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Problem Based Learning Global Hunger Unit Z531: Advanced Methods and Materials For Artistically Gifted Students Indiana University Bloomington Dr. Bizzari Melissa Rhinehart
Taba AHA! activity Look at the following  What the World Eats pictures *write your observations on post-it notes
Germany: The Melander family of Bargteheide   Food expenditure for one week: 375.39 Euros or $500.07  Favorite foods: fried potatoes with onions, bacon and herring, fried noodles with eggs and cheese, pizza, vanilla pudding Ecuador: The Ayme family of Tingo  Food expenditure for one week: $31.55  Family recipe: Potato soup with cabbage
Chad: The Aboubakar family of Breidjing Camp   Food expenditure for one week: 685 CFA Francs or $1.23  Favorite foods: soup with fresh sheep meat   Japan: The Ukita family of Kodaira City   Food expenditure for one week: 37,699 Yen or $317.25  Favorite foods: sashimi, fruit, cake, potato chips
*continue to write your observations on post-it notes
From Global to Local Now look at statistics from your local Food Pantry
Harrison County Community Services & Food Pantry Statistics Township Total   Households   Poverty  Unduplicated Households   Population  in Township    Households  Served by HCCS in 2008 Blue River 1,923 780 47   103 Boone 1,217 492 28   72 Franklin 3,642 1,403 21   72 Harrison  10,303 4,287 155 1,001   Heath 1,199 495 26   138 Jackson 5,213 2,014 87   385 Morgan 3,819 1,462 62   303 Posey 2,725 1,081 9   142 Spencer 1,694 686 28   114 Taylor 718 283 0   18 Washington 256 105 2   24 Webster 1,616 611 21   85
Taba Making Generalizations Now group your post it notes into categories on the board. What themes did you come up with? What could the problem be?
Parnes I: Mess What is the problem? Hunger How can artistically gifted students impact global hunger? Indiana State Standard: [] Standard 12 - Students understand how art experiences affect daily life and identify opportunities for involvement in the arts. [ART.7.12.3 & 8.12.3] Identify ways one can become actively involved in supporting the arts in the community. [1-7] The arts are connected to other areas of life.
Parnes II: Fact Finding: Knowledge: List what you know about hunger. Recall facts about food costs and / or Food Pantry Statistics Name organizations you know of that help fight hunger and / or poverty
Questioning: Comprehension: Describe the living conditions and surroundings of the families in the pictures Discuss the quality, quantity and assortment of foods
Parnes III: Problem Finding Hunger No  resources No Jobs Poverty inequality No help  from  government economy Lack of education Lack of  Sharing resources Some countries rich,  some poor People within countries  can be rich or poor Between people Between countries
Questioning: Application: Make a graphic organizer or chart to brainstorm possible ways to help solve or alleviate the global hunger problem.
IV: Idea Finding Brainstorming application: Education Political  change Art Fair /  Festival Send  food Habitat  For  Humanity Fundraiser Jobs Hunger
Questioning: Analysis: Sort brainstorming categories into chart for solution finding  Assign each idea points based on questions Tally the points for each idea to see which idea is the best to pursue
Parnes V: Solution Finding Directions: Rate each solution according to a 1-5 point criteria 1 = least likely or most difficult; 5 = best option / most doable  TALLY Can the event be repeated in the future? Will it have a lasting impact? Will it involve many people? Will it take a long time to complete? 12 1 5 5 1 4.  Jobs 19 5 4 5 5 3. Fundraising 15 5 3 4 3 2.  Education 12 1 5 5 1 1.  Political Change
Questioning: Evaluation of : Assess the options  (on your graphic organizer) Which option had the most points? Why? Defend your opinion  (To your group) Why do you feel this is the best option? Focus for Acceptance Finding  (as a class) What type of fundraising can integrate art?
