Groups of 4 students with different colored dots will brainstorm how authoring environments can be used across communication modes. They will then choose one idea to develop into an activity that connects across modes of communication, situates the activity in a lesson, includes an example, and provides an assessment tool.
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Process Groups
1. Ready: Create groups of 4Heterogeneous groups based on your color dots! In other words, each group must consist of a blue, orange, gold, and green!There will be 2 groups of 5
2. Get set: BrainstormHow can the various authoring environments we have explored be used across the modes of communication?You may record your brainstorming in any environment/medium you wish¡.
3. GO! Create! Choose one idea to develop.What do you want students to know and be able to do? How will you know they can do it/know it?Present the following in any way you wish¡..1. Develop the activity per the DOE form2. Connect the activity across the modes/situate it in a lesson/unit3. Create an example (model)4. Create an assessment tool