This document outlines a process for career reinvention that involves 5 steps: 1) Learn about yourself by evaluating your values, passions, strengths and getting feedback. 2) Discover new learning and question assumptions to form new criteria. 3) Broaden your options and brainstorm possibilities. 4) Evaluate which options are the best fit based on your self-knowledge and new criteria. 5) Create a plan and take action to implement short-term and long-term goals along your new career path.
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Process of reinvention
1. Process of Reinvention
Learn about Yourself
Evaluate your Values, Call, Legacy, Passions, Strengths, Skills, Motivators/Drivers, Preferences,
Solicit Feedback
Look for themes, dreams, glass balls, rubber balls
New Learning
Question the Givens
Formulate new criteria for making decisions
What are your parameters in terms of family responsibilities, financial limits, physical limits,
geographic ties?
How do I and others view myself and how would I like to tweak this in the future?
Discover Options
Broaden your possibilities, think out of the box
Brainstorm based on the first two steps
Research online, informational interview, shadow
Evaluate Fit
Narrow the field of options
What will be the role of meaningful work and amount of time, configuration of work, level of risk,
training needed?
What options align with the new givens, and what I know about myself, and are open/growing areas?
Experiment, try something on eg. Intern
2. Plan Action
Draw on your Blueprint from Steps 1-4 and formulate Short Term and Long Term Goals with actions
to be taken and a timeline
Move Forward
Implement the Goals, on a daily, weekly basis with ongoing evaluation, preparing for detours, and
increase network, building in rewards, look for mentor, traveling
companion on new path forward.