Parnes VI: Acceptance Finding Researching Fundraising ideas Internet search Empty Bowls Banquet www.emptybowls.net Fieldtrips Professionals Parent Resources Local Businesses To other Empty Bowls  Banquets for organizational  ideas Talks / workshops with visiting  Professional  Potters about making Ceramic bowls Send letters home  to parents for parent Volunteers and donations Contact local business  Owners to ask for help / Assess interest for involvement Habitat for  Humanity www.habitat.org   Operation  Christmas Child www.samaritanspurse.org   No due to travel  & age restrictions No due to seasonal & Religious affiliations Scottsburg Middle School New Albany High School Bellarmine University
Parnes VII: Plan of Action
A Brief History of the Empty Bowls Banquet In 1990 a high school art teacher in Michigan helped his students solve a problem.油 They were searching for a way to raise funds to support a food drive.油 What evolved was a class project to make ceramic bowls for a fund raising meal.油 Guests were served a simple meal of soup and bread, and were invited to keep the bowl as a reminder of hunger in the world. For more program history go to:  www.emptybowls.net
Our purpose: Today at Corydon Central Junior High School our purpose is the same as the programs original intent. We hope to raise awareness about hunger issues and are donating all of our proceeds to fight hunger here in our own community. 80% of the proceeds will go to the Corydon Food Pantry (Harrison County Community Services) and 20% to an animal rescue shelter. Simply put, when people go hungry, so do their pets.
In addition to making nearly 300 bowls for this event, many visual arts students dedicated more time, effort and energy into 1 or more of the 15 different committees necessary make this program a success. You can see examples of their work throughout this paper and in action around the banquet. Newspaper Committee:   Cole McKiever, Jake Pitts, Dylan Jensen, Britton Engleman Power point / Movie Maker Committee:   Alex Benton,  Sponsor logo Committee:   Casey Sneed, Jeremiah Lopp, Chris Mason, Tim Leonard, Bryce Brocar, Marcus Jones, Logan Croiser, Daniel Fluhr, Ethan Alcorn Fundraising / Donations / Silent Auction Committee:  Ashley Benningfield, Destiny Sizemore, Austin Burke, Elijah Arms, Bryan Carrello;  Center piece Committee:  Regan Mosley, Olivia Lawson ,  Nicholas Steiner, Kody Wright, Sarah Bichir, Kitana Beauchamp;  People Hunger Education Committee:  Matt Dreiman, Lucien Burns, Bobby Arrearan, Shane Brown;  Dog / puppy Education Committee:   Brenton Mott, Jonathan Moser, Zach Wiseman, Dustin Wood, Amber Thompson, Aron Arnold, Josh Riley, Tiffany Garrow;  Cat / kitten Education Committee:  Brianna Norris ,  Felicia Glass Other pets Education Committee:   Tyler Cato ,  Justin Sawyer, Kyle Durbin;  Collage Committee:  Samantha Crecelius, Cheyenne Burden, Haley Bruce, Savannah Eschbacher, Symphony LeJeune, Justina Emily, Alexis Cook, Dalton Q. Nichols, Taylor Green  Ticket Design Committee:   Rebecca Popham, Jackie Miller, Sarah Allen, Kelsey Johnson, Guiller Munda, Nathan Peinsipp,   Kelsey Manship, Nichole Noland ,  Trevor Lawerence;  Thank you card Committee:   Sydney Windell, Rachel McGhee, Bridget Kelley, Logan Behagg, Dalton Arnold, Hanna Skelly, Kennedy Schneider, Sydney Pickman;  Advertising Committee:  Hannah Meyer, Megan Monroe, John Higginbotham, Jon Cissell, Hannah Carver, Brittany Blevens,   Olivia Worland, Brittany Zaepfel Parnes VII: Plan of Action   What Committees need to be formed?
