2. The certificate of eligibility for nonimmigrant
student status form, commonly known as the I 20
form is a document that furnishes information on
the F or M status of a student. This document is
generally issued by the United States Department
of Homeland Security and the Student and
Exchange Visitor Program. The I 20 form is
exclusively supplied to students who hold F-1,
F-2, M-1, and M-2 status.
3. Consult the Advisor:- In order
to apply for a transfer I 20 form,
a student must consult the
international student advisor.
The transfer advisor will make
an analysis and provide transfer
release date. After getting the
release date, the I 20 form will
be processed within a week.
To obtain a transfer I 20
certificate, follow the below
mentioned steps:
4. Submit Your Information:-Submit
your full name the SEVIS code to
your international advisor and all
other necessary documents.
International Financial
Certification Form:- After getting
enrolled in a program, submit the
international financial certification
form online.
To obtain a transfer I 20
certificate, follow the below
mentioned steps:
5. Form Processing:- After
submitting the international
financial certification form, all
you have to do is wait for the I
20 form to get processed.
To obtain a transfer I 20
certificate, follow the below
mentioned steps:
A d d r e s s : 6 3 0 9 t h A v e n u e , 9 t h
F l o o r ( S u i t e 9 0 1 ) , N Y
E m a i l : i n f o @ s t u d y e s l . o r g
P h o n e : 6 4 6 - 3 0 7 - 8 6 8 4
To know about transfer I 20 form and the process of obtaining it, visit