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Processing of Social and Monetary
 Rewards in the Human Striatum
         K.Izuma et al. 2008 Neuron

                                       Anna Jo
                                March 16th, 2010
Acquisition of ones good reputation
        =? Monetary Reward

                                     Reward-related Brain area
                                    Common Neural Currency

        1) Both the anticipation and delivery of the reward (Schultz et al., 2000)
        2) Increased activation in response not only to primary rewards such as
        liquid or food (McClure et al.,2003) and sexual stimuli (Arnow et al., 2002)
        but also to money, which is a secondary reward (Knutson et al., 2000)
        3) To be modulated by the perception of the moral character (or reputation)
        of others (Delgado et al., 2005)
        4) Developing the reputation of other players during an economic game
        (King-Casas et al., 2005)
How the brain processes Ones own positive reputation:
                                  Social exchange theory

                                                              Good Reputation

                           Direct reward
                                                        Happiness       Social Approval
                                                       => A Hedonic    => A Motivational
                                                       component of      component of
Anticipated                                              Reward            Reward
                                                         Liking         Wanting

                                                              Monetary Reward
                                       Altruism and
        Expected gain in
        reputation and

                                       perception of
        influence on


       By Thibaut & Kelley 1959
Experiment Paradigm for
                          the Monetary Reward Experiment

[ Experimental Design ]
1.   Participants: 19 subjects (9 male)
2.   Each block consisted of eight
     trials (24 s)
3.   20 blocks for each of the four
     conditions [HMR, LMR, NoMR,
     and fixation rest]
4.   A total of four 8 min sessions
Experiment Paradigm for
                           the Social Reward Experiment

[ Experimental Design ]
1.   A self-introduction phase + A
     social reward acquisition phase.
2.   the same 19 subjects were
     presented with a picture of
     themselves and a word or
     phrase indicating the impression
     of them
3.   84 were selected for the fMRI
     experiment (42 items each for
     the HSR and LSR conditions)
Behavioral Results

   Monetary Reward                   Social Reward

 The mean reaction time :       HSR conditions more
1) HMR condition (490           desirable than LSR
ms) slower than NoMR            conditions
condition (448 ms),              Happier in the HSR-Self
2) LMR condition (451 ms)       condition than the LSR-Self
did not differ significantly    condition
from the other two               The mean reaction time:
conditions.                     1) NoSR condition (681 ms:
                                the fastest) / LSR condition
                                (1337 ms: the slowest)
                                2) Self condition (slower than
                                for the Other condition-HSR)
Imaging Results

Striatum      Thalamus      Cerebellum    Monetary Reward vs. Social Reward
                                          the left caudate nucleus and putamen

  caudate       bilateral
  nucleus       putamen

       1. Uniquely activated by social rewards
       2. Theory of mind (Gallagher and Frith, 2003), self-
       reflection (Johnson et al., 2002; Kelley et al., 2002),
       and reflected self-knowledge (Ochsner et al., 2005)
       3. mPFC involvement in self-reflection in the context
       of attributions made by others

                                                Ones own reputation

                                                  A good reputation
                                                  A primary reward

 Mid    Monetary
                          Striatum                 Why do people
brain   Reward
                                                sometimes engage in
                                                pro-social behaviors
                                                  while giving up
                                                 monetary benefits?


                       How and where the negative reward value of a bad
                       reputation is represented remains to be explored.

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Processing Of Social And Monetary Rewards In The Human Striatum

  • 1. Processing of Social and Monetary Rewards in the Human Striatum K.Izuma et al. 2008 Neuron Anna Jo March 16th, 2010
  • 2. Acquisition of ones good reputation =? Monetary Reward Striatum: Reward-related Brain area Common Neural Currency 1) Both the anticipation and delivery of the reward (Schultz et al., 2000) 2) Increased activation in response not only to primary rewards such as liquid or food (McClure et al.,2003) and sexual stimuli (Arnow et al., 2002) but also to money, which is a secondary reward (Knutson et al., 2000) 3) To be modulated by the perception of the moral character (or reputation) of others (Delgado et al., 2005) 4) Developing the reputation of other players during an economic game (King-Casas et al., 2005)
  • 3. How the brain processes Ones own positive reputation: Social exchange theory Good Reputation Direct reward Happiness Social Approval => A Hedonic => A Motivational component of component of Anticipated Reward Reward Liking Wanting reciprocity Monetary Reward Altruism and Expected gain in reputation and perception of influence on efficacy others By Thibaut & Kelley 1959
  • 4. Experiment Paradigm for the Monetary Reward Experiment [ Experimental Design ] 1. Participants: 19 subjects (9 male) 2. Each block consisted of eight trials (24 s) 3. 20 blocks for each of the four conditions [HMR, LMR, NoMR, and fixation rest] 4. A total of four 8 min sessions
  • 5. Experiment Paradigm for the Social Reward Experiment [ Experimental Design ] 1. A self-introduction phase + A social reward acquisition phase. 2. the same 19 subjects were presented with a picture of themselves and a word or phrase indicating the impression of them 3. 84 were selected for the fMRI experiment (42 items each for the HSR and LSR conditions)
  • 6. Behavioral Results Monetary Reward Social Reward The mean reaction time : HSR conditions more 1) HMR condition (490 desirable than LSR ms) slower than NoMR conditions condition (448 ms), Happier in the HSR-Self 2) LMR condition (451 ms) condition than the LSR-Self did not differ significantly condition from the other two The mean reaction time: conditions. 1) NoSR condition (681 ms: the fastest) / LSR condition (1337 ms: the slowest) 2) Self condition (slower than for the Other condition-HSR)
  • 7. Imaging Results Striatum Thalamus Cerebellum Monetary Reward vs. Social Reward the left caudate nucleus and putamen bilateral caudate bilateral nucleus putamen
  • 8. Discussion 1. Uniquely activated by social rewards 2. Theory of mind (Gallagher and Frith, 2003), self- reflection (Johnson et al., 2002; Kelley et al., 2002), mPFC and reflected self-knowledge (Ochsner et al., 2005) 3. mPFC involvement in self-reflection in the context of attributions made by others
  • 9. Discussion Ones own reputation OFC A good reputation = A primary reward Mid Monetary Striatum Why do people brain Reward sometimes engage in pro-social behaviors while giving up monetary benefits? Insula How and where the negative reward value of a bad reputation is represented remains to be explored.