Questioning: Synthesis: Plan events, activities and advertising strategies for the Empty Bowls Banquet Create an agenda demonstrating how all of the activities and events will be integrated at the Banquet Design informational literature  (brochure / newspaper)  and / or presentation  (PowerPoint / Movie Maker, etc)  to educate parents, patrons & participants about how this event helps fight hunger
Parnes VII: Plan of Action  ( Synthesizing  Banquet Entertainment & Fundraising Activities)     Empty Bowls Agenda-  (inside brochure)
Parnes VII: Plan of Action  Empty Bowls Agenda-  (outside brochure)
Parnes VII: Plan of Action  Empty Bowls Newspaper
Program Explanation Flyer
Parnes VII: Plan of Action Wheel Throwing Creating Power Point & Movie Maker Presentations T-Shirt Design Contest
Green Ware Bowls
Fired/Glazed Bowls
Products Parnes VII: Plan of Action
Parnes VII: Plan of Action   Empty Bowls Banquet   Show Choir : Silent Auction Jazz Band Selecting a bowl
Students running the Banquet
JH Art Committee   Teacher: Melissa Rhinehart
Community Business Banquet Sponsors. Empty Bowls Newspaper
Questioning: Evaluation: Critique the final product  Student Interview Questions  (see following slides of Empty Bowls Newspaper)
Empty Bowls Newspaper Standards Based Evaluation Questions
Empty Bowls Newspaper Standards Based Evaluation Questions
Standards Covered: []  Standard 13 - Students identify and  make connections  between knowledge and skill in art and all other subject areas such as humanities, sciences, and technology. [K-HS] Compares and  integrates  ideas,  activities and studies  across disciplines . [ART.7.13.2]  Create  an integrated  product  or performance and analyze how integration of disciplines enhances knowledge.
Standards Covered: Indiana State Standards the Empty Bowls Banquet would fulfill. [] Standard 12 - Students understand how art experiences affect daily life and identify opportunities for involvement in the arts. [ART.7.12.3] Identify ways one can become actively involved in supporting the arts in the community. [1-7] The arts are connected to other areas of life.
Standards [] Standard 9 - Students develop and apply skills using a variety of two dimensional and  three   dimensional media, tools, and processes to create works that communicate personal meaning. [ART.8.9.2] Demonstrate appropriate use of different media, techniques, and processes to communicate themes and ideas in their work. [7-8] Demonstrates  ceramics  techniques. [7-8] Demonstrates  sculpture  techniques.
Facts & Figures: Student involvement: Classes involved # of students involvement and contributions Jr. Art Committee-  (20) leaders in organizing, advertising and running event 7th & 8th grade Art students  (335) make 200+ ceramic bowls and advertising posters  Family and Consumer Science (FACS) students   (20) make and serve food NJHS ( National Junior Honor Society)-   (30) desserts Multimedia students   (23) create PowerPoint presentation on hunger; brochures,  and flyers  Band students-  (15)  Jazz band performance (dinner entertainment) Chorus   (22) Show Choir performance (dinner entertainment) 6th graders- (50) Create Hunger Awareness placemats / center pieces Some students will be participating in more than one area and in more than one class. Supplies : Material  unit  price  # total Clay:  boxes  $17.50 x 11  =  $192.50 Glazes: *bags  $22.55  x 5 = $112.50 Bagged dry mix is cheaper than pre-mixed 18 Rolling pins: each $20.00 x10 = $200.00 We are currently only have 6 small rolling pins to make all of these bowls! TOTAL: $505.00 Prices quoted from Columbus Clay Catalog:  www.columbusclay.com  1-866-410-CLAY
Culminating Activity  Delivering checks to  & taking tours of  the  Food Pantry & Animal Shelters
Resources: Teacher Materials Funding McDonalds Making Activities Count (MAC) Grant http://www.mckentucky.com/images/coops/92/2010_MAC_Grant_Application.pdf
Resources:  (continued) Texts  (for teachers) Books: Davis, Gary A. & Rimm, Sylvia B. (2004) Education of the gifted and talented 5th edition. Renzulli,J.S. (1977). The enrichment triad model in education of the gifted. Mansfield Center, CT, Creative Learning Press. VanTassel-Baska, Joyce & Stambaugh,Tamra. (2006) Comprehensive curriculum for gifted learners, Third Edition.
