Sustainability is the ability to continue a defined behavior indefinitely. To define what environmental sustainability is we turn to the experts. Herman Daly, one of the early pioneers of ecological sustainability, looked at the problem from a maintenance of natural capital viewpoint.
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Proclaiming value via sustainable pricing strategies
Corporate mission and
Pricing objectives
Pricing Strategy
Internal Constraints
Legal Constraints
Customer Demand
Competitive Action
3. Internal Pricing Constraints
The constraints within the firm reflect the costs incurred to produce,
sell, and deliver a product.
One can distinguish between fixed and variable costs associated with
a product.
Fixed costs refer to cost factors that do not change in the short run.
variable costs refer to costs that fluctuate with the amount of
product sold.
4. Customer Demand
In order to assess the potential of a market or market
segment, it is necessary to understand what is valued by
the customer.
Value may be defined in the following manner:
Value = Desired benefits/Relative cost
5. Legal Constraints
The legal constraints refer to the regulatory
requirements associated with the marketing of
green products.
These constraints are established and regulated at
the international, regional, state, and local levels.
6. Pricing Strategies
Carbon offset pricing refers to situations under which the marketer of a
green product enables the purchaser to compensate for the greenhouse gas
emissions associated with consumption.
In many cases, the specific strategies the firm will use are based on the
firm s position in the market.
Break even point
Cost based pricing
valued based pricing