The stakeholder wanted to close the gap after a young professional program to continue developing. The first prototype of buying the company did not work as it was too big a step. The second prototype involved simulating a personal branding workshop, where they discussed points from a program and got insights. Both gained clarity on options and adapted advice, and worked to understand each other through open discussion.
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Problem description
1. Problem Description:
Stakeholder needs a way to close the gap after the Young professional program to keep developing
in the right way.
First Prototype:
Idea. You buy the company and place yourself in the right position. The plan was to experience how
this feels. We started up a role play and I asked the stakeholder how this works for her.
Unfortunately this did not work out at all. Apparently this step was way to big to even start feeling
how this is.
Second Prototype:
Idea: Follow a personal branding workshop.
We simulated the workshop. At first we made a program of the points we wanted to discuss. A few
from me (as the teacher), and a few from the trainee. While following the program we discussed the
points we wanted to cover. This gave us both some nice insights.
What happened was: we both got a clear view of the options we have. I got a clear impressions of
what’s imortant to her and could adapt my advice to that.
Sometimes I didn’t get it quite right, but because of the open mind of us both, we got our facts