Resources:  (continued) Texts   (for students) Hunger Books: What the World Eats  by  Faith  D'Aluisio ,  Peter  Menzel Ceramics Books: 500 Bowls: Contemporary Explorations of a Timeless Design  (Lark Ceramics Book) by  Marcianne  J. E. Miller   10,000 Years of Pottery , by Emmanuel Cooper If These Pots Could Talk  by Ivor Noel Hume - Archaeologist & social historian (British, Roman & German pottery) Ceramics in America  Series edited by Robert Hunter CERAMICS: A POTTERS HANDBOOK  fifth edition by Glenn Nelson History of Pottery  by Emmanuel Cooper The Potter's Art and Color & Fire  by Garth Clark An Introduction to Art Techniques;  Ray Smith, Michael Wright, and James Horton1995; Grade Level: 5-12 (How to book)
Resources:  (continued) Texts  (for students) Articles: Foreclosure Pets are Silent Victims of Down Markets http://homebuying.about.com/b/2008/01/14/foreclosure-pets-are-casualty-of-down-markets.htm   Foreclosures slam doors on pets too http://www.usatoday.com/news/nation/environment/2008-03-24-foreclosures-pets_N.htm
Resources:  (continued) Periodicals School Arts  Arts and Activities Ceramics Monthly Clay Times Ceramics Art and Perception Pottery Making Illustrated Ceramic Review Daruma  (Japanese magazine in English)
Resources:  (continued) Study Trips Empty Bowls Banquets  Scottsburg Middle School; New Albany High School;  Bellarmine University Local food pantry Harrison County Community Services Local humane society / animal shelter / no kill shelter Harrison County Animal Control Heart Humane Society No Kill Shelter www.hearthumanesociety.com   Galleries:  (within commutable fieldtrip distance) The Speed Art Museum  2035 S 3rd St, Louisville, KY Tel: (502) 634-2700 Kentucky Museum of Art & Craft  715 W. Main St. Louisville, KY 40202 (502) 589-0102
Resources:  (continued) Internet Resources Websites: www.emptybowls.net   www.habitat.org www.samaritanspurse.org www.foreclosurepets.org   How to use PowerPoint: http://www.actden.com/pp/   http:// www.bcschools.net/staff/PowerPointHelp.htm   How to use Movie Maker:  http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/using/moviemaker/default.mspx http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/using/moviemaker/create/default.mspx  How to write skits, plays & scripts: http://42explore.com/skits&plays.htm https:// www.teacherspayteachers.com/index.php?method = Detail&ItemsId =8071
Resources:  (continued) Websites: How to build with clay: http://www.goshen.edu/art/DeptPgs/assign3.htm  (coil building) http:// www.jhpottery.com/tutorial/slab.html  (slab building) http://artswork.asu.edu/arts/students/navajo/lesson4.htm  (coil & slab) http://www.claystation.com/technical/techniques/handbuilding.html#resources http:// www.claystation.com/technical/techniques/throw.html  (wheel throwing)   Videos: Ceramics: Throwing and Handbuilding...with  Henry Mead
Resources:  (continued) Student Materials Brochures (examples from other banquets) Clay, glazes, kiln, potters wheel, canvas, modeling tools, banding wheels, plastic, moulds, rolling pins
Resources:  (continued) Speakers People & Places:  (Where to find local professional artists for classroom visits) IAC  Southern Indiana Art Council, New Albany, IN Mary Anderson Art Center  Floyds Knobs, IN Preston Art Center  New Albany, IN Contact local  Colleges & Universities  for  ceramic art professors, archeologists, anthropologists  historical expertise Contact  Louisville Clay Club  for local professional  ceramic artist s Contact  factories & laboratories  for  ceramic engineers  (designing & manufacturing from dishes, toilets & heating elements  to porcelain crowns for dentistry)  Rodica McCoy,  Ceramic Engineer , University of Louisville Manager and Co-ordinator, IAM-RE Office: Lutz Hall, Room 010; Phone: (502) 852 6348; Email:  rodica(at)louisville(dot)edu Contact Riverside Archeology for  Archeologists &  Anthropologists  in Lousiville, KY  http://www.riverside-landing.org/archaeologists.asp
Resources:  (continued) Teacher Websites: 1. Department of Education  http://www.doe.state.in.us/standards/docs-Arts/2002-08-28-INVisArtsStandards.pdf 2. Research Rubric  http:// www.sdst.org/shs/library/resrub.html   3.  Divisions of  The American Ceramic Society   ( http://www.ceramics.org/community/divisions/index.aspx ) 4.  Art Product Rubric   http://www.horton.ednet.ns.ca/staff/syme/Multi_Art_Assess/MultidiscArtAssess.pdf   5.  Art Criticism  Guidelines and Worksheet   www.pottery.netfirms.com/assignments/docs/ art _crit.doc

