A4 Posters on Steps during Process Writing.
I tried to keep the wording and questions on the students' level.
Perfect for the writing corner!
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Process Writing Posters
1. Brainstorm
Think of some ideas
and ask important
≒ Whats my topic?
≒ Why?
≒ For who?
≒ What information do I need?
Talk to some people
about your ideas.
2. Research
Get information about your topic.
From the internet, the library or interview some
people who know about your topic.
3. Plan
Think about how you want to organize/
arrange your writing so people will
understand it better. (e.g. 1st 2nd 3rd)
4. Draft
Using your plan,
write a 鍖rst draft.
Then, review your
draft and rewrite
(i.e. add, delete, change)
Write as many
drafts as you need
until you get your
BEST draft.
5. Conference
Talk to a teacher, classmate or parent.
How can I make my writing better?
6. Edit
Check your writing (i.e. spelling, grammar,
organization, etc.) Do a self-edit then a
peer-edit (i.e. classmate, parent or teacher)
7. Give a
Get your work
Let others see
your hard work!
Be proud!
Present or
8. Reflect
Think about your
writing process
and experience.
≒ What was easy?
≒ What was hard?
≒ What did I do well?
≒ What can I do better
next time?