The document discusses process management for training, operations and consistency. It describes how processes are managed across departments rather than within individual departments. It also outlines different stages of process maturity from undefined processes to ongoing improvement. The document further details various stages of process documentation and mapping, and provides tools and steps for successful implementation of process management including getting management buy-in, assigning process leaders, and launching discovery and documentation stages.
5. Process MaturityProcess Management- Amon MunyanezaOngoing ImprovementGoverning Structure DefinedMeasurement and Value Chains Defined Departmental Projects and Some Processes DefinedProcess Objectives Defined
6. Simple Process Documentation StagesProcess Management- Amon Munyaneza
16. NEXT STEPS7. Launch Documentation stage 6. Launch Discovery Stage5. Create a data collection tool 4. Create a process documentation guide3. Present to company for support and input2. Assign process leader 1. Get management buy-inProcess Management- Amon Munyaneza