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A PPT on the First Three chapters of Wings of FireA PPT on the First Three chapters of Wings of Fire
A PPT on the First Three chapters of Wings of Fire
Beena E S

Problem Based Learning- Global Hunger Unit

  • 1. Problem Based Learning Global Hunger Unit Z531: Advanced Methods and Materials For Artistically Gifted Students Indiana University Bloomington Dr. Bizzari Melissa Rhinehart
  • 2. Taba AHA! activity Look at the following What the World Eats pictures *write your observations on post-it notes
  • 3. Germany: The Melander family of Bargteheide Food expenditure for one week: 375.39 Euros or $500.07 Favorite foods: fried potatoes with onions, bacon and herring, fried noodles with eggs and cheese, pizza, vanilla pudding Ecuador: The Ayme family of Tingo Food expenditure for one week: $31.55 Family recipe: Potato soup with cabbage
  • 4. Chad: The Aboubakar family of Breidjing Camp Food expenditure for one week: 685 CFA Francs or $1.23 Favorite foods: soup with fresh sheep meat Japan: The Ukita family of Kodaira City Food expenditure for one week: 37,699 Yen or $317.25 Favorite foods: sashimi, fruit, cake, potato chips
  • 5. *continue to write your observations on post-it notes
  • 6. From Global to Local Now look at statistics from your local Food Pantry
  • 7. Harrison County Community Services & Food Pantry Statistics Township Total Households Poverty Unduplicated Households Population in Township Households Served by HCCS in 2008 Blue River 1,923 780 47 103 Boone 1,217 492 28 72 Franklin 3,642 1,403 21 72 Harrison 10,303 4,287 155 1,001 Heath 1,199 495 26 138 Jackson 5,213 2,014 87 385 Morgan 3,819 1,462 62 303 Posey 2,725 1,081 9 142 Spencer 1,694 686 28 114 Taylor 718 283 0 18 Washington 256 105 2 24 Webster 1,616 611 21 85
  • 8. Taba Making Generalizations Now group your post it notes into categories on the board. What themes did you come up with? What could the problem be?
  • 9. Parnes I: Mess What is the problem? Hunger How can artistically gifted students impact global hunger? Indiana State Standard: [] Standard 12 - Students understand how art experiences affect daily life and identify opportunities for involvement in the arts. [ART.7.12.3 & 8.12.3] Identify ways one can become actively involved in supporting the arts in the community. [1-7] The arts are connected to other areas of life.
  • 10. Parnes II: Fact Finding: Knowledge: List what you know about hunger. Recall facts about food costs and / or Food Pantry Statistics Name organizations you know of that help fight hunger and / or poverty
  • 11. Questioning: Comprehension: Describe the living conditions and surroundings of the families in the pictures Discuss the quality, quantity and assortment of foods
  • 12. Parnes III: Problem Finding Hunger No resources No Jobs Poverty inequality No help from government economy Lack of education Lack of Sharing resources Some countries rich, some poor People within countries can be rich or poor Between people Between countries
  • 13. Questioning: Application: Make a graphic organizer or chart to brainstorm possible ways to help solve or alleviate the global hunger problem.
  • 14. IV: Idea Finding Brainstorming application: Education Political change Art Fair / Festival Send food Habitat For Humanity Fundraiser Jobs Hunger
  • 15. Questioning: Analysis: Sort brainstorming categories into chart for solution finding Assign each idea points based on questions Tally the points for each idea to see which idea is the best to pursue
  • 16. Parnes V: Solution Finding Directions: Rate each solution according to a 1-5 point criteria 1 = least likely or most difficult; 5 = best option / most doable TALLY Can the event be repeated in the future? Will it have a lasting impact? Will it involve many people? Will it take a long time to complete? 12 1 5 5 1 4. Jobs 19 5 4 5 5 3. Fundraising 15 5 3 4 3 2. Education 12 1 5 5 1 1. Political Change
  • 17. Questioning: Evaluation of : Assess the options (on your graphic organizer) Which option had the most points? Why? Defend your opinion (To your group) Why do you feel this is the best option? Focus for Acceptance Finding (as a class) What type of fundraising can integrate art?
