The document introduces a 25 question productivity challenge to help assess personal productivity habits. It asks the reader to rate how often certain productive behaviors occur, from "always" to "rarely". Based on the total score, it provides interpretations on one's productivity level and suggestions to maintain or improve it, such as utilizing time management training programs. The overall message is that taking the challenge can help gain greater control over one's time and increase long-term productivity.
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Productivity Challenge
1. Take a minute to gain an
hour a day... for life
Control your time and increase your productivity... for life
2. Too much to do and not enough time to do it?
Its a dilemma we face daily. Fortunately, its one that can be resolved.
Take the Productivity Challenge by honestly answering the following 25 questions.
You will then be able to more closely assess your personal productivity and discover how
to gain control over what is out of control... for life!
PRODUCTIVITY CHALLENGE always usually sometimes rarely
1 I can comfortably say no to those less important interruptions
that interfere with important activities and/or create work overload. O O O O
2 I work an average work day of less than 10 hours, 5 days a week. O O O O
3 I have enough time for personal priorities and rest. O O O O
4 I consistently meet or beat personal and business deadlines. O O O O
5 I have a written 3 year plan of both professional and personal
objectives that I plan to achieve. O O O O
6 I delegate both at home and at work those activities that are not the
highest and best use of my time and skills, but are still necessary O O O O
7 I have a process in place to communicate and monitor delegated
tasks with their agreed upon deadlines. O O O O
8 I leave work and the details of business behind me when I leave
each evening. O O O O
9 I can readily retrieve key details and information on recent
conversations, meetings, projects and related work from an
organised file. O O O O
10 I have written timeline for all projects that focuses not just on the
deadlines, but also on the start dates and interim points of
measurement. O O O O
11 My written daily plan is prioritised with time estimates, to
establish a realistic workload allowing for major interruptions,
routine activities, and personal recovery time. O O O O
12 I comfortably complete my daily plan each day with time left to
reflect on my accomplishments, and to plan for tomorrow. O O O O
13 I am on time for work, meetings, appointments and personal
commitments. O O O O
14 I make time to systematically learn from experience and to
implement important innovations that will improve productivity
and results. O O O O
15 I measure my progress regularly against my annual, monthly
and daily objectives. O O O O
3. PRODUCTIVITY CHALLENGE Continued always usually sometimes rarely
16 I find it easy to make commitments outside of the the office
without them competing with my job. O O O O
17 I keep conversations on the phone and in face-to-face meetings
brief and to the point. O O O O
18 Before telephoning or meeting with someone, I have written notes
on key points or questions I wish to address. O O O O
19 I record points raised in conversations, noting commitments made,
actions required, and agreed upon timing from all meetings
and telephone calls. O O O O
20 I routinely clean my personal organiser and files of information
that is not up to date or relevant. O O O O
21 I work from a clean desk with only the current project and my
organiser at hand. O O O O
22 I can access desktop details, including my calendar, the days
priorities, important notes for the day, and phone numbers while
away from my workstation. O O O O
23 While away from my workstation, I have a process for gathering
and transferring meeting notes, calendar changes, details of
conversations and important information/data at the end of the day. O O O O
24 After an interruption I can readily return to my daily written plan
and get back to the days priorities. O O O O
25 I am healthy and free of stress related illnesses, such as
headaches, stomach problems, fatigue, or irritability. O O O O
Your score and what it means
Total number checked in always column x4=
Total number checked in usually column x3=
Total number checked in sometimes column x2=
Total number checked in rarely column x1=
C: your total score
(total of column B)
Add individual scores (C) and divide by the number of participants to find average team score
4. If your score is If your score is If your score is
90-100 55-89 25-54
Congratulations. Your score puts Your score shows you definitely Your score indicates youre facing
you at the top of Prioritys have the basic skills knowledge what thousands of people face:
productivity chart. You have the for managing time. But in todays too much to do, too little time to
skills and the discipline to man- increasingly pressured environ- do it - a constant juggling act! You
age time and activities for ment, that wont be enough to can only imagine what it would be
enhanced performance. Youre keep you from getting further and like to operate from a single
likely to be the person with the further behind in your work or in source for information and plan-
clear desk. Youre also the one your commitment and responsibil- ning or control multiple tasks with
who delegates effectively and ities to your family, friends and ease. Youre a perfect candidate
maintains a balanced lifestyle. yourself. Priority Management for Priority Manager training - an
To help you maintain your training may be exactly what you exclusive programme that helps
effectiveness, you may want to need to ensure you reach your you gain control and increase
select from Prioritys performance- goals and meet future challenges. productivity from day one!
enhancing processes. Contact Get in touch with us, at the In addition to the easy-to-follow,
Priority Management, at the address below, and take controlof easy-to-implement training, you
address below, to get details of all your life... for the rest of your life! will receive the Priority Manager
our training opportunities. Learning Guide, a personal con-
sultation and no-charge refresher
training whenever necessary.
Contact us at the address below.
Priority/Vision Management
Excelsiorlaan 4b, B-1930 Zaventem
Tel: +32 2 663 64 24
Fax: +32 2 673 16 26
I am also interested in learning more about the following Priority training programmes:
Project Management Breakthroughs Priority Coaching Territory Management & Prospecting
Key Account Management Negotiating Breakthroughs Selling Breakthroughs
Customer Service Breakthroughs Priority Influencing
Control your time and increase your productivity... for life