Mohamed and his group discussed their film production and scheduled shooting for their opening scene at Primrose Hill on November 12th. However, filming had to be stopped early due to snow. They continued shooting additional scenes on November 14th and 16th at various London locations. The group reviewed footage on November 20th and reshot scenes as needed. By November 22nd, they had uploaded all footage to their computers to begin the editing process at home.
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Production log
1. Mohamed Mahmoud
Production Log
On Wednesday 7th of November, me and my group members got together and discussed when our
filming will be also we looked at the preparation task to try and produce an outstanding piece of
Monday 12th November, we prepared to shoot our first scene. So therefore we went to primrose hill
because our opening scene will be set there. The filming was filmed in the morning because the group
decided it will be best and also it is not packed. The atmosphere wasn’t perfect but we could work
with it so it didn’t really matter, but suddenly half way to finish filming it started to snow so we had to
stop the rest of the session and postpone it till the snow stopped and disappeared.
Wednesday 14th November, we got back to finishing our opening scene the weather was the same as
before so we didn’t have to start filming all over again. We started to film our second shot outside
Haverstock school in this shot we had 2 characters walking to the shop to connote it was a normal
day. But we had to wait till there were no pedestrians, busses, cars, cyclists and other distractions
that will get in our way while filming. So then we had a chance because there were no distractions we
managed to get two versions of that scene so it will be handy when we start editing.
Friday 16th November, we filmed another scene but this is where all the dramatic running scene came
in. I and my group members went to a local estate to film in a block of flats were I will be getting
chased. We had permission to film in the block of flats because my friend lived there and said it was
ok. We took different shots in different positions also lots of shots of me getting chased so we can
pick out the best one.
Tuesday 20th November, we went through our footages and the ones that’s weren’t good enough we
went out and filmed them we also got feedback from our teacher for what scene needed to be re
filmed and that worked out for the best. After that we went for some last shots it all went to plan our
group managed to film everything that wasn’t filmed also we gained a lot more confidence from
before and gained more knowledge and our shots were a lot more better we also had permission to
borrow the camera for the weekend and get some scenes and shots done so that was very useful.
Thursday 22nd November, we uploaded all the shots in our video camera to use and edit from there I
put all the shots in to my hard drive so did everyone else from then on we worked separately. After
that I arranged the shots and put them under titles so it will be easy for me to find.
2. Mohamed Mahmoud
Friday 23rd November, finally The editing software was downloaded and put on to the computer but
there was one problem it was only downloaded to 1 room so we couldn’t do it any were else and the
room was sometimes used, so therefore to make it easier we downloaded the software at home so
we can edit at home.