  • 18. Parnes VI: Acceptance Finding Researching Fundraising ideas Internet search Empty Bowls Banquet www.emptybowls.net Fieldtrips Professionals Parent Resources Local Businesses To other Empty Bowls Banquets for organizational ideas Talks / workshops with visiting Professional Potters about making Ceramic bowls Send letters home to parents for parent Volunteers and donations Contact local business Owners to ask for help / Assess interest for involvement Habitat for Humanity www.habitat.org Operation Christmas Child www.samaritanspurse.org No due to travel & age restrictions No due to seasonal & Religious affiliations Scottsburg Middle School New Albany High School Bellarmine University
  • 19. Parnes VII: Plan of Action
  • 20. A Brief History of the Empty Bowls Banquet In 1990 a high school art teacher in Michigan helped his students solve a problem.油 They were searching for a way to raise funds to support a food drive.油 What evolved was a class project to make ceramic bowls for a fund raising meal.油 Guests were served a simple meal of soup and bread, and were invited to keep the bowl as a reminder of hunger in the world. For more program history go to: www.emptybowls.net
  • 21. Our purpose: Today at Corydon Central Junior High School our purpose is the same as the programs original intent. We hope to raise awareness about hunger issues and are donating all of our proceeds to fight hunger here in our own community. 80% of the proceeds will go to the Corydon Food Pantry (Harrison County Community Services) and 20% to an animal rescue shelter. Simply put, when people go hungry, so do their pets.
  • 22. In addition to making nearly 300 bowls for this event, many visual arts students dedicated more time, effort and energy into 1 or more of the 15 different committees necessary make this program a success. You can see examples of their work throughout this paper and in action around the banquet. Newspaper Committee: Cole McKiever, Jake Pitts, Dylan Jensen, Britton Engleman Power point / Movie Maker Committee: Alex Benton, Sponsor logo Committee: Casey Sneed, Jeremiah Lopp, Chris Mason, Tim Leonard, Bryce Brocar, Marcus Jones, Logan Croiser, Daniel Fluhr, Ethan Alcorn Fundraising / Donations / Silent Auction Committee: Ashley Benningfield, Destiny Sizemore, Austin Burke, Elijah Arms, Bryan Carrello; Center piece Committee: Regan Mosley, Olivia Lawson , Nicholas Steiner, Kody Wright, Sarah Bichir, Kitana Beauchamp; People Hunger Education Committee: Matt Dreiman, Lucien Burns, Bobby Arrearan, Shane Brown; Dog / puppy Education Committee: Brenton Mott, Jonathan Moser, Zach Wiseman, Dustin Wood, Amber Thompson, Aron Arnold, Josh Riley, Tiffany Garrow; Cat / kitten Education Committee: Brianna Norris , Felicia Glass Other pets Education Committee: Tyler Cato , Justin Sawyer, Kyle Durbin; Collage Committee: Samantha Crecelius, Cheyenne Burden, Haley Bruce, Savannah Eschbacher, Symphony LeJeune, Justina Emily, Alexis Cook, Dalton Q. Nichols, Taylor Green Ticket Design Committee: Rebecca Popham, Jackie Miller, Sarah Allen, Kelsey Johnson, Guiller Munda, Nathan Peinsipp, Kelsey Manship, Nichole Noland , Trevor Lawerence; Thank you card Committee: Sydney Windell, Rachel McGhee, Bridget Kelley, Logan Behagg, Dalton Arnold, Hanna Skelly, Kennedy Schneider, Sydney Pickman; Advertising Committee: Hannah Meyer, Megan Monroe, John Higginbotham, Jon Cissell, Hannah Carver, Brittany Blevens, Olivia Worland, Brittany Zaepfel Parnes VII: Plan of Action What Committees need to be formed?
  • 23. Questioning: Synthesis: Plan events, activities and advertising strategies for the Empty Bowls Banquet Create an agenda demonstrating how all of the activities and events will be integrated at the Banquet Design informational literature (brochure / newspaper) and / or presentation (PowerPoint / Movie Maker, etc) to educate parents, patrons & participants about how this event helps fight hunger
  • 24. Parnes VII: Plan of Action ( Synthesizing Banquet Entertainment & Fundraising Activities) Empty Bowls Agenda- (inside brochure)
  • 25. Parnes VII: Plan of Action Empty Bowls Agenda- (outside brochure)
  • 26. Parnes VII: Plan of Action Empty Bowls Newspaper
  • 28. Parnes VII: Plan of Action Wheel Throwing Creating Power Point & Movie Maker Presentations T-Shirt Design Contest
  • 29.
