Product Mixed Dicision : Types, Concept and strategies
1. Presented by
Name:- Mukesh Vinod Kapse
Class:- Bpharm 4th year(8th sem)
Roll no.:- 32
Hi-tech College Of Pharmacy, Chandrapur
2. ? Definition
? Types of product mix decision
? Product mix concept
? Product mix strategies
? Line stretching
? Up market stretch
? Reference
3. ? Product mix:- As the total composite of products offered
by a particular organization, consists of both product lines
and individual products.
? Product line:- Is a group of products within the product
mix that are closely related, either because they function in
a similar manner, are sold to the same customer groups,
are marketed through the same types of outlets, or fall
within given price ranges.
4. 1) Product width:- it refers to the no. of different product lines
the company carries.
2) Product length:- It is the total no. of items the company
carries within its products lines.
3) Product depth:- It refers to the no. of versions, offered of
each product in the line.
4) Product consistency:- It refers to how closely related the
various product lines are in end use, production
requirements, distribution channels, or some other way.
5. ? Product mix:- Set of all products offered by the company
for sale.
? Product line:- A group of related products constitute a
product line.
? Width of product mix:- No. of product lines in the product
lines in the product mix
- Example: 10 lines in HUL¡¯s product mix.
- Length of the product mix is the total no. of items in the
mix (in example, it is 46)
? Avg length of a line:- Total length/no of lines.
6. ? Depth:- The depth of the product mix is the assortment of all
sizes, colours and variation offered for each product in the
product line
- For example: Lifebuoy active red comes in three sizes-
125 gms, 100 gms and 60 gms cakes.
? Consistency:- Closeness exhibited by the product lines in
production requirements, distribution and end usage.
- For example: Most of the HUL product lines are
consistent as they are consumer goods distributed using
similar channels and produced using similar facilities.
7. ? Trading up:- Offer high priced, prestige products to their
existing product line in an effort to increase the sale of their
low priced products, and enhance the company image.
-Eg: Lifestyle
? Trading down:- New products, low priced to the existing line
-Eg: Marriot corporation introduced a new chain of hotels
called ¡® Holiday Inn¡¯ to cater to the needs of not so affluent
8. ? A company stretches its product line beyond the current
range of products.
? It can stretch its product line in either the down market, up
market or both.
? Down market stretch:- Introduce the peoducts at a lower
- Eg: 3 Roses for the lower end market (HUL)
? Reasons:- Middle market stagnation, potential for growth in
down market, aim to tie up with the lower end competitors.
9. ? Enter the high end of the market
? The objective of the firm may be to have higher growth,
increase its margins, or to simply project itself as a full line
mfgg firm
- Eg: Lipton yellow label (HUL) is a high end stretch with Rs
75 for 250 gms tea.
? A company serving in the middle market might indulge in
stretching its product line both ways- Upward and Downward.
10. 1) A book of pharmaceutical marketing management by
Shalini Sharma, Pee Vee Publication of PCI, New Delhi,
Pg No: 64-65