, in 2000
Gilbert & Lynch published a formal proof
#33: Conjecture made by UC Berkely computer scientist in 2000
Gilbert & Lynch published a formal proof
#35: We want the user to 1) get a response (available) and 2) have it be consistent with the view of other nodes.
From that end user definition, a slow, error status, or non-existent response are all incorrect.
#36: In order to model partition tolerance, the network
will be allowed to lose arbitrarily many messages sent from one node to
another. Gilbert & Lynch
It becomes a fundamental tradeoff between availability and consistency.
#37: It turns out the usual approach to implementing a computation like this errs on the side of consistency. If a single service request fails, this calculation hangs or returns an error to the user.
#38: It drops below the SLA for a consistent, available response perhaps 5 of every 1000 requests.
#41: For the checkout process you always want to honor requests to add items to a shopping cart because it's revenue producing. In this case you choose high availability. Errors are hidden from the customer and sorted out later.
#43: Web crawler, Big Table
our access patterns are highly stylized
GFS has a relaxed consistency model that supports our highly distributed applications well but remains relatively simple and e鍖cient to implement.
Record appends append-at-least-once semantics preserves each writers output. Readers deal with the occasional padding and duplicates as follows. Each record prepared by the writer contains extra information like checksums so that its validity can be verified. A reader can identify and discard extra padding and record fragments using the checksums. If it cannot tolerate the occasional duplicates (e.g., if they would trigger non-idempotent operations), it can filter them out using unique identifiers in the records, which are often needed anyway to name corresponding application entities such as web documents.
#52: The Amazon Dynamo and Yahoo PNUTS data stores support high read availability while limiting write availability in the face of partitions. For example, Dynamo has a configurable number of replicas on which the data must be stored before a write is confirmed to the client.
#54: Network partitions are less frequent at the leaves of a geographically hierarchical system.
#55: The CAP theorem appears to have implications for scalability.
Intuitively, we think of a system as scalable if it can grow efficiently, using new resources efficiently to handle more load. In order to efficiently use new resources, there must be coordination among those resources; Gilbert & Lynch