  • 30.
  • 32.
  • 33.
  • 34.
  • 35.
  • 36.
  • 37.
  • 39. Products Parnes VII: Plan of Action
  • 40. Parnes VII: Plan of Action Empty Bowls Banquet Show Choir : Silent Auction Jazz Band Selecting a bowl
  • 42. JH Art Committee Teacher: Melissa Rhinehart
  • 43.
  • 44. Community Business Banquet Sponsors. Empty Bowls Newspaper
  • 45. Questioning: Evaluation: Critique the final product Student Interview Questions (see following slides of Empty Bowls Newspaper)
  • 46. Empty Bowls Newspaper Standards Based Evaluation Questions
  • 47. Empty Bowls Newspaper Standards Based Evaluation Questions
  • 48. Standards Covered: [] Standard 13 - Students identify and make connections between knowledge and skill in art and all other subject areas such as humanities, sciences, and technology. [K-HS] Compares and integrates ideas, activities and studies across disciplines . [ART.7.13.2] Create an integrated product or performance and analyze how integration of disciplines enhances knowledge.
  • 49. Standards Covered: Indiana State Standards the Empty Bowls Banquet would fulfill. [] Standard 12 - Students understand how art experiences affect daily life and identify opportunities for involvement in the arts. [ART.7.12.3] Identify ways one can become actively involved in supporting the arts in the community. [1-7] The arts are connected to other areas of life.
  • 50. Standards [] Standard 9 - Students develop and apply skills using a variety of two dimensional and three dimensional media, tools, and processes to create works that communicate personal meaning. [ART.8.9.2] Demonstrate appropriate use of different media, techniques, and processes to communicate themes and ideas in their work. [7-8] Demonstrates ceramics techniques. [7-8] Demonstrates sculpture techniques.
  • 51. Facts & Figures: Student involvement: Classes involved # of students involvement and contributions Jr. Art Committee- (20) leaders in organizing, advertising and running event 7th & 8th grade Art students (335) make 200+ ceramic bowls and advertising posters Family and Consumer Science (FACS) students (20) make and serve food NJHS ( National Junior Honor Society)- (30) desserts Multimedia students (23) create PowerPoint presentation on hunger; brochures, and flyers Band students- (15) Jazz band performance (dinner entertainment) Chorus (22) Show Choir performance (dinner entertainment) 6th graders- (50) Create Hunger Awareness placemats / center pieces Some students will be participating in more than one area and in more than one class. Supplies : Material unit price # total Clay: boxes $17.50 x 11 = $192.50 Glazes: *bags $22.55 x 5 = $112.50 Bagged dry mix is cheaper than pre-mixed 18 Rolling pins: each $20.00 x10 = $200.00 We are currently only have 6 small rolling pins to make all of these bowls! TOTAL: $505.00 Prices quoted from Columbus Clay Catalog: www.columbusclay.com 1-866-410-CLAY
  • 52. Culminating Activity Delivering checks to & taking tours of the Food Pantry & Animal Shelters
  • 53. Resources: Teacher Materials Funding McDonalds Making Activities Count (MAC) Grant http://www.mckentucky.com/images/coops/92/2010_MAC_Grant_Application.pdf
  • 54. Resources: (continued) Texts (for teachers) Books: Davis, Gary A. & Rimm, Sylvia B. (2004) Education of the gifted and talented 5th edition. Renzulli,J.S. (1977). The enrichment triad model in education of the gifted. Mansfield Center, CT, Creative Learning Press. VanTassel-Baska, Joyce & Stambaugh,Tamra. (2006) Comprehensive curriculum for gifted learners, Third Edition.
