The document outlines different design approaches from several people, with varying processes involving initial client/user understanding, developing potential solutions, communicating proposals, implementation, and completion/feedback. While there is no single correct approach, most processes involve some form of analysis, synthesis of solutions, evaluation, communication, and producing a final output or design.
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process of Design
1. Design approach by JayeshSoni..User / clientStudy/ understanding Need/ requirementWorking out possible solution Outline proposal of solutionCommunicate to userImplementation of designCompletion of design
4. Design approach by AsthaKhare..Briefing & Analysis (included detailed study)Synthesize more than one solution Evaluation & communicationSite operation preconstruction and construction
5. Detail drawingSchedule of ratesTenderSite operationFinal supervisionFeedback Design approach of Niteesh Kumar Patel
8. Design approach by AdityaPalhekar..I don’t think or agree to the statement that there is a thumb rule or a particular path.One has to go though each and every place of designing but the sequential order varies for every person and from project to project.assimilationGeneral studydevelopmentcommunicationFinal output