  • 55. Resources: (continued) Texts (for students) Hunger Books: What the World Eats by Faith D'Aluisio , Peter Menzel Ceramics Books: 500 Bowls: Contemporary Explorations of a Timeless Design (Lark Ceramics Book) by Marcianne J. E. Miller 10,000 Years of Pottery , by Emmanuel Cooper If These Pots Could Talk by Ivor Noel Hume - Archaeologist & social historian (British, Roman & German pottery) Ceramics in America Series edited by Robert Hunter CERAMICS: A POTTERS HANDBOOK fifth edition by Glenn Nelson History of Pottery by Emmanuel Cooper The Potter's Art and Color & Fire by Garth Clark An Introduction to Art Techniques; Ray Smith, Michael Wright, and James Horton1995; Grade Level: 5-12 (How to book)
  • 56. Resources: (continued) Texts (for students) Articles: Foreclosure Pets are Silent Victims of Down Markets http://homebuying.about.com/b/2008/01/14/foreclosure-pets-are-casualty-of-down-markets.htm Foreclosures slam doors on pets too http://www.usatoday.com/news/nation/environment/2008-03-24-foreclosures-pets_N.htm
  • 57. Resources: (continued) Periodicals School Arts Arts and Activities Ceramics Monthly Clay Times Ceramics Art and Perception Pottery Making Illustrated Ceramic Review Daruma (Japanese magazine in English)
  • 58. Resources: (continued) Study Trips Empty Bowls Banquets Scottsburg Middle School; New Albany High School; Bellarmine University Local food pantry Harrison County Community Services Local humane society / animal shelter / no kill shelter Harrison County Animal Control Heart Humane Society No Kill Shelter www.hearthumanesociety.com Galleries: (within commutable fieldtrip distance) The Speed Art Museum 2035 S 3rd St, Louisville, KY Tel: (502) 634-2700 Kentucky Museum of Art & Craft 715 W. Main St. Louisville, KY 40202 (502) 589-0102
  • 59. Resources: (continued) Internet Resources Websites: www.emptybowls.net www.habitat.org www.samaritanspurse.org www.foreclosurepets.org How to use PowerPoint: http://www.actden.com/pp/ http:// www.bcschools.net/staff/PowerPointHelp.htm How to use Movie Maker: http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/using/moviemaker/default.mspx http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/using/moviemaker/create/default.mspx How to write skits, plays & scripts: http://42explore.com/skits&plays.htm https:// www.teacherspayteachers.com/index.php?method = Detail&ItemsId =8071
  • 60. Resources: (continued) Websites: How to build with clay: http://www.goshen.edu/art/DeptPgs/assign3.htm (coil building) http:// www.jhpottery.com/tutorial/slab.html (slab building) http://artswork.asu.edu/arts/students/navajo/lesson4.htm (coil & slab) http://www.claystation.com/technical/techniques/handbuilding.html#resources http:// www.claystation.com/technical/techniques/throw.html (wheel throwing) Videos: Ceramics: Throwing and Handbuilding...with Henry Mead
  • 61. Resources: (continued) Student Materials Brochures (examples from other banquets) Clay, glazes, kiln, potters wheel, canvas, modeling tools, banding wheels, plastic, moulds, rolling pins
  • 62. Resources: (continued) Speakers People & Places: (Where to find local professional artists for classroom visits) IAC Southern Indiana Art Council, New Albany, IN Mary Anderson Art Center Floyds Knobs, IN Preston Art Center New Albany, IN Contact local Colleges & Universities for ceramic art professors, archeologists, anthropologists historical expertise Contact Louisville Clay Club for local professional ceramic artist s Contact factories & laboratories for ceramic engineers (designing & manufacturing from dishes, toilets & heating elements to porcelain crowns for dentistry) Rodica McCoy, Ceramic Engineer , University of Louisville Manager and Co-ordinator, IAM-RE Office: Lutz Hall, Room 010; Phone: (502) 852 6348; Email: rodica(at)louisville(dot)edu Contact Riverside Archeology for Archeologists & Anthropologists in Lousiville, KY http://www.riverside-landing.org/archaeologists.asp
  • 63. Resources: (continued) Teacher Websites: 1. Department of Education http://www.doe.state.in.us/standards/docs-Arts/2002-08-28-INVisArtsStandards.pdf 2. Research Rubric http:// www.sdst.org/shs/library/resrub.html 3. Divisions of The American Ceramic Society ( http://www.ceramics.org/community/divisions/index.aspx ) 4. Art Product Rubric http://www.horton.ednet.ns.ca/staff/syme/Multi_Art_Assess/MultidiscArtAssess.pdf 5. Art Criticism Guidelines and Worksheet www.pottery.netfirms.com/assignments/docs/ art _crit.doc